Prthviraj Rarhaura Veli Ktisana Rukameni ri



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Veli Krisana Rukamani ri Rathora raja Prithi Raja ri kahi.


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EDITED BY Dr. L. P. TESSITORI. PART I: DINGALA TEXT with Notes and Glossary.


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BARDIC AND HISTORICAL SURVEY OF RAJPUTANA. Veli Krisana Rukamani ri Rathora raja Prithi Raja ri kahi.




PART I: DINGALA TEXT with Notes and Glossary.


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This ^^ Vel of Krsna and Rukmini”’ by Rathora Prithi Raja of Bikaner, which I have the privilege to edit for the first time in the present volume, is one of the most fulgent gems in the rich mine of the Rajasthani literature. Composed in the lumi- nous days of Akbar, this masterpiece of the Rajput muse has been awarded the palm by the consensus of all the bards who have sat in the tribunal of critic from those times to this day. The contemporary bard who hailed the apparition of the new star in the Parnassian sky as “a fifth Veda or 2 ninetieth Purana ’’! was, in a grossly inappropriate but very expressive language, only giving vent to his unbounded admiration ; while the other bard who pictured the Veli as ‘‘a veritable ereeper of ambrosia spreading in luxuriant growth all over the earth,” " was at the same time proclaiming the immortality of the poem and foretelling the immense diifusion which it was destined to obtain in the land of Dingala. Jn a less pictur- esque, but more accurate language, one would say to-day that this little poem by Prithi Raja is one of the most perfect pro- ductions of the Dingala literature, a marvel of poetical ingenu- ity, in which like in the Taj of Agra, elaborateness of detail is combined with simplicity of conception, and exquisiteness of feeling is glorified in immaculateness of form.

That a work of such refinement could be composed by a

1 Adho Duras6, a famous name, according to MS. 1 of Descr. Cat. of Bard. and Histl. MSS., i, ii (pp. 1026-!03a of the MS.), but Gadana Rama Singha according to MS. 21 of Op. cit. (p. 1396 of the MS.). The song in question is a gita and begins :--

aaa गुण लखण रूप गुण रचावण

वेलि तास कुण करै वखाा |

ataat वेद भाख्यौ पीथल एणियौ उगणीसमौ GET १॥...०४९.

? This is a chappaya kavitta, beginning :—

afa बीज जल्‌ विमल सकति fafa रोपी सद्धर |

पच दोद्धा गुण पदप वास लोभो लखमीवर्‌ |...etc.

(Descr. Cat. of Bard. and Histl. MSS., i, ii, 38, pp. 302 a-b ; and ii, i, 28, p. 1255). The name of the author is not recorded'in the manu- scripts. : :


Rajput, need not cause surprise. We are accustomed to think of the Rajput as of a man who delights only in bathing his scimitar in the blood of an enemy, or in pursuing with his spear the wild boar in the desert, but we are doing him a great wrong if we imagine that he is only a warrior, and 38 incapable of any gentle emotion. If he is a warrior in war, he is quite another man in peace. In the otium of his house he transforms himself into an epicurean of a very versatile taste. and if he is very often partial to the brutish pleasures of the cup and of the table, he is not on that account less exquisitely sensible to the high emotions of love, religion. and poetry. In love you will find him sensual, selfish, and inconstant, but at the same time refined and gentle; in religion blind and superstitious, but at the same time convinced ; love and religion are indeed the two principal chords in the psychical lyre of the Rajput and, if he is born to be an Arion, he need only play upon these two chords to find within himself his inspiration. Of poetical train- ing the Rajput has always received a full measure from his inseparable Mentor, the bard. What marvel, then, if a Rajput of genius rises to win with his verses an immortality, which he could have never conquered with his sword? Prithi Raja is not the only Rajput who has won the poetical laurels, and the Rathora dynasty of Bikaner alone can boast of one or two other distinguished names.

IT need not introduce Prithi Raja to the readers of Tod, nor could I compose of him a better elogium than Tod did with two strokes of his masterly brush: ‘* Prithi Raja was one of the most gallant chieftains of the age, and like the Troubadour princes of the west, could grace a cause with the soul-inspiring effusions of the muse, as well as aid it with his sword; nay, in an assembly of the bards of Rajasthan the palm of merit was unanimously awarded to the Rathora cavalier.” '! Pritht Raja was a brother of raja Rai Singha of Bikaner, and like the latter had the fortune to see the splendour of the court of Akbar and to share the glory of some of Akbar’s campaigns. He was born, according to one chronicle”, in the year Samvat 1606 (about 1550 4.7.), and was therefore, if the date is correct, about eight years younger than his brother Rai Singha, who succeeded to the (वव of Bikaner at the death of his father Kalyana Mala about the year 1574 4.p. (Samvat 1630). When, shortly afterwards, Rai Singha was given an important com- mand in the Gujarat campaign, Prithi Raja was probably in- corporated in the Bikaneri contingent and must have remained

1 Annals of Mewar, chapter xi, p. 273 of Routledge’s edition. In the extract I have taken the liberty to alter Pirtht Raj into Pritht Raja, Rajasthan into Rajasthan, and Rahtore into Rathora.

2 प्रिथौराज कल्याणमलौत सं? १६३०६ रा मगखिर वदि HAA ..... (Deser. Cat. of Bard. and Histl. MSS., i, 1, 18, p. 455a).


in active service at least प४] 1581 ~^ .7., when, as Abu-l-Fazl tells us,! he took part in the imperial expedition against Mirza Hakim of Kabul. His gallantry in the field won him a fief in Gagurana, the ancient stronghold of the Khicis in Eastern Raj- putana which the brave Acala Dasa had watered with his blood. But his poetical genius and his piety won for Prithi Raja a much greater distinction. His verses became famous in all the Rajput courts and, as often happens in India and not in India alone, his genius and his singular piety were associated with some supernatural power which he was believed to possess, and he was honoured as a clairvovant and a saint-even during his own lifetime. It is the same thing that has happened to the more famous Tulasi Dasa who, incidentally, was Prithi Raja’s contemporary. Both Tulasi Dasa and Prithi Raja, the one in the east and the other in the west, the one a brah- min and the other a Rajput, felt the impulse of the same stimulus: the wave of religious fervour which in the sixteenth century swept over the whole breadth of the country and deter- mined a revival of Visnuism on the basis not of knowledge (72124), but of devotion and faith (bhakti). Tulasi Dasa, the brahmin, preferred to adore the Lord under the form of Rama; Prithi Raja, the Rajput, under the form of Krsna, the former no doubt on account of his austere asceticism, the latter on account of his sensuality; Tulasi Dasa selected for the theme of his Ramacaritamanasa the noble career of the virtuous Rama, Prithi Raja sang in his Veli a love adventure of the libertine Krsna.

But with Prithi Raja the spirit of devotion never grew so strong as to defeat that pride, that fighting spirit, and that thirst of enjovments which form the nature of a Rajput, and Prithi Raja, as far as we know, never laid down his sword to take up a rosary, nor renounced the pleasures of his zenana for a miserable life of mortification. The Rajput cannot suffer emasculation, nor diminution of dignity on any account. The stories which are current concerning Prithi Raja, and the poems which he has left, bear evidence of his strong character, high spiritedness, and energy. He was an admirer of courage and unbending dignitv, and a sworn enemy of degradation and cringing servilitv. With the same freeness with which he would compose a song in praise of an act of gallantry or of determination performed by a friend or by a foe, he would condemn in verses his own brother, the Raja of Bikaner, or even the all-powerful Akbar for any act of weakness or of injustice committed by them. The song which Prithi Raja composed in praise of rand Pratapa of Mewar for not yielding to the will of Akbar and whereof Tod gives a very free transla:

1 Akbarnama, transl. by H. Beveridge, vol. iii, p. 518.


tion in his ^ Annals of Mewar’”’!, is still popular among the Bikaneri Caranas. Tod relates a story according to which Prithi Raja would have composed this song to prevent the Rano from submitting to Akbar, but the story is contradicted by the tone itself of the song, which is not of exhortation, but of praise and approval. Probably the song was composed after Pratapa refused to accept the terms which Akbar offered him through Shahbaz Khan in 1578 a.p.* It will not be out of place nor without interest to give here the original text of this famous composition, which Tod admired so much for its force that he regretted that he was unable to imitate it in his transla- tion :—

ax जेयि निमाणा नीलज नारी

अकवर TSH वट अवट | A Saf SN Seon अवे तिणि हाट

aq किम रजयपूतवट ॥१॥

रोजादताँ तर नरज

Sf सुसीजे जगत जण | चोदटि तिणि यप atest

पतौ खरतर खचीपण | २॥

पडपँच fee वघधलाज कायति खोटौ लाम कुलाभ खरौ | ~ EN ~\ रज्ज वेचिवा नायो राणो Elle SLM CHT हरो ॥२।

fis आप रै दाखि एरसातण सोह्दिणियास ad बलि सराणि | af = oN wa वेचियौ जडे वडखविये a खच राखियौ जठे खुम्माणि 3 |

जासी हाट वात रद्िसी जगि अकवर sf जासी कार |

रद्ि राखियौ खची भ्रम रारे सगलौ वरते संसार ॥५॥

1 Chapter xi, p. 273 (Routledge’s edition). _

2 Akbarnama, transl. by H. Beveridge, vol. ili, pp. 380-1.

8 The text of the song as I have given it above, has been recon- structed by myself from two recent and inaccurate manuscripts (MS. 21


1. [10 that shop] where the men are deprived of their dignity and the females of their modesty, and Akbar is the purchaser, and the way [whereunto is] impervious, to that shop how could the son of Udo go as a seller of [his] Rajput- hood ?

2. To the nauroz of the Rozaits,! where [all] the people of the world are being looted, to that market-place, [1 say, | Pato * of Citora goeth not as a spender of [his] ksatriyahood.

3. [Other] unworthy Chiefs have not seen the deceit and the mortal blow [dealt] to their dignity, [they have not seen that this gain is] a false gain, [nay, let us say,] a veritable loss. [But] the Rano, the descendant of Hamira, hath not gone to the shop of the Seraglio to sell [his] Rajputhood.

4. Showing [before the world] the manliness in his body, with the force of his spear the Rano, the scion of Khumana, hath preserved [his] ksatriyahood where [other] great ksatrMjas have sold [theirs].

5. The shop will go, [though] the story thereof shall remain in the world, and Akbar [himself] shall be cheated some day. The religion of a ksatriya which the Rano hath preserved [unimpaired] on earth, is made use of by [every Rajput in] the world.

Nothing better than the above song could illustrate Prithi Raja’s character. To revolt openly against the despot of Delhi and sympathize with an enemy who was considered to be one of the most troublesome rebels in the empire and, what is still worse, to predict Akbar’s fall as a near possibility, was on the part of an imperial servant an act of audacity approaching madness, but Prithi Raja did it. Was it unloyalty? If the allegations which the Rajput chronicles make against Akbar with regard to the Fancy Bazar feast of the nauroz are true, nobody can blame Prithi Raja for condemning an institution in which the honour of the Rajput women was insulted. We can gain an idea of what the Fancy Bazar feast was from the accounts left us by Al-Badaoni® and Abu-l-Fazl.* On the

of Descr. Cat, ii, 1, p. llla, and MS. P 40, p. 418, a recent acquisition): Ram Dan, the old blind Carana of Bikaner, recites it in a much modern- ised form with several later variants and alterations, most of which are reproduced by Thakur Bhur Singh in the copy of the song incorporated by him in his मदाराणायशपकाश (Bombay, 1909, pp. 94-5). Unfortunately , I have found it impossible to procure any old manuscript of the song, but I trust that my reconstruction is not very far from what must have been the original written by Prithi Raja himself. 1 A poetical synonym of Muhammadan, evidently from $39).

2 A diminutive form of the name Pratapa.

3 Muntakhabu-t-Tawarikh, transl. by एए, H. Lowe, vol. ii, pp. 331, 350.

+ Ain-i-Akbari, transl. by H. Blochmann, vol. i, pp. 276-7. Al- Baclaoni says that Akbar gave to the day of the feast the name of khushroz, or the joyful day, and that it was a source of much enjoyment.


occasion of the nauroz, that is of the anniversary of the Emperor’s accession and in later times on other occasions as well, the stalls in the Fancy Bazar were thrown open and each amir was assigned one in which to arrange some kind of show. The wives of the amirs were also invited to attend, and there were days for men and days for women, for the amusement of the Begams and of the people of the Seraglio. All sorts of goods were displayed and His Majesty was the buyer, just as in Prithi Raja’s song. And the Emperor took advantage of these meetings to inquire into the secrets of the empire and the character of his servants, and arrange betrothals and marriages, and the people invited would part with anything to purchase an official post and the imperial favour. Even if Akbar’s object in inviting the wives of the amirs to such feasts was not one of impurity, the mere fact that Rajput women left the privacy#of their zenanas to appear at Court, was enough to irritate the susceptibility of a Rajput like Prithi Raja.

The story related by Tod! and popular throughout Raj- putana, according to which Prithi Raja was instrumental in inducing Akbar to part with the custom of inviting Rajput women to Court, is probably only a later invention built upon the mention of the nauroz in the song of rano Pratapa. In Bikaner the story is related thus. Prithi Raja had been sent by Akbar to purchase horses in Gujarat, and had succeeded in securing a number of very fine beasts, bunt had had to promise to the seller that the horses would be fed with milk every day. On his way back to Delhi, Prithi Raja happened to pass through a village where no milk was available and was ina great plight when a Carani girl came to him and from a single cow which she had, drew so much milk as to satiate all Prithi Raja’s horses. Prithi Raja was amazed and fell at the feet of the Carani asking her to impart on him some of her miraculous power. ‘‘Myname is Raja Bai,’’ said the girl, ‘‘ whenever thou shalt be in a plight, think of me and I will come to thy help.” Some time afterwards, Akbar, having heard of the beauty of Prithi Raja’s wife, sent her a summons to Court without in- forming Prithi Raja. The lady came, but before entering Delhi was met by her husband, who inquired the reason of her com- ing. She showed him the imperial letter. Prithi Raja was dismayed, and for a long while wavered between the dilemma of losing the imperial favour or the honour of his wife, when he remembered the promise made to him by Raja Bai. As soon as he thought of her, the good Carani fairy appeared, and after consoling him, went to Akbar under the form of a lioness and frightened him into promising never to interfere with the honour of a Rajput lady again.”

1 Op. ctt., p. 275. I have given the story as it was told to me by Khiriyo Rama Dana,


No less wonderful are other stories which are current in Bikaner about Prithi Raja and which would hardly deserve to be mentioned but because they represent the interpretation which the modern tradition gives of the personality of our Author. He hada brother, Amara Singha, who in a.p. 1591— as we know from Abu-l-Fazl!—-rebelled and after the fashion of a malcontent Rajput began to cause trouble by raiding and plundering. Akbar appointed Hamajo?, alias Arab Khan, to go in search of him with orders to capture him alive. Prithi Raja, who was present, told the Emperor that Amara Singha would not be caught and that whoever was despatched against him would be killed, but the Emperor would not believe. Hamajo went off to his duty and with a strong force surprised Amara Singha unprepared. Amara Singha was asleep and none of his followers durst awaken him, because «he had a vicious habit of striking with his scimitar whomsoever disturbed him in his sleep. At last Padama 8, a Carani woman who was in the Rathora’s zenana, roused him with a song in which she told him that Akbar’s army was there. The hero sprung to his feet, grasped his kaiart, mounted his horse and went straight for Hamajo who was on the back of an elephant. The horse leaped over the elephant’s tusks and Amara Singha succeeded in reaching the howdah with one hand when a blow from behind cut him in two at the waist. The upper part of his body fell into the howdah, but before he died his kaiart had found its way into Hamajo’s heart. When Akbar received the report on the fight, he sent for Prithi Rija and congratulated him on the bravery displayed by his brother, whom he called ‘‘a fly- ing tiger,’ and on the fulfilment of his prediction.*


the blind Carana of Bikaner, but Sindhayaca Day4la Dasa in his Khyata of Bikaner (Descr. Cat., i, ii, 1, pp. 218a ff.) relates it in a somewhat different form. According to Day&éla Dasa, Prithi Raja went on pilgrim- age to Dvarik&é and on his way thereto stopped at the village of Cidarav6, where he met Raja Bai. Some time after his return to Delhi, Karama Canda—a former minister of raja Rai Singha—from, his hostility to Prithi Raja contrived to bring about “° some mischief,’’ whereupon

Prithi Raja invoked Raja Bai with a song beginning: छार Waa = qq

वादर BITS. “She came, and helped him so effectively that that very

day the custom of the nauroz was abolished (pp. 219 a-b). According to Dayala Dasa this event happened in Samvat 1657, but there is no doubt that the date has’ been invented by him. Tod’s version of the story is quite different.

1 Akbarnama, transl. by H. Beveridge, vol. iii, p. 908. Dayala Dasa gives a fictitious date : Samvat 1654.

2 A marwarization of Hamza.

8 The tradition is that she was a sister of the famous Sadii M4l6, and the wife of Baratha Sankara, another illustrious name (Descr. Cat., i, ii, 1, p. 2188). _ * The account of Amara Singha’s rebellion and death in Abu-]-Fazl 18 very concise. ‘*‘ Hamza ‘Arab had ajagir in Bhimbhar. Umra, the


Prithi Raja’s power of clairvovance was so great that on one occasion, when he was in Agra, he detected that at a certain hour of the same day the image of Laksminatha in Bikaner had been taken out of the temple. Akbar one day asked him: ^^ Thou, who hast the Pars under thy control, canst thou foretell the place and circumstance of thy own death ?’’—‘' Certainly, was the reply, I shall die on the ViSranta Ghata at Mathura six months hence, when a white-feathered crow will appear.” That very day the Emperor sent Prithi Raja on military duty bevond the Attock in order that his prophecy might be falsified. Five and a half months expired, and Akbar, who had in the meanwhile forgotten all about Prithi Raja’s prophecy, sent him a summons to Court. Prithi Raja obeyed and started for Agra, but: on reaching Mathura fell ill and died on the ViSranta Ghata, when a white crow appeared exactly as he had foretold.” !

More human, though undoubtedly equally fantastical, is. an anecdote of Prithi Raja’s private life which is very popular in Bikaner. One day in the vears of his maturity, our Author was tying up his turban before a mirror in his zenana apart- ment, when he discovered a grey hair on his head and forth- with plucked it off. One of his wives who was watching him from behind, noticed the act and could not help smiling at the vanity of her husband. He saw her, and turning round, im- provised the verse :

पीयल Heat आविया

Tet AT खोड | कामण मत्त गयन्द्‌ sy

ऊभी Fr AUS ॥९॥

“OQ Pithala!*® thy grey hairs are come, and many flaws have appeared [in thee. And lo! there] stands [thy young] sweetheart like a ruttish elephant [and laughs at thee] turning her face aside.”’

But the lady, who was a bit of a poetess herself, promptly rejoined :

खल्‌ at wat बोरियां Gaya Wat पाव | नरां qat अर वनपफलां

पक्तौ Vat साव ॥९॥

brother of Rai Rai Singh, became disobedient and practised violence. He received suitable punishment from the fief-holder.’’ (Akbarnama,. transl. by H. Beveridge, vol iii, p. 908).

Descr. Cat., i, ii, 1, pp. 219h-220e. According to Dayala Dasa Prithi Raja died in the year Samvat 1657. 2 A diminutive poetical form of the name Prithi Raja.


“Tf For] the plough long-trained bullocks, [and for] the road the feet of [old] sturdy walkers. [And as for] men, horses, and fruits, [they]! are relished [only] when fully ripe.”’

A kiss ought to have concluded the scene, but the story is silent on this point as any similar allusion would be out of etiquette with the Rajputs, who are in such matters much more prudish than we are.

To revert: now to more serious subjects. Prithi Raja has left, besides the Veli, quite a number of other small poems, mostly sakha ra gita, that is to say commemorative songs. Of the many anthologies of miscellaneous commemorative songs (phutakara gita) which are in the hands of the bards of Rajputana, there is probably none which does not contain at. least one or two examples by Prithi Raja. To give particulars about these smaller compositions would serve no purpose here, and would on the other hand require a careful study of them which I ९001688 I have hac no time to make. It will suffice to say that they mostly refer to contemporary Chiefs, among whom Prithi Raja’s brother Rama Singha, who was assassinated about 4.7. 1578 (Samvat 1634), and for whom our Author seems to have had a special predilection, and that they are not all of equal merit, nor of equal interest. Evidently, they were composed at different periods, hence the differences. To the last years of Prithi Raja’s life may be safely ascribed three stotras in duhas: one in honour of the Thakuraji (Krsna), one in honour of Rama Candra, and one jn honour of the Ganga. They are full of devotional spirit and must be senile productions. !

Prithi Raja’s greatest poem, the Velt Krisana Rukamant 11, was composed as we know from the last stanza thereof, about a.p. 1581 (Samvat 1637). As the title tells, the poem deals with the rape of Rukmini by Krsna—a mere innocent epis- ode in the scandalous life of the Shepherd God—.,their marriage, their amours and enjoyments, and lastly the birth of their son Pradyumna. Prithi Raja himself informs us (st. 291) that he has drawn his inspiration from the Bhagavata Purana, but a comparison of the legend of Rukmini in the tenth skandha of the last-mentioned text with our Velz soon convinces one that the two works coincide with one another only in the main thread of the narrative, and differ considerably in the treat- ment and in the minor details. Indeed, going through the Sanskrit of the Bhagavata with the hope to detect analogies of figure or of expression to passages in the Veli, I could mark only four cases in which the coincidence with the Vels

1 The séotra in honour of the Ganga was probably composed by Prithi Raja in atonement for the blasphemous verse 290 in the Veli, where the sacred river is disparaged because it is addicted to both Hari and Hara, drowns whomever cannot swim, and runs only through one strip of the country and no more.


was striking enough to indicate a direct borrowing on the part of Prithi Raja. The poem, which is in 305 stanzas, opens with an introduction (st. 1-7) in which the Author modestly acknowledges that he is incompetent to sing of Krsna, the Lord of the world, but cannot refrain, he says, from using his tongue in praising Him by whom he has been created and nourished. With st. 10 begins the narrative, at the court of Bhima. the father of Rukmini, the reasons for not beginning from Krsna being explained in st. 8-9. One of these reasons is that in a work inspired with the érvgararasa precedence should be given to the woman, and another that the woman in that she carries the man in her womb for ten months? and after delivering him, looks after him for ten years, is superior to the man and has a claim to more consideration. St. 11-24 describe with delicate touches the childhood of Rukmini, the first ap- pearance of puberty in her lovely body. and the charms of all her limbs in the spring of her youth It is time to think of a husband for her, and her brothers, contrary to her wish and to the wish of her parents, affiance her to SiSupala, who comes with great pomp to marry her (st. 29-42). But the girl is in love with Krsna, to whom she contrives to forward a letter, asking him to come and rescue her from the impending marriage which is being forced upon her against her will (st. 43-66).

1 These are the following :—

मा वीरभागमभिम्ैतु ta aery| मूभं faore fag बलि गोमायुवन्मुगपतेबलिमम्बजाच्त (8१2. प्रासे जौ बीजौ wea | (श. Pur., X, 52, v. 39). fuk. Velt, ए. 59).

aay रव्यसग्रीवमेषपष्यबला- sales ने मेषणदप सम- करैः | युत्त रथमुपानीय तस्थौ oe वेग बलाहक इसे वदन्ति लिग्मत॥ (ऋ 63.09), , Yr

तमागतं समाज्ञाय aay we बम्भण fafa वन्दे हेतु सु मानसा | पश्यन्ती ब्राद्धणाय fier नीजौ (Kei. Ruk. Veli, v. 73). मन्यत्रनाम AT (Bhag. Pur., >, 53). | v. 31).

परिघं पट्टिशं शूलं चर्मासी शक्ति- अखियात जु आधि तोमरौ | यद्यदायुधमादत्त तत्सवं सो आध सज रकम हरि Be ऽच्च्छिनद्धरिः | (5124. Pur., X, 54, v. | सोजि | (Kri. Ruk. Velt, v.

29). | 133).

| 1

| 1

2 It is notorious that the Indians consider the period of gestation to be ten months.


Krsna comes and meeting her in the temple of Ambika, where she goes under the pretext of the क, carries her off in his chariot (st. 67-112). Follows a series of verses in the charac- teristic sonorous style of warlike Dingala: the disappointed Sisupala rallies his friends and gallops after the fugitive couple, _ but. Krsna turns round and with the help of Balibhadra defeats. him after a sharp fight A brother of Rukmini attacks next, but is similarly defeated (st. 113-137). Krsna takes the maid to Dvarika and is married to her according to the brahmanical rite with great festivity (st. 138-158). We now come to the most exquisite picture in the poem: the falling of the night, the impatient expectation of Krsna, and the coming of Rukmini to his thalamus. The shyness of the maid and the unbounded joy of Krsna at her arrival, are described with all the master- ship which we should expect from a Rajput of refinement who has had many love experiences of that kind in his life (st. 159- 79). Then with great ability Prithi Raja draws a discreet eurtain before the thalamus of the two lovers, and leading us outside into the dark night (st. 180), makes us watch the break- ing of the day (st. 181-6), and then in succession the passing of the six seasons of the Indian year: the summer (st. 187-192), the rainy season (st. 193-205), the autumn (st. 206-216), the winter (st. 217-225), the 5४570 season (st. 226-8), and lastly the spring (st. 229-268). It is like a succession of magic-lantern pictures on a wall, each stanza is a quadretto in itself worked to perfection with that elegance in which Indian poets of the seasons succced so well. A passing mention of Krsna or of Rukmini here and there makes us remember that they are always present behind the screen and that all these different attractions of the different seasons are meant only for their enjovment. With st. 269-270 the screen is pulled aside and we are allowed to have a glimpse of the fruit of their loves: Pradyumna. After seven more stanzas mentioning among other things Pradyumna’s son Aniruddha (st. 271-7), comes the conclusion which consists of twenty-eight stanzas (278-305), and is very noteworthy as the boldest possible self-eulogy which an author could compose. The presumptuous tone of this con- clusion is in striking contrast with the modest tone of the introduction; evidently, the Poet is so pleased with the work he- has done that he must say bravo to himself. The Veli is declared equal to a kamadhenu on earth, for there is no blessing which it could not grant to its readers ; superior to the Ganges, to pilgrimages, to penance, to meditation ; a veritable staircase leading to heaven. And as for the verses of which the poem is composed, they are all one more beautiful of the other like. pearls in a row, and to sift them no one is competent but Prithi Raja; let the other poets hold their tongues, for the Veli is like a virtuous woman who suffers no censure. Seeing that Prithi Raja’s production is really incensurable, we may well


forgive him this outburst of self-confidence; it is, on a small scale and in a different form, the same proud feeling which made Michelangelo strike the knee of his Moses and say to the marble: Speak !

The great merit of the poem is in the combination of a delightful genuineness and naturalness of expression with the most rigorous elaborateness of style. Apart from the contents, it is, as regards form, like Horace in Dingala. All the pro- crustean rules of Dingala poetry are observed to the largest possible extent, and yet the language 1s not distorted but runs as natural and easy as it would probably have been if the Poet had refused to walk with the shackles of the internal rhymes and of the vénasagat; only more elegant, more exquisite, more musical. Indeed, the musicality of the verses is such that nothing could more conspicuously prove the error of them who hold that Dingala is too harsh for erotical or idyllic snbjects, and is fit only for heroic themes. It is certain that had Prithi Raja chosen to compose his [९४ in emasculated Pingala, he would have given us a very different composition, not superior in musicality, and considerably inferior in naiveté. But, fortunately for us, he preferred to compose in the literary bhasa of his native land, the Dingala of the bards.

The metre, in which the Veli is put, belongs to the (10 variety and is called by Dingala prosodists the veliyd (714. It consists of four lines, whereof two, the second and the fourth, identical with one another in formation, and the other two, the first and the third, different. The two identical lines are rhymed together. The metre is regulated by a determined number of matras or prosodical instants, which is fixed and invariable in the first and third line, 18 and 16 respectively, but in the second and fourth line varies from 13 to 15 accord- ing to the prosodical value of the last two syllables. When the line ends with a periambus (^ ~), the number of 2161778 is 13, when with a iambus (“ —) 14, and when with a trochee (—“) 15. Beyond this restriction regarding the last two syllables in the second and fourth line, there does not seem to be any other rule regulating the grouping of the prosodical instants in the four lines, and nearly all sorts of combinations are practi- cally allowed. |

` In editing the Vels: Krisana Rukamani ri I have been able to avail myself of an advantage which very rarely, if ever, falls in sort to editors of Rajasthani bardic poetry, the existence of old commentaries. The principal:of these are three and they were all written within fifty years from the composition of the Veli (Samvat 1637), one or two probably during Prithi Raja’s lifetime. They are: (a) a commentary in Old Eastern Rajas- thani or Old Dhidhari, (6) a commentary in Old Western Rajasthani, and (c) a commentary in Sanskrit. The two first are independent from one another and might well be contem-


porary and date, as | have just said, from the time of Prithi Raja himself. Both are adespotic and undated, but (a) is certainly anterior to Samvat 1673, and (6) is certainly anterior to the Sanskrit commentary, which is dated onlv five years later. As for their probable authors, it looks as if (a) was the work of a Carana, and (b) the work of a Jain, but it is just possible that the latter is also the work of a Carana recast into its present form by a Jain scholar. The Sanskrit commentary (c) which, incidentally, is the most valuable of all, was com- posed by a Jain, vacaka Saranga, in Samvat 1678, from a balavabodha in Bhas& by a Carana Lakho. Seeing that the commentary by Saranga generally agrees with (b), one would naturally feel tempted to identify the balavabodha by Lakho with the Old Western Rajasthani commentary, but in that case it must be assumed that the latter has not been handed down to us in its original form. A fourth commentary (d) also in Old Western Rajasthani and by a Jain, appears to have been compiled during, or before, Samvat 1727 from (8) and (€) but though sometimes useful on account of greater diffuseness it hardly contains anything that is not already found in the two commentaries just mentioned The manuscripts which I have collated for the edition of the Veli are the eight following :— B: MS. No. 28 of Deser. Cat. of Bard. and Histl. MSS. Sect. i, pt. i, preserved in the Darbar Library in the - Fort of Bikaner. Written in Samvat 1673 at Bikaner during the rule of raja Sura Singha. Containing the text with a tika in Eastern Rajasthani or Dhuidhari The MS. has undergone many modernisations and other alterations by a later hand, in the case of all of which I have always taken into account only the original read- ing, when still readable. J: A Jain MS. preserved in the Mahimabhakti Bhandara of Bikaner, consisting of 16 loose leaves, 44” x 93” in size. The page contains 13 lines of 35-45 aksaras. Devanagari script. Copied by a Hiraji in Samvat 1692 at Jalana- pura. The MS. contains the mere text, without any commentary, and the readings generally agree with K, but in places deviate from K and concord with U. The writing is very inaccurate: 2 and a are often confused with one another and so and ४, and is very frequently written for s. | K: Another Jain MS. preserved in the Mahimabhakti Bhandara, consisting of 31 loose leaves, 44” x 102” in size. The page contains 15 lines of about 50 aksaras each. Devanagari script. Written by a Manikvamuni, pupil of pandit Nemaharsamuni, disciple of vacanacarya Samayamiurtigani, at Khandapagrama in the year Sam- vat 1722. Colophon :—




इति वेल संवतयुगलकरमुनिचंनवत्सरे vleate aa दातपच्तरजनीश्वारे वाचनाचाय्धेधुभ्येसमस्तविद्याकलिंदकवा० HAM (oe समयमू्तिगणिवराणां अंतेवासिनः पंपःखरीमन्रे मदषेमुनिय (sic) श्िष्यमुनिमा {्एिक्वसुनिना जेषि सखीषंट्पग्रामे (इ)ति |

The MS. contains the text with the same commen- tary in Dhidhari as MS.B. The readings are generally the same as in B, as corrected by the later hand, only occasionally different readings of N and U are adopted.

In the writing चट, चै, खे, and अड, व्यौ, Wt are generally employed indiscriminately.

M: A MS. obtained from Mathena Jiva Raja of Phalodhi,

in the form of a book, originally consisting of at least 1,350 leaves, about 93” x 6}”—7” in size, but now frag- mentary, especially in the former half where the leaves have been in great part eaten away by white ants. Written by different hands in different places, partly during the rule of raja Sura Singha of Jodhpur, and partly during the rule of his successor Gaja Singha and the beginning of the rule of Gaja Singha’s successor Jasavanta Singha. The volume contains an extraordinarily rich mine of disparate works, from mystic-devotional poetry to a chronicle of Jodhpur and genealogical lists of the Rathoras, and it would be impossible to try to give here an idea of all the different subjects. Our Veli is found at pp. 535a-5706 of the MS., and is unfortunately frag- mentary owing to the lower margin of the leaves having been eaten bv white ants. It is written in Marwari script on 15 lines per page and 12-15 aksaras per line. From the colophon at the end it appears that the Veli was copied at Méhakara (near Buranpur, in the Dekhan), in the year Samvat 1676. The text is fairly accurate and closely agrees with B, so much so that it would seem that both M and B are copies from a unique original. A peculiarity of the writing is that ओं is generally represented by 4, and अख, WX are generally written खो, gq.

N: MS. No. 34 of Descr. Cat. of Bard. and Histl. MSS.,

Sect. ii, pt. i. Written at Nagapura in Samvat 1727. The text generally agrees with P, and so does the commentary except that the latter is more diffuse than the commentary in_P, and is also enlarged by quotations mostly marginal, from the Sanskrit commentary of U.

P: MS. P. 18 (see ‘“‘ Progress Report”’ in Journ. As. Soc.

of Beng., Vol. xiii, 1917, p. 199), a Jain MS. consisting


of 30 loose leaves, 4“ x 10” in size. The page contains six lines of text of about 55 aksaras each, and about 12 lines of interlinear commentary, written in very minute characters comprising about 65 aksaras per Jine. Both the text and the commentary are accurately written, but the last leaves of the MS. are lacunous owing to the bad ink which has caused them to stick to one another. The commentary is in Old Western Rajasthani. From the colophon at the end, which -is legible only in part, it appears that the MS. was written by pandit Tirtharatnamuni in Samvat 16--(?...... BATT HA वधं).

S: MS. No. 29 (a) of Descr. Cat. of Bard. and Histl. MSS., Sect. 11, pt. 1. Written at Solapura in Samvat 1757 (see p. 163a). Generally agreeing with B as corrected by the later hand, and so also with K. This MS. being of no particular importance, I have collated it only as far as st. 100.

U: MS. No. 33 of Descr. Cat. of Bard. and Histl. MSS , Sect. ii, pt.i. Written at Udasara by Rajasagaragani for the use of pandit Sukharatna in the vear Samvat 1781 (see p. 39a). Containing the text accompanied by a Sanskrit tka, styled ‘‘Subodhamafijari,’’ composed by a vacaka Saranga, pupil of Padmasundara, at Palhanapura under the rule of Peroja (Firoz), in the year Samvat 1678. From the introduction to the (ka it appears that this was composed after the guide of a balavabodha, or vernacular paraphrase, previously written by a Carana Lakho :

areata भाषायां चतुरेण विपख्िता चाश्णन छतो बालावबोधो [ऽ]सुलब्बये ४॥ परं तादृ गों क्तिपटुत्वं वितनोत्ययम्‌ |

तेन सं सव तवा गुह्या टीकामेनां करोम्यद्दम्‌ ५॥

The cost of printing this volume has heen generously contributed by His Highness General Sir Ganga Singh, Maharaja of Bikaner.




अथ वेलि faaa wana रौ राढोड राज fama री कही

परमेसर vata cafe सरसति पणि सदगुरु vats fae ततसार | मङ्लरूप ATER मादव चार सु A हौ मङ्गलचार ॥९॥

आरम्भ मै कियौ जेणि उपायौ गावण गुणनिधि निगुण |

किरि कटचीच yaat निज करि ची चार लागी fram |

कमलापति तणी केवा कीरति आद्र करे जु आदर |

जागो वाद atfeat जीपण वागद्ीणि वागेसरी ३॥

१९। MS परमेश्षुर, MP प्रणमि, BKN पुण, JM पणि, S पण, U fafa, (M)S सतगुङ, J wax, K गाई वे, S ane, P माधव, JU चारि, K ax, Naw, BMS स, KS@sta, J ae, P Sei, M अवो.

21 KS जेण, NPU जपा, J(M) कपरायां, BKS करि, M कर, N fax, BKNS कठच्िच, P aadta, BEN चीनारद्‌ (CR), P Pare, J चौचार, ?3 चिचणि, M चौचण .

द३। Pazar (for agar), JS drat (Sty), S aravtw, BK MNPU araeta, MS वाघसुरो .

2 afa किसन रूकमणी रीं

सरसती सखे ate तूं सोभ वाडरा want कि वाडलौ | मन सरिस घावतौ मूढ मन पदि किम पूजे wget ४।

जिणि Fa सदस फण फणि फणि वि fa जीँ जी जीद नवनवौ जस | तिणि ही पार पायौ चीकम वयण डेडराँ किसौ वस

खीपति कुण सु मति gen qu जु तवति तारू कवण जु समुद्र तरै |

ust कवा गय लगि पडते कवग रङ्कः करि मेरु कर

fata fu जनम जगि मुखि 2 sitet करसन जु पोखशण भरण करै | कद्ग aut तिणि amt कीरतन खम कीधा विणा केम सरै |

४। Sars, JS @we (for aia) » < args, N वाज, BM arsar, BMS छवौ क, Bafa, NP सर, BJK मनि, 'M da ध्यावंतौ ge सरिश्य मंन, NS ge, JKU पागल

५। KMN fara, MS फण, PU off जदि, M नविनवौ, BKMNS तिण, J(M)PU लाड (for पायो), M aa, U eeu, J fae N fat.

₹। ALL ओ्रौपति, PU खमथ (for सु मति), S संमति (ditto), J कवि (ditto), BJ तुउ, B विज्रवति (for तवति), PS aaa, J समद्र, S समंद, KMS fat, K गदण, BS wa, J wax, IN पु्चे 8 qiea, S tia, P किरि, KMS मेर

© | BKNS जिण, S जग, BKS मुष, BKS क्सन, JPU fava, JK पोषण, BNP(S)U संपोषण (for पोषण), B aw (for Ist aah),

cats राज पिथीराज री कौ | 3

सुकदेव are जेदेव सारिखा

सुकवि अनेक ते मेक सम्य | fran पद्िलौ कीजे तिणि

गृ धिये जेणि लिंगार ग्रन्थ <

दस मास उद्रि धरि वले वर्स दस जे इदां परिपाल जिवदी | धूत हेतु teat पिता प्रति वली faa मात वडी

दक्छिणदिसि देस विद्रभति दीपति एर दीपति अति कुदणपुर | गाजति अक भीखमक राजा सिरर अदि नरे TAT TE I Ve |

पञ्च एच ताद्‌ wet सुएची कुवर्‌ waa ate विमल्‌कथ |

वणा (ditto), BIN वे (for तिणि), KS ते (ditto), U az (ditto), BS तणा (for 2nd तणौ , BJKMNPU अम, S daw, K कौधां, JK faq, B faa, S वणि.

=| BS gquea, N वयास, MNPU जयदेव, JN fa, KS a, Bg (for ते), M सरौक (for ते Ga), J पिल, U afd, Bufee, M पला र, BKMNS faw, J dfx, M गुचीजे, BS dfn, NPSU au, K वेण (for जेषि), KU war, S सिगार.

९। K vafe, IN उरि, P sax, MSU उद्र, B gi, M इड, K das, BJ qa, K ga, BJ हेति, KMNSU दत ,P aiaai, S ava, M पि (for प्रति), JMS वलै, BS विसेषत.

१०। KPU efeu’, BN eam’, S feuufeer, BS विदुरभति, K Siva, J राजति (for 2nd दौपति), K राजत, MN Sa, M wWeaey, S Wags, PU fafcex, M & 2 सेवे (for facet), S Vax.

g वेलि fea waaat री

» रूकम वाङ अनं CHATS CHART ने रुकमरय १९

रामा अवतार नाम ate रुकमगि मानसशोवरि मेरूगिरि |

नालकति किरि हंस चौ बालका कनकवेलि fas पान किरि ॥१२॥

अनि वरसि वधे ताद्‌ मासि वधै a

ay मासि ताद्‌ weft वधन्ति | लखग Tata बाललीलामै

राजकुमरि टूलडी रमन्ति AR

संगि सखी सीलि कुलि वेसि समाणी Ufa कली पदमणी परि | राजति सराजकुयरि रायङ्गणि sfsam बौरज खम्बद्धरि १४

११ Bata पूत, BNPS est, M agat, BKN gee, P Gat, 5 कुंबर, M कवर .

१९९ JP तद्‌ (for ate), PSU इषमणि, KMN ° सरोवर, M कि मेरगिर, U बालगति, P किर, BMU करि, KS कर, S fanate, एव? इङ (for fas). J पंत, KSU करि, M किर.

१२। JKPS अन, BM इनि, B वरिस, JKSU वरस, ALL are, 8 खड (for @, M खव मासि (for तार मासि वपे खे), KU [ख] ALL मास, BNU पदर, J gefe K पुर, MS पोडर, N way, S af [स], N शलौलामय. IKP gafe, NU कुखरि MS कुवरि .

१४ KS संग, B(S) सौल सखौ, BIMN Se, IKMNU कुल, IKNPU वेष, S कुशी, B पदिमणी K qeaum, N पदमिनौ, S राजत, BNU "कुश्वरि, S (कुंवर, K रायकुयर, BK wadau, J राद्गिण, M wr<eary, BIKMPSU sétraq, BJKNS वीरज.

राठौड राज पिथीराज री wet

ससव तनि सुखपति Stam जाग्रति. वेस सन्धि सुद्िणा सु वरि।

fea पल पल चट्तौ जि होसे पिथम mia अवी परि ९१५

ufeat सुखि राग प्रगट wt प्राची अरुण कि अरूणोद अम्बर | qa किरि जागिया पयोर aA Tam रिखिसर | ९६

जम्प जीव नदी अवतौ जाणे जोव जावणद्छार्‌ जगा | as विलखी fase बाला ate संघाती बालुपण १७

अगल पित मात र्मन्ती agia काम विराम feurem काज | लाजवती अङ्क ae लाज विधि a लाज करन्ती अवे लाज | १८॥

९५। ? dea, M सदूखव, U भव, BMS तन, KO aq, B जोखण, KNPSU saa, > वयसि (for वेस), JKNPU gear, J a, J agas, S yom, J ज, KS tm, N fea, PU जु, K daz, N wih, PsA, Sse, U दोदूसे, BKMNSU प्रथम, J पिथम.

१९। M Geet इ, BJKMNSU सुष, BKMS थयो, JPU fas, N यिय, MS क, BJKMNU qauiea, S Sue, P daft, N wax, J पेषि, N करि, SU fax, JK प्रात (for किरि), S प्योवर, U पयोधर, KU संध्या, ? वंदन, > रिषौसर, (M)S frrge.

१७। BJNSU श्चावंतञउ (Cate, K जोश, MS जोवन, J जांणद्दार, 8 sage, | वौद्ड़ती, :3 esa, J ese, BM gma, Svar gH.

१८। 1 पितु, BK wtafa, M faarsfu, B arf, KP wa, K fea. M wre (for लाज विधि), BK P करता, JNU कर॑तां.

¢ वेलि क्रिसन रूकमगी रौ

सैसवसुजु सिसिर fata थयौ aS गुण गति मति अति अद्ध गिणि | arg तगौ परिग्रह ले आयौ तरूणापौ रितरा तिणि १९ |

दल ute विमल्‌ वन नयग कमल्‌ दल्‌ कोकिल कर Tels सर | पाँपणि पङ्क सवारि नवी परि गहं रे भ्चमिया भ्रमर || Ro |

मलयाचल सुतनु मले मन मोरे कली कि कामञङ्कर कुच | तगौ दखिगदिसि दखिण चिगुगते PLY सास समीर उच २९

aig go जु Vel उदास हास अति राजति रद रिखपंन्ति रुख | . नयग कमोदणि दीप नासिका मेन केस ` राकेस मुख २२.॥

ee -- ---- --

<--=---- ~

१९ | (B)M सद्सव, U waa, K सौ, JKNS ज, BK सुसिद, JIN ससिर P aaa, N यिय, JM सद, N ate, KNS गण, KNU परिगद, P परिगद्दि, Sacre, P लेख, S arfa, JU तङ्णापण, P तरङ्णपणद्‌, “BKNU रतिराउ, P रितुराय, 3 रतिराय, NS तण, K aa.

२. | JKNPSU we, NP वनि, M aa, KS नयन, J tu, NP वरण aya (for नयण कमल), Mafs, BS getfa, J पंपिण, U पांपिणि J पंषि, JPU warft, KN समार, S gait, KMNU मुंडा, BKMNS भमिया, BKMNPS भमर.

ev) J fawar, S afear’, BKMNSU gaa, J श्एवण, NP मलय, 9 faa, PS waz, U कलीष्य, K क, S@ (for fa), J तण, P fauz. NU aug, (KP)U दक्षिण, N चिगृणमय .

re | JKMNS ज, B जि, P उदय, 8 we, JN रिषिपंति, K नयन, S aca, BS कमोदनि, JU कुमोदिनि, K कमोदिनौ. 9 मोन.

cats राज fata सै कदी ©

वधिया तनि सरवरि वेसि वधन्ती जोवण तणौ तणौ जल्‌ जोर | कामणि करगमसु बाण कामरा ate सु वरूण तणा किरि डोर २२ |

कामणि कुच कठिन कपोले करी किरि वेस नवी विधि वाणि वखाणि | अति स्यामता विराजति ऊपरि Safa दाण दिखालिया जाणि २४

धरधर fan wax सुपीन पयोधर

चग aja कटि अति सुघट | पद्मणि नाभि पियाग aay परि

चिवलि चिवेणी atfa तट २५

नितम्बगी जङ्क्‌ सु करभ निरूपम रम्भ खम्भ विपरीत रुख |

२६ KMNS तन, BKMS सरवर, ALL वेस. BPS जोवन, U तण BJ(K) aug (नले), M aw 01. 2nd aut), INU arfafu, K रा, 11९८8 छोर (for दोर), U होरि (ditto), 8 स, BJKMNPS वरण, BENPS किर, P दोर (for डोर) .

२४ | NPU atfafa, JM कामि, J कठिण, K किर, JS करि, N वदसि (for वेस), K ara, KU वषाण, BU saraart, P सामता, BS विराजत, K विराजित, JMNPU जौवण, K योवन, S जोबन, JKU दिषाद्या, N faar@, P दिषालि, KU ara.

eu} NPU धराधर M ucyft, BJIKMNPU wa, P atta, BS षणौ, M घण, 8 ष्यति कटि, N gafe, JMNPU पदमिणि, BMS नाभ. JKNSU प्रयाम, JKMN ओोणि, BS aia, P खोणि.

c वेलि किसन रूकमगी री

gata नालि तसु गरभ seat वये वाखाणे faze २९ |

ऊपरि पद पलव पुनरभव आपति fara कमल्‌ दल्‌ ऊपरि नीर | तेज कि रतन कि तार कि तारा इरि दंस सावक ससिदहर हीर २७

व्याकरण पुराण afata सासच विधि वेद चारि weay विचार | जाग चतुरदस चौसटि जागी waa Bia तसु ate अधिकार २८ |

atta अनुराग थयौ मनि स्यामा वर. पापति वज्छती वर | हरि गुण भणि ऊपनी जिका हरि हरि तिणि वन्दे गवरि हर २९ |

ei | NP नितंबिणि ४. °afu, 8 fafa, JKU बनि, 9 (बन, S गरभ (for क), P निरूपित, M निशूपति, BK sefe, J कवल, M saw, U saw, NP जुवल, 9 siaa, NPS are, BJKMS तस.

२७। BP चोपरि, BKMNPS °yaa, BKPU पुनभेव, J जपित, B faa, S निरमल्त, K wae, Sa, JK सावकिं, JP geez, S सिस्र .

९८। BINPU owfa, K wea, BKM are, J सासिच, K श्चार, MS sifu, JK चतुदेण, KS जारे, M जंसे, 1371118 तस, J dfw.

२९ MPSU संभलि, M uy, N fas, BP सामा, NU शामा, K वदित, K भणौ, JU gfe (for भणि), (B)M जिका +, KMNPU इर (for Ist इरि), BJIKMNPU इर (for 2nd इरि), KM faa. JU गौरि.

राठौड़ राज परियीराज रौ wet | 3

रेखे पित मात रिसा अवयव विमल विचार ae Fare | सुन्दर खर सीलि कुलि करि ge ave किसन सिरि खग नाद २० |

प्रभणन्ति पुच इम मात पिता परति अन्हां वासना वसी इसी | vata किसी सराजवियां ग्वालां किसी जाति कुलधांलि किसी ३९

स॒जु करै weet सरिस सगा MAS CARA इता | fraua मति ats वेसासौ

पांतरिया माता frat 82 I

पिता मात quai पूत पांतरि सुर नर्‌ नाग करै जसु सेव | लिखमी समी रुकमणी लाड वासुदेव समौ वासुदेव ३३

ao; M <a, BM पितु, BJKMS axe, M wfawa, S caus, MS विचारि, BKM करण (for करै), MS Mare, ALL सोल कुल, BKM करि ga, BJNPSU किसन, BJKM सरि, SU fax.

३९। KNP quufa, JPSU va, M किसी ग्याति.

ae! KNS a, B जि. M सरसि, JS खोंड, JU दृदधापणि, K ददापरे, B दधपणद्‌. M suqfy, NP sequg, NVPU मत, JNP dees, ALL [दू]

३२ | BJNP पित, M fag, U faa ara, JU प्रभणद्‌, K पभणति. M पंप (for waa), JMS पच, U पंतरि, BIM जं (for ag), 5 जख, NU wefan, P लिषिमौ, BJSU qwawt, BMS वासदेव, JMNPSU सम

१० ate fear रुकमणौ रौ

मावीच स्रजाद भेटि बोले मुखि सुवर को सिसुपाल्‌ सरि |

पति aig कोपि कुँवर ऊफणियौ वरसाल्‌ TST वरि ३8 |

Ue ifs गयौ गुरू चूक जाणि गुरु नाम लियौ दमधोख नर | Sa ast fea wa एसो हित

वरे सुसा fagura वर ३५ |

विप्र विलंब ate जेणि area वसि वात विचारि भली वरी |

ufey ATE लगन ले पुदतौ . प्रोद्ित चन्देवरे एरी ३६ I

द्र wife aa सिसुपाल हालियौ aay गायौ Star गति |

३४। Natfaa, S मावीत, P मर्याद, JK ane, NU were, 8 कोई, BM ससिपाल, S saqia, BS सर, K fax, U सिरि, S za, BKSU a, JKMU कोप, N कुमर, MS कवर, Feet, KP वर.

र४। BMS गुर, 8 गदि, JK ae, M ae, S प्रह, BMS जाणि चूक, JKSU नंद (for feat), N sig (ditto), M नंदघोष (for दमः), K gu (for at), K हयो, P ey, U sk, BKM परोडित., JU सुप्रोदित, BK जो वरे, 8 वरी.

२१ Say, BENP नेण, 8 तेण, J वस, KN विचार, M विचारी, KNP aa, 8 पडला ई, JKNS es [इ] U शल्‌ [द], NP ang, (for जाद), MNPU पडत, J gay.

राठौड़ राज पियोराज रौ कष्टौ १९

कुण जागे संगि wat Haat देस देस चा देसपति ३७ |

अगमि सिसुपाल ates Sea नीसागे पड़ती निस | EN कुदगपुरि पटमण्डप rast कुंदणपुरि कुन्द्गमै TH कलस ३८ |

fore यिद पति भींतिसु af Spay ईट फिटकमे gat असम्भ | चन्द्ग पाट कपाट | चन्द्श Wait Wat पवाली खम्भ ३९

Ste जलद पटल्‌ दल्‌ सांवल ऊजल्‌ ae नीसाग Ate घगघोर्‌ | परोलि पोलि तोरण wats aw किरि तण्डव गिरि मोर ४०

ao | BUKM खोद, N say, P wy, U sy, JKNPSU रष, N aug, B ससिपाल, S ससम, U fax’, P माया, BK जेण, S sha, INP वेणि, U वेण, KMS थया (for sat), S at (foray) .

३८। JKU खागम, M arate (for °fa), BM efaqre, PU fag’, K fag’, S सस०, J asic, K sists, MP dfeag, NU astaz, KU

= ifr

उच्छव, MNPU wea, J काईद्‌, PU कदैयद्‌, S ऋशाविनल, K e e = A e = कुंदणप॒र, JU aquaz, M कुंदनम, P ates (for a) .

ee! JKNPU we, M fafe, प्रद, INU WYawi, NU afeaaz (मय), KU चंदन, BMSU कपाटे, एई, P पना.

go} K(M)NP खामल, J स्याम, U स्यामल, K gaye, BJ साज (for wig), U साजि, K साद्‌, N arg, M (तुदज (for az), P घनघीार, NSU. मांडद, MP fac, K करि, P तांडव, N गिरि तांडव fax, M गिर.


४९॥। BKNPU gat, K &, S (for जु), J are (for ङु), BSU निलाटि, JKN ललाट, M fears, BIKMNPU नयर, S कङ्करण, J wae°®, BIKMNPU किना, S का, J घडलदर.

ue) K किरि, S कै, MU किर, BJ fe, N ava चडि जिथजणा dae max, P me afe चडि daw गावै, B सने, ससिपाल्‌, KM fee? PU farg®, S aa’, B ufefafa, N मनि, PU fafa, qa, U wax, BP «fa परि Gaz, NP रुषभिणी, U ° fafa, P कमोदिनी.

४द। Pafa (for afa), M af (ditto), K मन, चड़, J पंथी चडि चडि, U पंथी च्डि gfe, BS जोये, 2 भुयण, J yuu. K मुखनि, SU way, PU सुतनु, J तख, KN eft (for ag), BS भिलत, M भवषि को ag dfa fudfa, KS wee, JU राषिय, NP कागल राष, J कागद, BK लेषण, JPU @fafa, B नस, KMS मसि, S मिलत, M fafa .

afa किंसन रुकमणो री

राजान जान aft Sat | राजा ae सु ety ललाटि कर | दूरा ax कि कोरण दीसै घवलागिरि किन wares ४९

गावै करि aga चटि af me मने ax सिसुपाल्‌ मुख | पदमणि अनि फूलै परि षदमणि रुखमणी कमोदणी रुख || ४२ |

जाली ata ats चरि पन्थी जोत

सुवणि gaa मन तसु मिलित | लिखि राखे कागल नख लेखणि

fafa काजल आंख मिलित ४३ |

तितरै हक fa पवित गलिचागौ करि प्रणपति लागी area |

cats राज प्रिथीराज री कललो!

afe संदेस लगी दुवारिका वीर वटाऊ ब्राहमण | ४४ |

मम करिसि टील fea Sal हेकमन ATS जाद्वां इन्द्र जच |

मादर मुख Sal are? मुखि पग वन्द्ण करि Se पच ४५॥

गर रविकिरग ग्रहे यई गदमह रहर Fle TS TET रह छजुदुज परा नीसरे खतो निसा पडी चालियौ नद ४६ |

दिन लगन सुनेड़ौ दूरि दारिका भो पड़चेस्यां किसी भति | सोभ सोति कुन्दणपुरि aat जागियौ परुभाति जगति ४७ |

४४। BS खक, KU दक, J fa, BJ(K)M(S)U देषि (for Se), JKMNPU पवि MPS गलितागड (cat), Cary, BKM संरेसो, JU °as, BKM लगे, J लगि, BIKMU दारिका, S लगे दु[वा]रक टे Seat.

४६ INPU aa ae करे, JS इव, B we (for fea), JM Siz, K दोय, S si, B Ranta, U wana, P mW, Bare, KNU जादि, BKS aled, N <a, JM मारा, MNS इता, JU इत, KP सुष (for qfe), ? वंदन, J कडि (for करि), JKN 2.

४९ Ba, M fa, B faa, J way, K(M)S ययौ, KN sx (for ats), JU te (ditto), B ay wa (for We ae), KN वदि, B रद्ध, BJMNS ज, BKM faa, U ear.

४५ | BJKMPSU agy, N qagy, B(M)P भख, JU we, K संय, B उडचस्यां, पड्चद्यां, 11 पडचीखं, U yeaa, J केषि, K केष (for fag), K भाति, JKMU aif, BKS कुंदणपुर, MP (नपुरि, JKNPSU परभाते, M प्रभावे.

९४ वेलि क्सन रुकमणी रौ

धुनि वेद सुणति as सुणति ae धुनि नद्‌ welt नौसा नद |

Sal HE Sal लोहल सायर TAL सरीख सद्‌ ४८ |

पणिदह्ारि पटल्‌ दल्‌ वरण चंपक दल्‌ कलस सौसि करि करि कमल | तीरथ तीरथि जङ्गम तीरथ विमल्‌ ब्राहमण जल्‌ विमल se

ate at ग्रहि ofe जगन जागत

जगनि जगनि कीजे तप जाप | मारगि मारुगि अम्ब मौरिया

ofa अम्बि कोकिल आलाप ॥५०॥

सम्प्रति किना किना सुहिणौ रायौ कि 8 अमरावती |

जाद्‌ aft तिणि इम afer देव सुच दुजारामती ye ll

४८। K ध्वनि, 757 धुनि qua वेद, KNP qua, B किडी, M कड, KU कां (for as), (M)S कालरि, KM हालोदल .

४९ | IKNPU पणिडिार, J चरण, M वरन, JKMU सौख, B कल करि, J कल कल, N धरि कर, S कर कर, £ कुवल, IN तौरथि (for Ist तौरथ), J rife (for 2nd तीरथ) .

५०। Boies. J जोर, K जोखे, M site, BKNPU खददि, M fae, BK जगनि (for जगन), S faaa, BKS ara, BS eta, B até, JKSU मोरिया, PS eifa, KN Ga (for अबि).

५१। Baisfa, K geal, क, NP g तिणि, BJMU afu, K au, दाः (for Bt), BMU द्वारामती, S दवारकामती.

राठौड़ राज प्रिथोराज शो की | १५

सुणि खवणि वयण मन मादि धियौ सुख कमियौ तासु प्रणाम करि |

पूत पृद्धत Wt अन्तहएरि सुदरसण तणौ हरि we |

वद नार्विन्द्‌ गोविन्द्‌ वीखिे आलोच आपे ST S| fea रुकमगी fray द्रसये sar क्रितारथ पहिलो इहं ५३ |

ऊटिया जगतपति अन्तरजामी दूरन्तरी अवतौ देखि | करि वन्द्ण afar भ्रम कीधो वेदे afeat तेणि feats ५४ |

कस्मात्‌ कस्मिन्‌ किल fas किमथं

केन कायं परियासि कुच |


५२। BK(M)S खवण, J qufe (for सुणि खवणि), NP(U) संभल (ditto), BJMK wat, BJMS ars, JKN(M)PSU way, KP Waeyx, J खंतःपुरि, Jey, KPU say, MS sat.

५३ K वीकियो, J ties, M वेषोयो, BS eres, BMNU खाप खाप, JK खाप arere< wig & BJ दव, KN feaz, 3 दवे, BJS दषमणी, NU इकनिणी, BJKMPU कतारथ, B दोसे, JK rez, NU dias, M दोदर, 8 se, IN sy, KPU sas, MS sat, BIKMNPU wary, BJMSU afew, N fee.

us i BJ जगज्रपति, K जगति, JK dave, J afta, JN aaa,

KS हेष, BKMS वंदन, JU अतिथि, U ya, 8 कीजे, K तिण, MPS au, U su, BKS विषेष.


वेलि क्रिसन रुकमणी रो

ate जनेन येन भो ब्राद्यण एरतो मे प्रथितम्‌ पच ५५

FAUT BAT Tat कुन्दणपुरि कागल्‌ दीधोौ aa ate राजि लगी" मेष्हियौ रकमगी समाचार इणि माहि सदि ५९

wwe लख way wie वाचत गदगद RS वशे | कागल्‌ करि दीधौ करूणाकरि तिणि तिणि dts area aa | ५७

देवाधिदेव चै ard aa वाचसा anit ब्राहमण | विधि पूरबक ae वीनवियौ सर्ग TA असरगसरण || ws |

५५ B(M) afaa as किल कसमात किमरथीौ, S कसमिन fae करि किसमात

49 |


fearon, J कस्मिन्‌ कथ fae भिज faaal, K कस्मिन्‌ शितिः कः कस्मात किमथे तप्ताः aad कस्मिन्‌ सिच किमथ, P काय. B(S) कालि, BK(S) परजंति, J परिय॑त, M परिजंत, BK(S) कति (for कुच), M कच, JKNPU येन, BS जो (for Wt), JK यो (ditto), M तु (ditto), JN बरह्मन, P wqu, S aeau, P od, BM(S) प्ररत, J sfca, K प्ररितो, पति (for पच), K प्रति, PU a4.

J कुंदण्पुरि, नपुरि, MPU -नपुर, J वस्यां, (M)S वद, MNU कुंदनपुरि, १९६५ cwyx, P cage, 8 कामद, BKMS Set, INPU राज, N af, BJKMPSU इषमणो, KMPS इण.

BS खाणंदमे, B afew रोमांचि, NU dards, J Gare, M रोमांच, P रोमार्थचत, S रोमयाचल, B गदगद, KS कर, J लै (for करि), BMS दन्डो, BKS करणाकरि, M करि (for 1st तिणि), BKU fau, S faw $1 au, BMP ब्रामण. |

K. रद्‌ (for चै), KNPS gaz, N gwuz, J ex, PS fay, B वौनमियौ, MS वरणवियौ, P q fa (for तूक), M खसरणि सरणि .

राठौड़ राज fata री कलो १७

बलिबन्ध मूभ् सियाल fag बलि प्रासे जौ बीजौ परे |

कपिल्‌ धेनु दिन पाच कसार qe} करि चणडाल्‌ ते ५९ |

न्ह कजि qe कण्डि अवर वर अगे Sofa किरि होमे अगनि | सालिगराम खद ग्रहि सङ्किं वेद मन्त Bat वदनि | ९० |

हरि Sa वराह eH हरिणाकस छं Duet पताल इं | Hel तई करूणामै केसव सीख ee किणि तुन्हां खं ६९ |

अणे सुर असुर नाग as नहि feat संदर रई | महण at FZ लघ महमद ast faa सोखव्या तई ९२

ue | J मक, Pa =, BKS स्याल, K fee, (M)PS संघ, KN बल, BS पास, B is, BJKMSjwa, S ew (for दिन), K नद (ditto) S पात, MS gee, U किर

१०। BM खम, M avg, KMP शंडि, S डोडि, BN Sfea, (M)U अद्ठिति. BKNPU करि, S fat, JMNPU atfearte, B(K)N whe, M fae B(P) wate, JK dae, S dafeat, M सेवा (for exfe), S वात (for मन्व), BJS मेदां

९१। K इख (for ष्ये), BPS arcre, PU डच (for ष्ये), JPU इरिणादूष, M दिरणाष्य, K saa, JKU पाताल, MS परया, 8 तख, KPU aqaray, BN acura, S करणाकर, BK MSU किण,

९२। KNPU 43, N निहि, S afwa, au (for जई), M (ditto), BJMNU मंदिर, 8 faex, NPU a@ मण, BJKSU & (for ब्रू), M a@ महोदधि लोधं, Baa, KS gx, M aa, JS किणि, एणा किष, JKMND सौषविया .


१८ बेलि क्सन रुकमणी री

रामा अवतारि +e fafa cam किसी सीख करुणाकरा | B ऊरी विकुटगट इती हरि बन्धे वेलाहरण ९२ |

चोयिया वार वारि करि Taya AE चत्र धर गदा सरोज |

मुखि करि किं wets मादव अन्तरजामी खं आलोज || ६४ |

तथापि रहे दं aK बकं तिणि चिया अने प्रम आतुरी

राजि दूरि दारिका विराजौ दिन नेड़ो आद्यौ दुरी ९५

fafa दीद लगन वेला आडा ति wal किं कजे खा घात पूजा fata अविसि पुरखोतम | अम्बिकालय TAL आरात ६९

JKMNSU खवतार, BKNPU ररि, S ce (for रिणि), KMNPSU रावण, BS करणाकरण, K sect, M चिगुटर, BKMS इता, NP बां.

९४। NU चौथो a, JKNPSU वार, चतुरभुज, K चतुभज, S ate, JM चरि, JKPSU सुष, J कडि (for करि), 8 कासु atest.

९५ KNPU KMS faw, BJIKMS Sarqg@, JNU रज, NU zurfcat,, P(S) दुवारिका, 8 face, BJKMNPSU gs, BJKMNPS खाय.

९९। BIKN fa, M fawe, P चिन्ह, S चिन, BKU खडा वेला ay, S अडाते वेला, P Max (fora), BS aw, J कोद, P ates, U as, KU arfas, £ विसा, KNPU पड्षोत्तम, MS quem, B विकाले, INP cared, M खंबकालि, BS नेर, J नगर -

राठौड़ राज प्रिधौराज रौ कदो १९

ang सिलीमुख ate सारथी प्रोषित जागगद्धार पथ | कागल चौ ततकाल किपानिधि रयि Fat साँभलि अरय ६७ |

सुग्रीवसेन ने मेघपुदप सम- ~ ~~ वेग बलाहक इसे वदन्ति | खंति ant विखुवनपति BS ye गिरि पुर साम्हा धावन्ति <= |

रथ म्भि सारथी विप्र दण्डिरथ

यौ हरि बोलिया इम | आयौ afe ate नाम sett

जा सुख दे स्थाम a जिम ६<

रुद्िया रि सदी जाणियौ रुकमणि कध इव़ STH HE | चिन्तातुर fafa इम चिन्तवतों यङ ची तिम घीर TE ७० |

९9 8 सारिथी, 8 प्रोदत, BJKNPU कपानिधि, JKNPSU रथ, J म॑ंभलि, K awa, N ‘wi, M inserts here st. ७४.

९८। BM ससवेगि, K बललादिक, J cay, NPU ईसु, S anit चरिभवन चे, N चरि, BS गिर तर, U aa गिरि, (J)K तङ्‌ (for पुर), S धारत.

3 थांभि, M atu, S aw, fay, (B)J(MS) कड, (K)S खाप (for at पुर), J(K) अन्हार, MPS say, J दद्‌, 8 पावै (for ई), BJK(S) साम.

e°| J arma, S जाणिया, BIMPS wafa, U «afafa, } ईतरी, N तरौ, MS wagi, JKPSU चित, BM faa, N इम चित, षरा चिंतवतां, K मनि (for विस), S arg (ditto).

Re बेलि करसन रुकमणी री

चलप पच feat दुज देखे चित सके रदति पूषि सकन्ति | यौ ana जिम जिम आसन्नो तिम तिम मुख धारणा तकन्ति ७१

संगि सन्त सखोजर गुरुजग स्यामा मनसि विचारि अं कदी महन्ति | कुससथली इता कुन्द्गपुरि किसन पासा लोक कन्ति | ७२ |

बम्भण मिसि वन्दे हेतु खु बीजौ

कष्टो Sata सम्भली कथ | लिखमी अप नमे ure anit

अत्रिज को ATS ACT | OF |

च्या हरि सुणि agua afeat कटकवन्ध AHS घणा किध |

७१ BKMS way, JU fay, BKU fan, K रेषौ, BM रदित, JK <fefa, U ofa नरदंति, S रहि aifa, BIKU इम (for 4‘, BM सच्ासनो, J नु खासन, (KS)U qreay, NP ge.

०२। BS सौल (for सन्त), IKNU संति, M संनि at da av’, KPU श्यामा, B aag, JS मनस, NP मन सुविचार, BJIKMSU इम (for ख), J(M) aex S afed, U aR, J ada, KNU कुसस्थली, BJNP शसन, K aga, JS awa.

्द। BJK बभ, B वादे, J बांदट्‌, N वंदिव, P वरे, BIKMS देत, BM ख, KN aq, 8 तख (for सु), BS fa, IKMNPU अवक, BI खांभली, P dufe, M(S) संभले, N era (for खाप), N am, BN पाय, PU पथ, BJNP at, KU ax, BKMNS anv, JPU err.

cats राज पिधौराज सी की | २१

on N अक उजाधर Hats अवाष्ा सायो सड अआखाटसिघ ७४

fafa पथि वीर जूजुखा पघाखा

परि भेला fafa feat प्रवेस | जग eam सवि लागा जोव

नर नारी नागरिक ALS ७५ |

कामणि ate काम काल्‌ ate Hat नाराद्ण कदि अवर नर | वेदारथ इम कड वेदवंत जोग तत्त जोगेसवर ७६ |

वसुदेव कुमार तगौ मुख वी खे परी सुरे जग आपपर at रुकमणी तणौ वर अयौ हरिम करौ अनि रादरहर्‌ | ७७ |

७४ | JP afear, INP gw, KS gu, K संकषण, BJ afgar, BMNS az, BS कध, JKNPU fae, BJPU उजाथरद्‌, N उजाधरद्‌, 3 उजथरै, BIKNP wee, B Grey, J वादा, KNU Seat, M खेक AVA HAE Gayle], BENS सहि, J ae, IKNP “fag, B सिधि. B पिष, JMN (fafa), K परशि, S qu, U पथि पथि, BIKS पंथ, N d@, M aaa, JK gt, BMU भेले, Wa (for मिलि), IMU Et (ditto), P ay (for fag), BS सदि (for सवि), JM ae, os, NP fafe (for खवि), B ard नाग रिणि ate, M नाग रिष (for नामरिक) . ef | JKS anfaw, NPU arfafa, ALL wee (for कडि), BJKNPU arrae, N विद्धारथीौ, S वेदारथो, NS [xa], JMPU वेदवित (for aeaa), N @eafa, 8 तंत, KNU aa, S sivaqz. oo | S gaz, K वीक्ते, U पणि सुणि, PU xe, BS दषमणो, JPU रुषि, N श्कमिणो, BIKNS इर (for इरि), NS (fora), B इन, IPS अन, ALL cast.


zz वेलि feat रुकमणो री

वासि उतारि satis कर ऊभा जण जग आरै जगौ sat | राम किसन अया राजा रै ता के अचरिज मनुद्ारि तगौ ७८ |

सोखावि सखी राखी अखे सुजि राणी YR रूकमणी अज कौ At आप जाड आवृ अम्ब जाच अम्बिका तगी ve |

राणी तदि zat दीध रुकमगी पति सुत पुष्क पूषि परिवार | ` पूजा व्याजि काजि ot परस स्यामा आरभिया सिगार ८० |

वुमकमै Ham करि धौत वसत धरि fast जल्‌ लागौ चुवण |

aia जाणि कष्टोद्धा कूटा गुण मोतौ मखतूल गुण ८१

JKPS arama, BK करि, J आगमी, K अगल, NS qrafe, JU जणा aug, S au जरे, BM aw, K ava, NPU किसन, KS [तो], NPU त, 3 atz, NPU कुण, J अचरिज कुण, K खचिरज किशो, M अचिरज को, BS अविरज, KN aqerc.

७९ KMNS सुज, BJPSU इषणो, U कड; NPU तख, 9 a, M को अज, B(S) आप, JK खावां, MS ara, U ray, (K)NPS जात.

ce| S aq (for तदि), JP es, KU gay, BKS quam, JP eafam, N दकमिणि az, U इकमिणौ, BJKMN(P)U याज काज, (M)N faa, PU श्यामा, S सामा.

=e 1 BPS कुमकुम, JKMNU कमकलद्‌, BJKMSU मंजन, M शच, N धूप (for धौत), BJSU aa, NS लागा, KU चयण, BSU दीने, NP दीना, J weer, P feater. *

cats राज faites सौ कल्ल | 23

लागौ fas करे धूपणे ate केस पास मुगता करण | मन fan चे कारणे मदन ची वाग्ुरि जाणे विसतरग ८२

बाजोटा Hate गादौ Fat राजकुवारि fame रस |

दतर इक आली F अवी अनन अगल आदरस || Sz |

afag uta कपोत fa as नीलकंठ वडगिरि aitasxt वली |

समे भागि किरि ag agutz यकि ग्रियौ aH ८४

कवरी किरि गुखित कुसुम करम्बित AGW पण पावन्न जग |

उत्मंगि किरि अम्बरि आधोअधि मांग समारि कुमारमग < |

cei S es (for fas), JU धपणे ety, MS wa, सुकता, 1301 aa, J कारणि, K करण मदनां, 1 वाउरि, K वामर, S बावरि

cel J बाजोढा, P बाजवढा, N wre adi, (N)P “Ruf, JU कुंयरि, 8 -कुवरि, BKNU sgarx, JMP सिंगार, JB Sa, J cax, K faacs, BJKPSU Ga, N Ra, K सषी (for खाली), MS आई, J आणण, S ei, BPS qwefts, M ख्ादिरस .

८४ JKMSU कठ, KMNS tifa कषोति, KNP क, JKU ai, N fas, B लौलकंठ, MS aregt, 5 सान्दो, KNS भाग, BKNS करि, P किर, JU ग्री (for किरि), KNPS संषधर, JU Sfafa, K eau, JKPU, wiqet.

cui BKMN करि, JSU कर, MP qufa, गुंफित, BIMNS कसम, MS कर्बति, B(K) जमन, M जसण, N aga, K Ga, KU पावन,

२४ वेलि किसन रुकमणी री

अगियाला नयश बाग अणियाला सजि कुण्डल खुरसाग सिरि | वली वार टदे feat feat वरि काजल जल्‌ वालियौ किरि ७६

कमनीय करे AR चौ निज करि कलंक घूम काटेवे काट | समरति कियौ आप मुख स्यामा नेच तिलक हर तिलक निलाट | ८७ |

सुख सिख संधि तिलक रतनमे मण्डित गवौ जु eat पूठि.गलि |

आये क्रिसनि मागि ममि खायो भाग कि जाणे भालियलि < |

जू सरो we नयग far जूता विसद्धर रासि fa अलक वक्र |


MNP जगि, (B)PSU eada, JS vada, KN vada, KNSU रि, Pac, JKNU अंबर, JPSU eritey, M संवारि, 9 garfx J(P) Fare’, N कुमारिममि, U कुवारिमग

८९ J arta, J नण, 1 नयन, S बाण ary, J सुज, 9 सज, M सभि JU aera, JIN खरि, 8 सर, BINPSU a@, वादि, N fea (for 180 faa), KN वर, KS किर.

co; (B)J as (for चौ), JU कामिणि (for निज करि), JKU बे are, N काटि, BPS संप्रत, BJU कौया, J ge, U सुखि, S साभा, BN निलाटि, J were, 9 fear.

cc | B fafa, P ची संधि (तिलक), Ms, BS ¥at, K ays, BM we, JK waa, U छखनि, (N)P faafa, BINS मांग, मग, K भागि ax, BJ भाल्ियल्ल, S भालिदल .

urate राज प्रियौराज रौ कौ | २५

वाली किरि atfarat विराजे चन्द्र रथी ASH चक्र ८€

द्भ कुंभ अन्धारो कुच सु ATA RIT सम्भ काम कि RAF | a rN. मनु हरि आगमि मण्ड मण्डप बन्ध ete fa बारिगह co |

हरिणाखी afee अंतरौीख Eat विम्ब रूप प्रगटी बह्िरि |

कल atfaat सुसरि हरि करति कंणठसरी सरसती किरि €१

बाजू बन्धे गोर ats fas स्याम पाट सोहन्त सिरी | मणिमै होड दोडले मणिधर किरि साखा fatter €२ |

८८। 2 जैंसदरो, K sea, S ज्‌ सरोया, K नथन, ALL wa, B विषधरि, MNS विषधर, Bg (for fa), Ka, PU अलिक, J वक, KN करि, PS किर, N विराजित, BIKMNSU चंद, B area, N wea, S atfea, J चक.

९० 5 स, JU gem, KNPU wy, संनि, M संभ, PU कामि, BPSU क, J कलि, 1378 मन, BES wit (for खागमि), N आगलि (ditto), ataa, J were, NU मंडोय, B मंडप मंड, S dwar मंड, J arate, U amaze.

९१। इरिषशाक्तौ, BJK aa शूतरिष, रिष, N Wafca, KN afer, MPSU बर, पि कटखिरौी, BS किर, Nac, M करि.

९९॥ B afd, Jaw, K बंधि, MN बधे, U बंधौया, JKMNPU बाद, £ बाहे, MU @, J बैउलो (sic for fas), P ma, J सोष्ंति, K dia, BJMNPU #, एन की ( ! for fa@),.KNP afeaa, BJKMS wie, J(K)N(S)U ₹दोंखोलर, M Wise. P Vifewx, BNP किर, ALL aie, N करि (for कौ).

२६ वेलि faaa रुकमणो सी

गजरा नवग्रह परँचिया प्रचि वले वले विधि विधि वलित | हसत नखिच वेधियौ हिमकरि अरघ कमल्‌ अलि अवरित ९३

आरोपित हार घणौ feat अंतर ऊरुस्यल्‌ कुम्भस्थल आज | सुजु मोतो ate a लहै सोभा रज तिणि सिरि ate गजराज €४ |

uta सु उतारे नव तनु धारे

कवि ते वाखागग fare | भरूखशा Tey पयोधर फल्‌ भति

वेलि गा तौ पच्च वसच <५॥

स्यामा कटि कटिमेखला समर्पित faa ag मापित करल |

भावोदखचक frat fa te सिङ्करासि ग्रहगण सकल ९६

९२। J(K)U नवग्रह star पचे, M ssa प्रङ्चं, KNPS वलय, S fay, MS वलतीौ, BM =e, B fafaa, KMNPU aga, 8 नषत, BP वेषाय, N वेदौय, BU कि द्िमकर, J किमकिददिकर (!,, KNS

, दिमकर, किर, S naw, } विरत, N qracfa, 5 आवरत. €४। BS amiga, BKNP way, B ywafe, KNP उरस्वल, IMU swear, S उरसथल, ¬ guefe, 9 कुंभाथल, } जि, JKNS BK तिण, S रज सर तण, BM सिर.

९५। NS स, BK नौ, M नउ, BKMNSU तन, MNP तिणि (for ते), BS किमत, M किमति, P किमिच, JKMPSU पयोधर, N भंति, K ताईं (for तौ), P चयो (ditto), 8 # (ditto), U तु (ditto). M बसत, M inverts the order of st. ¢yand ®९ .

PU waa, N समापित, PU समपित, BKM war, JU far, U खमि, M °द्चकि, MS थया, JKU wer (for fear), JK [कि], P as, S afe (for कि), KPU सिंडरासि, J waae, K gear.

राठौड साज पिथीराज सी कलौ | २७

चरणे चामीकर तणा चंद्राणणि सजि नूपुर waa सजि | पीला भमर किया प्राड्‌ कमल तणा मकरन्द कजि | €७

दधि वौणि लियौ ate वण्तौ eat साखियात गुणमे ससत |

नासा अयि qareq निदसति भजति कि सुक मुखि भागवत €<

मकरन्द्‌ तंबोल्‌ कोकनद सुख मभि दन्त किञ्चजलक दुति दीपन्ति। करि इक बोड़ो वले वाम करि कीर सु तसु जाती क्रोडन्ति << |

सिणगार करे मन कोधो WAT देवि तणा Sear दिसि। Site छरिड चरणे लागा दंस मोती लगि पाण्डो भिसि poo |

८७ 8()) चंदाणणि, चंद्रानन, KM सकि, B agi, J पौली, JK ufeuca, पडरादति. M कंवल, 8 कुवल्ल तणं

ec; KPU बी, JU are (for जाद्‌), N साषियाचि quay, BK gaa BINS मोतादल, JS निदसत, JNS usa, BKPSU सुष, 8 भागवति M inserts here st. १०९

९८ | N कोकनद, S मपि, BM asifea, K anwfa, N किंजलकि, fasrea, BKNU दयति, BMS Ga, IN Sa, Pex, K बीजो, U ais, K aicfa (for कौर g),B fa (for सु), BJ तस, 8S तन (for तस्तु), K wate (for जाती

१०० | M संगार, P सिंगार, K aty मन, M कोयो, P शामा, KNP eH, J

देव, Mesa, JKU wis, PSU कांड, N मोत्यां, JS मोतादल (for मोतौ wha), KNPS पानी

ge वेलि क्रिसन रुकमणौ रौ

अन्तर TAAL Hey BRITT

afte अङ्क an नग ufea | जागो सदनि सदनि at

मदन्‌ दौपमाला मुदित १०९

fate करुगि कुमकमौ कुङ्गम fate करि fate करि कुस्म कपुर करि |

fate करि पान rarest fate करि ` धोति सखी fate करगि धरि १०२

चकडोल्‌ लगी इणि भांति सं चाली मति तै वाखाशण मूँ |

सखी समूह माहि इम स्थामा सील अवरित लाज सं १०३ |

ate जाद साधि सु चटि चटि आया तुरी लाग ते ताकि faa |

सिलह माहि गरकाब संपेखी जोध मुकुर प्रतिबिम्ब जिम १९०४ |

vt | BKM शेतरि, JU कपरि, K नौलांबर, J नौलंबरि, M अबला, उदति, N सुदिन शुदिन, J sont, K dong, P संजोरैत, P aefa सदनि जारे mt, ? सुटिति, M gefa.

१०९। KN afe, M fax, K कर, BUPSU fat करि, BK कुमकुमौ, MPU a@aaas, JK(M)U fate करि कुंकुम, KN afe, M fae, BJ किदी, BEMiyq, JU wa, N परिमर धोत, N करम, 8 षर.

१०३ (B)K(M)P चउडोल, J चोल, Mew, J ददी, K ce (for ef), KNPU मांडि, M (for दम), BP सामा, B qnrfafca, K खावरितु.

१०४। BPU खाविस्यद, J waar, N खावासद्, M qradt am, Ng साथि, U साथ, Pw, BJ चडि चडि, N संगि चडि, लगि #%, BKP नाक, BKMNPU माहि, BU dtftax, J संपैषीद्‌, K gts, M संपेष, N सुंपैवौ, J age, MU मुकर.

राठौड राज frites री को RE

पदटमणि रखपाल्‌ पाडूदल पादक ह्िलवलिया हलिया हसति |

गमे गमे मद fsa Jeri गाच गिरवर नाग गति १०५

अस वेगि वदे रथ Te अन्तरिसख चालिया चेद्राणणि मग wits | किरि वैकुर्ड अजोध्यावासी मञ्ज करि acy नदि माहि ९०६

पारस प्रासाद सेन सम्पेखे

जाणि aay fa जलहरी | मेरु पाखतौ नखिजमाला

BATA सङ्गरि धरौ १०७ |

देवाले पेसि अग्बिका ea

aa भावि हिति प्रीति घण | हाये पूजि कियो हाथा लगि

मन afer फल्‌ रूकमण १०८ |

१०५ BINPU कदभिशि, K ° भिक, J रिषपाल, P ware, BKMN weafaa, हिल्लवलौवा, BM fefear, KN हाल्िथा, BKMN गलित (for afea), K जिरोवरि, P fatrec.

१०९ | BMN असि, JKNPU केम, JU Wafta, NP Wate, (J)U चदिथा (for eifear), BPS चंदाशणि, M चंदाडिनि, KU चखंद्राणण, NP afa, K करि, NP किर, ALL except M खयोध्यार, BIKMU ana, P मजि, BMU कर, K करद्‌, B सिरो, KM खरो (for aca), दधिं, P नद, BKU माहि.

१०७। N प्राखाईे, संपैषद्, U gut (for सम्प), BIKM जाणे, N wea fa ary weet, BJM मेर, BU पाषल्ली, JKMNP aaa’, U aaa ai माला, BM x, K 3°, JKMNP संकर.

१०८! J tafe, KP देवालय, N परसे (for axa), M wat (for ow) ; BKNPU fea, J इति, BM पृलै, KN पल, BKMNOU wre, BJKMU कब, BPU qwawt, KN wa.

द्‌ °

वेलि faaa रुकमणी सी

करस वसोकरग उनमादक ` परटि विण सोखण सर पञ्च | चितवणि हसणि लसि गति संकुचणि aafe दारि देडरा सञ्च १०९ |

Hang धियौ as सेन मूरद्ित तद्ध रो सम्पेखते | किरि नीषायौ तदि निकुटोये मठ पूतली पाखागमै ॥.१९० |

आयौ अस खेडि अरि सेन sak पिथमी गति अआकास पथ | चिख्ुवननाथ तणौ वेला तिणि रव सम्भली कि Ss रथ १११

afadfy समरथि रथि ते Fant स्यामा कर ATS सुकरि |

१०८ BIK अकरष्ण, NPU खाकषेण, J(M) उदमादिक, N उनमादिक

परिढि, J वितविण. N ल्हस्णि, NPU मन (for गति), U तरि (ditto), JU dafefa, KU सदर, NP दवारि, U ax, JKNPU टेदरा.

११० | BKM मनपग, J पुग, ¦ मनुपंगु, BJMU थया, K इद्धा, M सदि,

चेन as, 7? तनु (for तद) as, K की (for री), BM संपेषिते, J(U) wtufa, J करि, KNP किर, J नोपाय, P aug, BM ae, K Wa (for तदि), N afefe, ? तददी, BP faadt, J tyets, K निकुर, NM निकुर, U faafee .

१११ | BIKM असि, B षड, JP षडे, N पेड, BK मंडल (for चेन), J

मं[ड]ल्लि, U au, BJ qafx, K ax, N अंतरिद, B ष्यमी, J yaa, K gaat, N शयिनौ, PU प्रथिमौ, BK गति कि, U गति किना, JP पथि, M qu, fawaq?, K faq, U(M) ax, पि रवि, J qua दढ .

cats राज प्रिथीराज रौ की २९

वारि रे वारि Fle छे वर हरि हरिणाखी नाद्र हरि ११२

सम्भलत waa सर asta सम्भलि MAT ठाकुर अलल |

पिंड बडरूप fa Ya पालटे केसरिया are fara ११३

लारोवरि अस विचराम fa लिखिया नद्ध खरता नर वरै नर |

मांखर चोरी रै मादव मद्यारी ऊवे महर ११४

ऊपडी रजी aha अरक seat वातचक्र सिरि पच वसन्ति |

faa सहस ata सुणिजै LSTA ATAT वाजन्ति ११५

wei (J)MNPU afedy. B समथि, MPU समथ, JKN समरथ, U रथय, बसाणौ, U acer, JU श्यामा, P सामा, B करि, 4 साहि, K सारी ALL बादर, N दहो (for रे), K वीरवर (for वर), N अद्‌ कोर वर वीर इर (!), BNP exam. J दिर, गयो (for are), K @ गयो (ditto).

११द। BK शांभलित, J संभलित, N dufex, BIK yaw, JK(U) सद्‌ (for सर), BK शांभल्ि, N qree<, K ara, N afaar, BM ane, J maa, N fart, U fare.

wei JM emiefx, BKM असि, NP अस, B feacia, BEMN निद, Nat, Bud, K aa.

११५ J wee, J मधि, P महि (for मजि), NP &eay, JU “qq, N fax, J da, पंति, J qwix, NPU qwtas, JU वरिदाखां, KNU नासा.

BR बेलि क्सन रकम री ४.

अलगी ही नेडो की ऊनमते देढालौ wet cat दुह | वाँ exfaat areas मारवु्ये फरिया TE ११६

Heat वे घटा करे कालादि समुहे WAS Ae | जोगणि अप अआडंग जाणे

ALG रत बेुडो TE ११७

हथनालि हवा कुहकबाण वि Sts वीर हकं Tire | feast ऊपरि ate ate सर We बृंद ATS HET ११८ |

कलकलिया कुन्त किरण कलि ऊकलि वर्सति विसिख विवर्जित वाड |

११२ NP wear, JKPU ae, N ter, M नयडौ, NP कौध, B उश्रवते, M उषरमवे, JPU waa, K vsaa, N wwad, J देगलो, U dere, M (Rot]@ war, BK ययो (for ew), INU इख, K e@, BKN es, J वागु, NU वागा, B दवरौये, J exited, N catia, JU ara, एर मारगवे, J परियां, P फोरिया.

११९० JMP wer, BK कठठौ करि आणौ ser arerefa gayi, JKN(PU) erat, M संसुद्धी, J stfax, NPU oifafa, BKMN an, P afedt (for axa), K «aa, P रति, J बेणडे, U ayer, M वदे.

१६८ | N efauaife, P Raa, BK Yew, M Ste, N stax, J wears, U awiaes, J सिल ऊपरा, BK(M)N fewe ate ऊपरि, (M SD), JPU faf<, K मेष, JU मादी.

cats राज पिथीराज रौ wet | ३३

धड़ ufs घड़कि धार घारूजल्‌ सिहरि सिद्धरि समरे fears ११९

क्र i हि यार काद्र असुभकारियो म, (> गाति नीसाणं WSs | ऊजलियाँ धासँ ऊवड्यौ ban EN परनाले जल्‌ रूर WS १२०

चेटियालौ कूदे चौसटि चाचरि लिये EN घ्र ठकलिय GRA AS | अनंत अनि सिसुपाल apeas भड़ मातौ मांँडियौ भड Re

fia अङ्कणि afa afex रलतलिया घणा हाथ BUS घणा |

Sat पच qeqe जल्‌ अकरिति तरि चाले जोगगो तणा १२२

११९९ N कुति, BM किरणि, JU safe कलि, K कलिया (for vafe), B aqea, JK(M)U वरजित, N वरषित, BEN fads, J we ve ygal, BK कलकि (for ywefa), J weft, KN feet, M @ex, BKM संबरवि, J संमरवि, U संमर, BJKM vets.

yee | एन कांपिया, BIMNU कायरां, K कायर, BKU asia, J गाजते,

N जागते, P गाजिते, J(K) गड्गड़द्‌, N गुडड्द्‌, PU धारा, B aaa, J vasa, K ऊपड्यो

१९९। Mestre, P `चोटोयालोडं, U quad, J gfe, N डि (for श्रू), BP ewe, J लीद, N Wax, wWraz (for ढलिय), BM खसिपाल, K fae’, BU sagt, J ऊभड़ां, M ows, BM लागौ (for सातौ), N माते, P araz, J détay .

९२९ | BK रण, U fefa, KN dau aq, रलतलौयो, N ceafea, P श्लतसीया तेण ख्ड्िर sau रण, B घरे, JMNU घरे, BK दायि, JNU पड़े, J vu, U जल बृद्‌बुदा, KM जल बुद्बुद, (N)PU wrata, BM खाक्रति, MN तिरि, JU चाकले, (N)P are, M चालीया, BINP(U) sitfaw .


38 ate क्रिसन रुकमणी री

बेली तदि बलिभद् aye aa साबतौ अजे लगि साथ | वे avefaa वेला हल जोपिसये जु वादिसि हाय १२३

विसरियाँं विसर जस बीज Hs खारी हालाहलं खलँ |

चटे कन्ध मूल्‌ जड़ चट

a iN STITT काँ वाताँ Wats १२४

चटि घटि घण घाड चाड घा रत चण Su fess pet अति |

fufs नीपनौ कि खेच पवालौ सिरा हंस tae सति १२१

बलदेव महाबल तासु सुजाबलि पिडि ween नवी परि |

९२२ M बलभद्र तदि बेली, KP बलभद्र, B(J) बलिभङ्गि, BIKU बापूकारे, P °रौया, PU सच्च, NP साबता, BJU जी, BM लग, J वादयीद्‌ (षा), U त्यां वेलां, J va (for दल), NP fear, J ज, K सो (for ज), N wy, ated, J(N) areas, KM arrest, PU वादिस्यद्‌ .

१९४ (ग) frefen कोज जस As बौजिस्ये, P fret वार जस बीज बोजिजे, Nowe बोजे बोलियां, M Aree (for बौजिने), wa, N were, P खालादल, BJK(M)U wet, N ge (for ae), K जल We, J af, M age (!), 77 रां (for at), BIKPU वदतां, JK(M)U इलां

१९५ | J reads the first line as follows: नौर्‌ रगत षलडलोया नीसंक, are (for ay), BJU अंच, N ऊंची, BM we, JU aq, K चंच, खच पडि, BN पिंड, M नौपनु, U wa, KM सज (for सति)





रादौड राज प्रिथीराज री कलो | ३५

विजडा मुहे वेडते afte feat पञ्च कोधा समरि १२६

fom गाहटते सामि [खलि*] wat रिण fax निज चरण सु af faa | fate चडिये सङ्कार फेरतां केकां पाड सुग किया १२७ |

कगा अक लिया किया ओक कणकण भर wg भद्धियौ भिड |

बलिभन्र खले wat सिरि बेदी चारौ पल्‌ ग्रीघणो चड़ १२८ |

सरिखां & बलिभि लोह ates वडफरि pane विरुधि | भलाभलौ सति तजि भ्या जरासेन सिसुपाल्‌ जुधि १२९

JU ara, NU भुजां वलि, B पिंड, N fag, KNP qecaz, JP बिजड़ां, N वडतद्‌, P Ged, JU बैडोया, BJU aw’, ALL ous, BJKN fac, J सवरि, M omits this stanza.

JKNU रम, ALL [ष्लि], K <u, P रणि (for 2nd रिण), J निय, N निखलण (for निज चरण), BKMPU स, J ae, KNP मेरि, KU war, J af, K फिर, N फर, J fear, KNP aa, J फेरतद्‌, फिरता, U फेरता, KNP पाय, BM omit this stanza. JKU कण ater अक (Sa), Maw war ea, पि Qa, J भार, KN vfsrat, P भजोञ, N ug, M भिदि. BKNPU बल्लभद्र, JKU षले (for wa), M षलं uw, KMN fax, N बाढद्‌ (for चठ), K zum, N fafcum, M fafs, N चंडि, J places this stanza between st. eeu and st. १६२९ . :

J gui, U awe (for afcet), KP ae’, ALL °uR, J ares, K arnt, KN वडफिरि, M "फर, PU sasne, JU fang, MNP विद्ध, BK भलाभला, KN खच्‌, M a (for सति), B तोदरेज, J ais, K तद्ज, M aria, N aifea, KMN भागा, 8 जरासंधि, KM जरासिंध, BK सिसखपाल्ञ, M सुखि? J जुड .

द्‌ वेलि क्रिसन रुकमणो रौ

साडो अकारक BTS वाग्धौ येम रुकमणे वीर | अबला लेड wat xx आयो आयौ दहं पग मांडि अद्यीर १३०

विलकुलियो वदनि Sa वाकाश

सङ्गद्ि धनुख wag सर सचि | faa रूकम आद्य Seu कजि

बेलखि अणी afe fe बन्धि॥ १३१

रुकमडइयौ पेखि तपत आरुणि रणि पेखि रुकमणे जल प्रसन | तसा लोहार वाम कर निय तणा areta fas सांडसी मन १३२

anya ची सनसि wnat afafa अगणमारिवा तरे आलोजि |

अखियात जु अङ्धि arse सजे रकम हरि Se athe | ९२२ |

१३० | B areies, NP खाङोदडि, B Gaga, BP वाद्य, K वाग, MNS(U) वागियौ, K @, U खक (for qa), एत? रषमणो, NU रुकभिणी, K लो, N aay ce (for चायो =) .

१६१ N fawafeas, P “Mts, RIKNP वदन, BKM araiz, (J)U वाकारिख, Gag. M Maat (for सङ्कदि), B पिणक्‌, K qwy, N पिण्च, JKU ava, M aay, N fawa, JKMNP चाय, छखन waa egy wary करि, INP gay, MU dea, P ge, B fafa, J fas, K दहि, NPU ze.

rae | M तपति, ALL axa, BKN wa, MU fea, P रणि, JP रुषः, anfamt, M तणो, P aws, U aq (for 15४ au), U करि, J तण, M तन (for 2nd तण), JMU area, MU कौयौ .

2a | BIKMP सनस, एव्र! qeawi, NU wafaw, BN सांनिधि, K

सांनिध, M सनधि, KM aw, N awy, वार भा rere, N खषि-

cats राज पिथीराज गौ कद्ध | २७

faces कियो तदि सोनानामो केस उतारि विरूप कियो | fefat जीवि जु जीव छण्डियौ हरि हरिणाखी पेखि feat ९२४ |

an SN अनुज उचितं अग्रज इम अखे दुसट सासना भली | A A atefa जासु पासे बेसारी

vat काम fas भला भई १३५ |

सुसमित सुनमित निज वदन सुन्रीडित पडरौकाख यिया पसन | पथम अग्रज Baa पालिवा मिरिगिखो राखिवा मन ९३६ |

fad करण अकरण अन्नथा करणा सगलं St थोके AAAS |

याथ, अषदयात, K जो, B(K)N अवधि अवध, J(N) आयुधि uray, Maw, JKMU dis.

ves | BM facersy, JN facwray, P facenay, K कोष, BKMN तद, JPU [तदि], BN खेन (for सोना), JNPU कतारि, JU कषोद, M fetta, JKMNPU जव (for जवि), K जो, BINPU शांडियख, Bg wf, K a दरि, MN snfa (for tf).

१२५ अनंत (for अनुज), BK खग्रज ईष कड़े अनुज खनुचित, U दु, JU-araat, BKM ara (for wet), JK बदिन, एता जास, BK Tew, (BM)NU कीदख, K भलो कोयो कीयौ भलौ wt, BM(N) भलो (for भला).

aii K सुखमति, N agfafa, U gefafa, M gaafa चमति, BU सत्री, KP सत्रोडित, MU सुत्रीडति, B(MN) P ge@arcs, are, K yetia, U “are, B यौ, J ww, K यथा, N यथो, M कौयो (for धिया), BP प्रसन्न, BP etree, KMN area, BMN wqaaee, J warifa, K waam, P रखगानयणौ, U ear.


mt --


RG |

१८९ |

वेलि क्सन रुकमसी री

हालिया जा इलगाया Bat हरि साले सिरि थापे हत्य १३७

परदल fafa जीपि vena yea

aa सिरि अधिक वावरे ae | वदते acta मादि वादोवदि

वाधग लागा वधाडूदार १३८

ग्रह काज भूलि ग्या ग्रहि of ग्रहगति years चिन्ता पड़ी |

मनि suum ata हरि मारगि ATS पज ओटे चड़ १३९

देखताँ पथिक उतामला दीढटा भोंखाणा उरि उटी भल |

JKNPU छत. JM मकरण (for खक), } खनिथाई, J मन्यथा, KPU न्यथा, M खनिथा, BKM करण, N कौया न्यथा (10 खन्गथा करणं), B fafa@, J समत्य, MP समथ, U समरथ, B दालोयो, PU जाद, BK faa (for जा), BK लगाया (for ga°), N gear, PU wearer, JNP साला, J यापी, BKU थापि, B थि, K दायि.

MU fau, BKU जीति, (J)PU खषभिणी, N दकमिणी (for yaw), BM read the second line as follows: श्चाणद्‌ aay च्या अकार, and J as follows: खाया af= अरतौ ऊतारि, and K as follows: erg रोस थया war, JKM कटक, K are, 3 महा (for ate), JU तद्‌ वेला (for वारोवदि), JU वक्षादयार, U places this stanza

between st, १२५ and st. 8%. |

B faz, JKNPU ग्द, BKU काजि, BKM a, JN ग्डडि ग्ट, U we we, BK weafa wie wie, मन, N arya, P अपण, U अपण, K(P) कोधौ, M कधा, BKP area, K 38m, NP श्रद्‌, N qe.

cats राज परथीराज रौ कलो Be

नील्‌ sta करि देखि निलाणा कुससथलो वासी कमल्‌ १४०

सुणि आगम नगर साऊजम

anata feat Taam रेस | लहरि faa जाणि लरीरव

राका दिनि दरसणि राकेस १४६५ |

वधाउँं ग्रहे foe एवासी दलिद्र तगौ दधौ दलिब्न। Hea Sa अखित Safest हरी ate केसर VaR १४२ |

नर मारगि मेक अक ala नारी

कमिया अति HeTS करेड | agar इरि नयर अपिवा

बाद्दां तिकरि पसारौ बेड १४३

= --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----( ` `

१४० | Bead, KMP twat, N टेषंतां, N Waa, BKM fe पथिक, B उतावलि, K उतावल्ला, M उतावलो Sei, JU दुरा पथि पथिक ऊतामल (fe) रेषे, JKMN उर, BEKMNP नौली, J डाल्ह, B fafa, K विण (for देखि), ALL feu, K कुसल, M कुसस्थ ली, N पासद्‌ (52८ ! for वासौ).

१४१ | B खागमि, BKMNP नयर, BN g सह, Baas, N सहजम, BJU इषमिणि, BU aaa, JKNP किसन, M aa, U वधघामण, BPU रेसि, BM wet, लदरि, N wee, P wfefey, J we, N जाणे, KMP fea, MP दरसण, B राकेसि.

eve} M वाधा, N वाधाया, BK we wei, J गरदा महे, NPU Be Re, चुरवासीयद्‌, MN years, NP दलिद, K aw, JU fear (for att), BIMP Ges, U Su, P afee, K उत्सव, JIM awe (for seq), J se, KU इया, MN इवा, P wai, BKNU केसरि, KPU wax.

१४३ JKU मारग, P मारगे, N Sa Fa, JKU aa, P मारगि, BP क्रमिशं, NP arg (for अति), N ate, J अंकमालि, BN नयरि, N आआविया, BK तकरि, J तिकिरि, P तिकर, INPU पारद.

Bo वेलि क्सन anaat 4

वीजलि ofa दंड मोती वरिखा WALSH लागा कडग | ss co ea अकास alert घग अयौ किरि वरुण घण १४४

मूकुरमे पोलि पौलिमै मारग ATM GUN AICHE | पुरि इरि सेन Ga Tart नो रोवरि प्रविसन्ति TE १४५

धरवलद्धरे waa दिये जस चवलित णि नागर Se सध |

सकिसल सबलं सदल्‌ सिरि सामल Tey Fz लागी पड़ण ९४६ |

जीपे सिसुपाल्‌ जरासिंधु जीपे

आयौ fate यआरुतो उतारि | देखे मुख वसुदेव देवको

वार्‌ वार वारे ये वारि १४७ ||

~ ~= ----~---- =


१४४। BMU ase, J Asew, K वौजल, U दति, B ss, K मोतौयेां (for मोती ये), BKN erate, JPU आकाश, BJKU अवदाय M अविः, U erat, BK MNP afc.

१४५ | BKMU सुक्षर० BKMN wife, JU पलि, IN मारमि, B अबीरमे K गमय, JMNPU °as, M सुर, BKM पद्सारो, J ters, NPU पट्सारउ, M नौरोष्यरि, J प्रविशत, N पयसंति, P पद्संति, B a, K नय, JMNPU नद्‌

१४९ | JM yaw’, B जसि, BM wafea, BJKMU ya, BJM नागरि, J tuz, NP पेषे (101 देख), BJKM guy, K सकुशल, J ace wae, BMN fax

१४७} BJ(N) जधि जीवे, यधि जीति, U यधि ana, P sify (for sma) BKM सखिपाल, BJU scrdfy, BN [sia], K जीते, B wa JKU ear, BKNU गडि, J we, 1 we. 3 vert, J We, NPU उवारद्‌, B पौय (sic! णिः पं), N wa

राठौड़ राज पिथीराज सी ast ४१

विधि सहित वधावे वाजित वाव भिन मिन अमिन वाणि मुखि भाखि। ae भगति राजान fees चो साजरमणि रुकमणि fate राखि १४८ |

Zag ats वसुदेव देवकी ufest We परसन feat लगन जोतिख ग्रंथ देखे कदि परे रुकम णि क्रिसन १४९ |

aetna शरम विचारि वेदविद

कम्पित चित लागा कद्ग | Sata सुची सरिस किम Sta

एन पन पाणिगर १५०

frog ततकाल चिकाल निदर्सी करि fara लागा क्या |

१४८ | B सदिति, N वधावद्, M वाये, N वावद्‌, KPU भिन्न, N fae, अभिनव, NP [खभिन], K [वाणि], NP वाणि वणि, KMNU सुष 3 aay, JK aaa, MU aa, N ae, M कौ (for चौ), B «fafafa, J दषमणि, U aafaw, BP afe, Jae, KNU ae, M fae.

gue | BK देवगति, J Zana, M रेवि, N देवांगणि, PU देबन्न, U परिल, JU ई], MS, J ges अ, P gai, BKU ays अ, M द्यो, च्योतिष, N टेषद्‌, BM az, JPU az (for कदि), BP खषमणो, J qwafa, KN कमणो, U «eafau, BKU wea, NP किषन.

९५० | KN वेडोगति, M वेदोक्त, J wa, JKNP विचार, BMN केदवंत, JP @fefaa, K वेदवित, J Sfafu, कणि, K gt, N We, PSH (for सुची), K सरस, N afeey, P w (for किम), JKNPU पुनः पुनः, ALL पाणिग्रइण .

BR ata क्सन रुकमणो री

ana दोख विवरजित सादौ Sa जई Bat हरण १५९

वसुदेव देवकी सं ब्राहमणो कटो परसपर खेम कदि | Se हरणि हथलेवौ छौ | सेस संसकार SE सदि १५२ |

विप्र मूरति वेद cada वेदी वंस आद्र अरजुनमै Te | व्रणो अगनि अगरमे इन्धण asta जित घणसार HSE ९५३२

ufea दिसि ufe पुरब सुख ated परित ऊपरि अतपच | मघुपरिकादि संसकार मण्डित == A ची वर बे बेसाणि तच ९५४

१४९१९ M निदरसे, N किरि, BK कवि (for करि), JNPU निरण्य, K वितरण (!), BK करण (for कण), N सिगले, B रोषि, JU जरि, 1 ज, 1 इड, # डवो .

११२। एर प्रतरं (10 ष्‌), Bag, K afe, N कोख, 7 कोय, U कदी कद (for की), N परस्यर, J इद्‌, KP sav, M sa (for छदे), IMU दरण, JP su, M sa, BJMU सेष, K शेष, K संस्कार, M सदखकार, (B)N ate (for sz), P कड (ditto), J(M)U वदू (ditto), K teas (ditto).

gue | NPU रतनमय, BJK aja, NU वंश, U ers, B अरिजणमे, M खरजनमे, N आरजुनमय, P qasaay वेदि, U wae (for खगनि), B ofa, J qa, KNPU छत, JKNU घनसार.

१५४। Baefa, J पश्चिम, M fea, दिशि, KU पठ, JMP पट qfea,. N पट थपि (for 2nd परित), M qaqa, BKM मधुपर^ NPU मधुपकादि, BJINPU खदसकार, N मंड, P ars, BK [बै], J बेखारि, K(N) बसाणोया.

राठौड़ राज प्रिथीराज री कदी 8%

अशोपित wife as हरि arta गरभि उदधि ससि as Wet | ae मुख asta ओटे चटि a गावे सुखि aga करि गीत १५५

अगले frat परौ चौथे चराररेभि

पोरा fates दणि भांति फिरि | कर्‌ साङ्सट ग्रहण कर | करि

करी कमल्‌ चम्पियौ किरि | १५६ I

प्रावि चिया aa पभणावे वाच परसपर जया विधि | लाधी वेला मगौ art निगम पाठके नवे निधि १५७

दल BE अग we caret

tel कम Garec fefa | afs चौरी इथलेवे He

मन बन्धे अञ्चला fafa १५८ |

१५५ M अरोपति, J अधि, BK खाण्ण, JMU waa, 34 acy, NPU मच्छ, BJKNPU zeta, J ate we, M qe (for सुख), B(M) आगे, J अंगण, K ejaw, N अंगणद्‌, P wife, (B)KNP wei, Jve<afs, U qu, PU किरि.

१४९ BEN अगल, J गिलो, U sta, BKU प्रिया (for fat), JIN प्रिय, ची (for FW), K चोथो खारभ, U चौथि area, J favs, N fawez, J <u, U रद्‌, BK age, JNU साग, B ष, BK कर (for करि), N(P) कमल करो, U चंपतः, N करि.

१४७ BJK पक्षरावौ, JKMU चौ, P षरभणाको, N पधरावद्‌ (for षभः), KU परस्पर, BKPU यथा, J यक (for जथा), NP मांगे लोधी, BKNU नवे.

we . चखागद्ं द्‌ पाड, Met sada, K aiwex, J दिखा, fem, eife, चंवरो, KM(N)U दथजेवौ द्यौ, P खथलेवा eet, B atu, M बाधा, N बंधद्‌, MN Guar, J मिसा.


वेलि करसन रूकमगी री

ait atx अलि केलििद् अन्तरि करि अङ्गण ALAM करेगा | सेज वियाजि खीर सागर सजि we वियाजि सजे तसु GT ९५९ |

ann चिच रचित afta ifr अनि अनि

मणि दीपक करि ae मणि। aife रहे wea aa fafa फग सदसे TEAM cdo |

मं दिरन्तरि किया खिणन्तरि मिलिवा विचि सखिञ समात्रित |

ata तिणि dave संसकरित | कर्णा gam रति संसक्रित १६९१ |

सङ्कड्ति समसमा सन्धया समये

र्ति वज्छति रुकमणि रमणि | पथिकं वधू fafo ws पद्यां

कमल्‌ पच सरिज facta १६२॥


we! U erate, B छदि, JIKNPU Sse, B Safa, KP area, B

सेक, ALL वियाज, U सकि, J एजि (for सजि), KM सभे, K बस.

eget KNP वेण, BJK va, N fafa (for करि), BJMU मण, N मडि,

B aweur, M चांद्रवा, U फणि, BM wt, BJKM "फण.

e€e ? मंदरि afc, J म॑दिरांतरि, (M)N afecsac, M क्िशंतरि, N

चणंतर, BMU fawar, KNPU समावत, M कोधो, NP ater, B तशि, K faa, N जिण, (J)NPU dema, K dea, M खसक्रित, B सुति, K जुति, M gafa, NP सुतण .

१९९! N(P) संकुचित, J dag, INPU समये, BKMNU afea, J der,

afefa, BJU इषमणि, ALL रमण, J fs, KNPU ददि, M fiat, KN dfaer, BIKNPU किरण.

राटौड राज fotos रौ कदी ४१५

पति अति आतुर विया मुक्ख Tam निसा तौ मुख दीट निट |

चन्द्र किरण कुलटा सुनिसाचर द्रवड्ति अभिसारिका fas १६२ |

अनि पंखि बन्धे चकवाक Baa

fafa सन्धे इम अद्यो fafa | कामि कामि तणी कामागनि

मन लाया दौपकां fafa १९६४


Sait as सखि प्रसंसिता अति कितारथो पो faa कित | अटति aa दार aif अडधटि खति दे हरि घरि समाखित ९६५

हंसागति तणौ यातुर्‌ च्या हरि & वाधाऊ SST TS |

auafa अने Awe सदि कमि ain आगमन AS १६९६

भ~ -

१९६३ | B eufa (for पति), BM चोय, P ची, ALL मुष (for सुक्ड), BPU टेषण (for पैः), K Se, 8 निदि. BKN चंद, B किरणि, J gas क, M zaefa, fafae fa, KN efs, Pes.

१६४ Boca, NU qa, BJMU पष, (B)JINPU yg, B चकवाक,

(B)INPU wdys, Bafa. KM नेसे, INP dye, संधि, JIM

[<a], K कानि, MNPU कामि, ALL कामियां (for कामि),

BJKM तणा, M arafafa, N गणि, BPU win, P Svar.

११४ | BM खड, JK सहि, KN खत, J इति, JU छतारथा, M कतारथ, BJM त्रिय, K fa, U fea, BMNPU aa, JK am, B खत, M टित, BU arf, M ert, ALL fafa, BM erefe, ALL wfa, दरि षरिटे, BNPU समाचरित, J चिता, K eat, M श्रुति.

१९९ BKM दंसागय, KM तणा KMU थया, NP थया, Bat, N args छागे दो, 8 जहो, KM fart, J nh, K aza, P ae vey, K

४६ वेलि faa रुकमणी री

अवलम्ब सखी कर पगि पमि Sat रहती मद वदतो रमणि |

लाज AS IFS लगा गै जिम अणी गेगमणि १९६७ |

zeit घसति हरि जेदडि दीदी aig को Saat उमाप | तिणि sro दी करायौ आदर ऊभा करि रोमां BT १६८

fate मिली ast जाद्‌ aa वांता चण pet अन्तर घरि | अङ्माल आपे हरि आपणि पधरावौ ची सेज परि १६९

अति प्रेरित रूपि आंखियाँ अचिपत मादव जदिखपि चिपत मन | वार्‌ वार्‌ तिम करै विलोकन YM सुख ART रङ्कः धन Yo

arurara, N सडधा०, JKMNPU “ara, BJP नूर, JMNPU खद्‌, BIMNP wa, N arate, K आगमि ama कदि, BJM आनम, N aye

१९७ | B श्य॑विर्लंब, K आअविलंबित, P अंबिष्ंवि, U आरंबि, BM करि मदि, J वदता, wiat, B waa, JU ware, KNPU गय, J ay, BKNPU मयगमणि

१९८ | JKM yaa, BU जेदरि, J जेदनि, P आनंद, K कोई, B ais un, Navfe was, Pat suas, Jat sy, BKMN garg, K fax &, MU faw, NP ara, K दी], P =, J कराया aera J किरि, 2 रा्मांशं, KM ware

१९९८ | BM वहि, JU ae, P feaq JU घडो fast, KN ateai, BK aur, JU घणां ददा, KM Se, शांतरे, BIK give, J aa.

१७० | MP प्रेरति, JKMNPU शूप, K waite जो, B अजिपित, N खतिपति, B जदिपि, JKNPU बद्यपि, M जद्यपि, BNP विपित, KM faufa

cats राज fotos रौ कदो | | £

अजाति जाति पट घूं घट अन्तरि मेल अक कर्ण अमलो | मन दम्पती कटा दूति मे निय मन Ga कटाक नलौ १७१

at नारि नेच निज वदन विलासा जाणियौ अंतहकरुण जई | दसि हसि ae हेक हेका SE fore बाहिरि सहचरी TE १७२

कन्ति उचित क्रीडा चौ ava

Hat सु fate देवि दुजि। अदिट अखत किम eat and

सुख ते जाणण््ार सुजि 293 |

पति पवनि पारित चौ तच निपतति सुरत अन्ति केवौ सिरी |

P fas (for तिम), B बिलोकण, NP धणि, K नदो, N जदा, P sei, set, K wy (for ya) .

१७१ | JK(M)NPU खायाति याति, K daz, (B)NP मिलिये, K मेले (for tea), K अभिली, BJK दंपति, J waite, KMNPU aera, JN ga, B मनि qa, N inverts the order of st. १७१ and st. १०१

१७२ | BJK विलासी, M विललासित, IN अंतकरण, J(NP)U wet, K we, 8 होय, J ix, JKNPU ee, BJP बादरि, KMN बाहिर.

१७२। JU waa, (K)M कांति, N Ge, PU Se, J fast, P कदि, K fei, B क्यों (for fafe), JKMNPU दैव, JPU दज, BN ads, M wfsz, BKPU ava, (M)N खनति, M कणौ, U arex जाणणडार, JP ax, Ma, JKNU सुज ,

ge वेति क्रिसन रूकमणी रो

गजेन्द्र कोडताँ सु व्याकुलगति नीरासये परि कमलिनी १७४

कीधे मधि माणिक हीरा Area मिलिया कारौगर मयण। wat aa लिलाटि सोद्िया gra विन्द्‌ sez कण १७५

ची वदनि पौतता चिति व्याकुलता fea watt खेद डद चरि aq लाज पगे नेउर धुनि करे निवारण करट कुद LOE |

तिणि तालि सखी गलि स्यामा Vet fast ममर वाराजु ats |

वलि ऊभी ak घणा घाति वल्‌ लता केलि अविलम्ब ate १७७ |


१७४ BKNPU पवन, JM पवण, BK पारथित, M पारथति, BN चौय, M तत, BUN निपतित, JKU sa, J ae, BIMNPU ओ, K वनौ (for faa), M afsiz, BM क्रोडता, INPU anfea, BKM fq], JNPU स, NPU विथाकुलः, BK कंवि गलित, J कि विगलित, M किर गलित (for वयाकुलगति), BJKM नराद्‌, NP(U) नोरासय, J कमल्िणी .

१५५ | M कोधो, N मणि (for मधि), (K)P fafeay, M fafea, BJ सामा, N तण, J ललाट, KMP fear, N निलाट, warfe, N सोद, J qq, BK agi बिद्‌.

१७९ | ALL वदन, JKNPU faa, M चित, JK arafeat, J etx, KNPU Stax, K धगघमो, M Raga, JU sa, K st, M डव (for डद), M धर चषि, JU चष, M afe asa, B omits this stanza. M places it after st. १७७ .

९७७ K faw, KNU are, Barat, M भवर, BK भाराज, MP भारालु, U थौ, K adi, J घाल (for बाति), N घाति षणा afe, JMNP वलंब, KU अवलंबि.

cats राज fotos रौ wet ४९

एनरपि पधरावी कन्दे प्राणपति afea लाज भै पोति सा | सुगत केस तूटी मुगतावलि कस Het HA घरिटिका || १७८ |

सुखि wea केलि स्यामि स्यामा संगि सखिव्मे मनरखिच्े सं घट |

चौकि चकि ऊपरि चिचसाली BE रदियो कहकद्धादृट १७९ |

राता तत चिन्ता रत चिन्तारत गिरि कन्द्रि घरि विन्दे गण | निद्रावसि जग अड मद्ानिसि जामिर RIAA जागरण १८०

लिखमीवर इरि निगरभर लागी

ara cata चूटन्ति इम | कीड़ापिय पोकारि किरीटी

जीवितपिय घड्याल्‌ जिम १८१ |

yor | NP पराश, BKMNPU भय, J waz, M प्रोत, J en, K eat (for सा), JK gafa, BJIKP चटी, U wet (for get), K कर (for कस), P चटी (for कटो), BK «az, P faz

१७९ ALL qu, 1/ लाधौ, BJK श्याम (for fa), NP सामि, Bde da, Jun aia, K gia चौक, U da sia, Beta

१८० | BNP(M) राता तति faa रति राता, U राता तत भर far ca राता, K कंदर धर, J fas, NPU fare, N गिण, K चण (for गण), BJP "वस्‌, K जभि, Nae, J डवि (for 4s), feat (ditto), KM wat (ditto).

wary NP waar wfaar’, JK wea, BM निगरभरि, BJK(M) ary, KMU रयण, BK gefa, J चरत, M तुग्तौ, एव शरौ BJKMN ant, BM जोवतः, JK श्रौ, P चड्याल्ि 4

Yo afte किसन anaat रौ

गत प्रभा fat ससि cafe गलन्ती वर मन्दा सति वदन वरि | दौपक परजलतौ दीपे नासफरिम Grats नरि १९८२

मेली तदि साधि सरम कोक मनि रमण कोक मनि arty Tet | ae छण्डी वास TH ग्रहणे सीतलता ग्रहो १८

धुनि ऊटि अनाद्त ag भेरि घुनि अरूणोद धियौ जोग अभ्यास माया पटल निसामै मञ्ज प्राणायामे जोति प्रकास | १८४ |

सञ्जोगणि चीर रई केरव खो

घर हट ताल भमर UTM | दिणयरि afr Saat दीघा

मेखियाँ बन्ध बन्धयां मोख १८५

eee | JK प्रभात, N प्रभाति, JK(M)N यय, KN शशि, JKM cay, BNP मादा, K सतो, BNPU as, JK वर, K ave (fort), KM नासफरम, BEM a@xaa, JK नर.

goa | BJKN fae, BK तद, BJKM साध, U साधि, J सुरमणि, K मन, M मति (for Ist मनि), J मणि (for 2nd मनि), BU am, JKM ary, J weteq, BJKMPU [z).

१८४ KN कठी, U wht, M अनादद, N भेरि du, JM मेर, IKMNPU अदणोदय, K(M)N, was, P [feet], KN(U) faeraa, K प्राणायामद्‌, N प्राणियां az, M प्रणामे, 17 ज्योति, M पर कास .

JKU संयोगिणि, BN संजोगिणो, M faa, N रदी afe रभस (sic), JKMPU जी, P घरि, J अमर, M भंवर, BP aeeta, N बयोघोष, BJKNP fewer, M दणोयर, J प्रगट (for अभि), U खतला, NP waa, BK(M)N दोषौ.


cats राज feito री की ५९

वाणिजा वधू गो वा असे विट चोर चकव विप्र तीरथ वेल्‌ | खरि प्रगटि dant समपिया मिलिया face विरद्धियाँ Fa ९८६ |

नदि दी वधे सर नीर घटे fafa गाठ धरा aq हेमगिरि। gaa ate तदि ety जगत सिरि खर राड किय जगत सिरि १८७

आकुल श्या लोक केवि Sa अचरिज वज्छित च्छाया विहित |

सरण हेम दिसि लीधौ afer खरिज दी fre असरित १८८

खोखण्ड प्क कमकमो सलिल सरि दलि qual अर्ण दुति | AAAS! कोडन्ति जगतपति जेठ मासि अदी जुगति ase. |

१८९ | B(M) वाणिज, KU वाणिलजि, BN as, M aw, B wet. JU wai, NP ave, K सित, BMN चकवि, K चकवा, JKM af. ALL ai, B vafe, K प्रगट, JU gate, KP qaer, BM saya, समरण्यौ, N yarfaay, P gafgar, JK मेलि.

१८७ | वधौ. N aug. vee, BK द्रवि, BJ सुतर, KNU सुरतङ, B तद, BK जगच. P जगति, J खिर, JK राद, BK(M) कोयो. N कोय, JP जगच, M fac.

ecu) KM wat, NP(U) faa, BK(N) केडवो (for केवि sw). JPU sw. B चिरज, M at अचरिज को (for कैवि sw अचरिल), M fatefa. B लीयो डस दिसि, K wy Ba fefe, M ae Ba fey लीनो खरणो, JK MPU इष, N विषय, M असरिति.

१८८ ALL wis, B कुमकुमौ, JKMNU कमकमउ, JMU दल, - सुकला. U gat, BKM eae, J जगच, #88. KM ars, M Seat.

५२ वेलि किसन रुकमणी री

मिलि are तणी atsefe & मसि त्रन तपि आसार aut तपन |

जन नीजनपणि अधिक जाणियौ मध्यराचि प्रति मध्याह्न १९०

acta vate face गिरि नीर gat मजे घणि पयोधर |

भोले वाद्‌ किया तरु WEE लवली ददन कि लू TST १९१

कसतूरी गारि कपूर ईट करि aq fasta नवी परि | कुसुम कमल्‌ दल्‌ माल्‌ अलङ्भित हरि क्रीडे तिणि धवलद्रि १९२

ऊपड धघुडीरव लागी safe

@fas waa भरिया खाद्र | fanfate atta किया fase far

द्रा वरसि ATT घर आद्र १९३ |

१९८० | BK(M)N arsfe, P arsfa, B @i, JKNP भिसि, U मिस, तपनि, JP जर, B नौीजणपरि, J fasiw®, K नौजण धति, P वौजनपिशि, Jame, K ortiz, B मधिराति, JKP सध्यराति, N माध्यायन.

१८९ BK aca, J acta, axfa, BKU पसर, J प्रसर, MNPU facua, M गिर, B निंभरि, JK निभेर, INP धनी (for wa), BJKNU wa (for धि). M धनि (ditto) + वाय, BJ बर B(M)N waet, J weet, K खलवनां, MU were.

vee | J इंडि, NP aay faeray, BU faeru. K “कौ, N पति (for परि), JM कुसम, 1८117 अलंछ्त, ऋोडति, K faw, M विणि ate, BJ धेमलदरि, KN धवलद्र, M धवलिदरि .

regi U gest क्षुडीरज, (B)KN धूलिरवि, M रजोरवि, (B)JKU awe, M पेजवीये, JKNPU asa, J सिगसिर, KNU सगण,

राटौड राज प्रिथोराज रौ कही ys

an रिखि राजान सु पावसि बेटा सुर सूता fay मोर सर | EN चातक te TATA WAG हरि सिगगारै saree ९९४ |

काली करि काँठलि ऊजल करण चारे खावण घरद्रिया। wf चालिया दिसोदिसि जल्‌ ग्रभ afta a facefa नयण feat | ९९५ |

quae दड़ड नड Bas वाजिया

सघग गाजियौ गुह्दिर सदि | जलनिधि दी सामाद्ध नद्धी जल

जलवाला समः जलदि VEE |

faze वृढौ घण विरा नीलाणी

qaqa घलि थलि जल्‌ वस्र | पथम समागमि वसच पदमणीं

are किरि ग्रहणा लस १९७

P मगसिर, U वायद्‌ (for वाजि), BM wat वैरो (for किया किङ्कर ), NP वदरी (ditto), ALL wa, BJKNPU «rs, J वरस, N ayy, P wei, BOM)NP ys (for घर) .

१९४ | BMN रिष, K ऋष, [सु] aaa, JM पावस, B यिय, KM ययौ,

U fast, B चातिग, M चाचिग, K चातिक रटति बलाक, N warefa, 8 र, K सिंगारद्‌.

१९८५ K ver, B धारा, BJKNPU अवण, M संवण, J दालोया (for चाल्िया), JB(M) दिसादिषि, PU दिशेदिश, BKM भे, JIN wuz, U विरद्दिण नयन, K aa, M gar.

१९९ | J बवरसति, PU इडडि, N was, U aaa, K सद, MN जललनिध, (K)MN समाद्‌, K wee.

१९० | B fafea, KS, BJ few, K वण, M ux विण, K नीलांणा, निवसे, BKMN समागम, N वसत, MPU yefan, JN few, K(M)NU wuz, KN करि, JU geu, J wuz (for waz) .

५8 वेलि क्रिंसन रूकमणी 4

तरू लता पल्लवित faa ag fea नीलाण नील्‌म्बरे ATE | पिथमी नदिमै हार पिशा पिरे दादुर नूपुर UTE ॥१९८॥.

काजल्‌ गिरि धार रेख काजल्‌ करि कटि मेखला पयोधि कटि | मामोलो बिन्द्लौ aaa पिथमी दीध लिलाट ufe | ree |

मिलिये तटि ऊपटि विथरी मिलिया घणि चर्‌ धाराधरे चणो |

केस जमर गंग कुसुम करम्बित वेणी किरि चिवेणणे वणे २००

घर स्यामा सरिस स्यामतर जलधर षेध चे गलि बाद्ा घाति | afa तिणि सन्धा वन्द्ण भरूला रिखिय लखे सके दिन राति २०१

१९८ BM तर, J प्लवति, N wea aus, Bfau, K ay, JPU au, BM कुरते, (K)PU sigha, N ख्कृरति, नीखंबरि, U नौलांबर, BK प्रथमो, NPU sfwm, N नदिमय, 3 हारि, BKMU पडरिया, NP परुडिया (for afefcat), P पद्िरिया (for yfet), NP tee

eee | JKU कल्ल, M fax, PMNP रेड, JU किरि, M पयोधे, BK syat, NU sfwat, BNPU निल्लाट

९०० | BK fawtat, | भिलोद्‌, M fatter, BMP az, B age, K aufs, B विथरौ, J ररे, N faad, J afer, K fata, BIKMU षण धर धारादर, JIM(U) aga, (N)P जवण, JM कुसुम, M कुरंबित, MPU fax, N करि, K के (for किरि), BM वेणो (for fa, P निवेणोज

₹०१। NPU wat, BKM सरस, M Ga तन (for स््यासतर), BJM Bua K adda, BJK aw, M जल (for aq), BN afer, J(M बांदा, KP बादां. BJKU ga, KM faw, BU वंदन, BUN) feted J रिषि, KP ऋषय, M fra Si, B लिषि, K लष, NP षौ.

राठौड़ राज प्रिथीराज सो wet . ५५.

रूढा पे लागि मनावि करे रस

लाघी Se तगौ गिणि लाम | दम्परतिख अालिङ्गन दीघा

आलिङ्गन देखे घर BAA |] २०२॥

ATTA Sala जल काजल्‌ BAA =| पोला इक राता पहल | अघोरे मेघ ऊधसता EN मद्धाराज राजे महल २०२

करि ईट नील॒मणि ae Faw Way लाल पट पाचि faz | मंदिरे गौख खु पदमरागमै सिखर सिखरमे मंदिर fax 208 |

धरिया तनि वसच कुमकमे धोया सुधा प्रखोलित मल सुखि | भर खावण भान्रव Uinta anata वर अहव रुखि २०५ |

२०२ | JKPU eat, BJK पाय, NPU पय, J कागद, NP aware करे इष, N eras, JK गणि, P गिण, J अलगिण, JU atag, J अलिंगिव .

२०३ | BKMNU श्रवति, P aaa, U कव्नल, K उच्जल, पौयला, KMU च्यक, J #& (for Fa), U स्ाधोफेरे, J “at, BM शखौघसता, J ऊधरसता, M मददाराजि, BU राजे.

२०४ | BKM कादो. B aefa, J संभ, U षभ. पाच, M पाट (for पाचि), B मंदरे, K मंदिर, M गोष, K सौ, NU °रागसय, BNP सिषरि, B सिषरिमें, N सिषरि faa, P सिषर कोय, सिरि.

voy | B धरिथै, K waa, J wat, K तन, J तिण, N तेणि, PU तिणि (for तनि), K aa@, Baga, BK कुमकुमद्‌, JMN कसकमद्‌, P कमकमे, U कुकुमे, JU wai, BK मेधा, J शुषा, M ge, BM wafefa (for



प्रखर), K ya@a (ditto), J safea (ditto), U प्रचाल्ित (ditto),




वेलि किसन रुकमणी रो

वरिखा श्तु we सरद रितु वलती वाखाणिसु वयणा qatar | ajax घर जल tfes निवा | निधुवनि लव्ना ची नयणि २०६ |

पौोलाणी धरा Saat पाको सरटि कालि अवी सिरी | कोकिल free पसेद ओस कण सुरति अन्ति मुख जेम सुची २०७ |

वितच्े असोज मिले नभि वादल्‌ fot पङ्क जलि गुडलृपण |

जिम सतगुरु कलि कलुख तणा जणा feud ग्यान प्रगटे TEM २०८ |

गोखीर खवति रस धरा ङदगिरति सर पोटणि थर सुखी |

JU wefa, ALL मुष, BKM भर, BMU arafa, JKP खाबण, N सावण, 3 भाद्रवि, M ara, K wang, M भोगवै, BIPU दषमिषि, B वरि खवद्दी, BIKMNP इष.

BM रिति, KN शति, चतु, J fave, KU शरद, K वाषाशिस, BP वाषाशिि, B veut वद्णि, K Jar वैण, नोषरि, N नोषरि जल धर, धरि, K [धर] जलधि, BK cen, NP रद्य, J रे, M निधुबन, JKN नयण.

BM ate, KM सरद, J काल, JMNPU ओरौ, (J)N जस, BM सुरता, JKN सुरत, BIMNPU जिम, KM @.

BM वितने, K वितिजै, NP विति, K faa, JKMNU नभ, BN श्यौ, K प्रथवीो, JNU जल, NP गुडलपण, B गुरि, M “गुर, J खद्‌- गु, N सदत गद्‌, (N)P भिल्लि (for कलि), U जल (for जण), BK दौपति, JN दिपति, M दौप, U ara, MU प्रगट, PU ददन.

tats राज प्रिथीराज री ad ५७

वली संरदि खगलोक वासि पितरे St सित्तलोक पी २०९ |

बोलन्ति qEcas face गमे वे तिसी सुकल fafa सरद तणी | < | A AAR ७, हसगी तन Wa 2a Sa Sa देखे हंसी २९० |

ऊजले wefan fafa उजुखाली न्क ८. Dd aa fag वाखाण aT | सोल कला Bare गयौ ससि Barats अप आपे २९९

तुलि Fat तरणि तेज तम तुलिया भूष की तुलता भू भाति | दिनि दिनि तिणि लघला प्राम दिन राति राति तिणि गौरव राति २९२

२०९ BM गछषौर, ALL श्रवति, K पोयण, M Ha, N way, JPU gM KM qa, Nam, J वले, BJKM ave, BK अगरलोग, M सरम- लोक, K पितरं, B मातलोक, J faa’, K wa’, MNPU wa’, KM wa.

pee | K ast asx, MN(P) ascqe, U मुदरमङ्, KP सकल, P निस, JP सरदि, BK a, J fa, P fafw, तिण (for ते), N नित (for वे न), M aa(ditto), पासलि नवि (for सासं 2a), J वैषद्‌ (for zu)

११९१ JU aaa, N कजलौ, BU अद्रसणि, M निस, BJ अजश्याखौ KU gaan, M उजवाखो, Baur, J aug, P घण, B fad} 1 किस्डं, Barnfa घणौ, J Se कला सामाद्‌, 3 ौजासेडे (sic) J(M) wares, 17 ऊजाखां fe, J चापो (for खाप). Ber.

२१९। P ager, B aafu, K तकण, PU awa, NP तुलिता, BK dx, N ua, KN भांति, BKU fea fea, NP fafu fefu, MNU favw, (M)N grag. J दिश, M faw.

५८ ate क्रिसन रूकमणी रौ

दीघा मणिमंदिरे कातिक दीपक

सुची समाणियाँ माहि सुख | भीतरि wait बाहिरि इम भासै

मनि लाजती TET मुख RVs

afta नवीनवी नवनवा मद्लोद्छव मंडिये fata saat | कातिग घरि घरि दारि कुमारी थिर चीचन्ति चिचाम २१४

सेवन्ति नवी परति नवा सवे सुख जग चां मिसि वासी जगति | रुकमणि रमण तणा जु सरद रितु सुगति रासि fafa दिन भगति॥ २१५ |

अद्िज परि यर भीरि कजि आयां A WAS अने CATT | मासे मगसिर भले जु मिलियौं जागिया at टि जनाजेन २१६


९१३ | BP Ser, K cdfax, BINP कातिग, K कातिके, JM सर्माणौ, समाणोय, B यका, K यो (for wat), BIKN बादर. M arte® [इम], BMU जिम मनि, JKN aa, N सोदाग, BM सुषि.

२९४ #1 इवि, JKU नवनव, B am नवनवा at मदोकव, JK मडोक्छव, BK मांडोरे, J dete, K जण. जिए, B ag. J जदि (for fafa), K वारि (for द्वारि, N थिरि. J festa, M विचति, N वचिचद्‌..

२१६ J नवि, K नवे, M नवे (for नवी), BKM नवै, NP नव, JU नवि (for wat), K सेवे (for सवे), BJN चा, BJP wufafa, खकभिण रमणि, B fa (fora), K faw (ditto), 8 रिति, K «fa, M रति, BNU yaa, J भगत, J as, U ufa निशि.

२९९ BJ ae, MNU अदो, N is, P पर, BJIKMNU भीर, IMNPU धनंजय, ufaa. JPU az, JKNPU सुयोधन, M are सगसरि,

राठौड़ राज पिधीराज रौ कल we

fafoat पदि वाड ऊतर्‌ फरुहरियौ AEG सहव उर सरग | yan धने frat एड भेदे विवरे War बे वरग २९७

wa घटि नदी हमे हमाल विमल fas लागा वधर | जेवनागमि कटि किस याये जिम याये ay नितम्ब थण २९८ |

भजन्ति सुगि हेमन्ति सीत भे मलिन सुतनु AE ae मगि। के कोमल वसते कड कम्बलि जगण भार्यो रन्ति जगि २९९

(B)J(M)U was, BJ ज, K जो, M सुणोयो (for भिलियौ), BIMP मीर, BJKMP जनारजन, N जनारजन, U जनारदन्‌ .

९१७ K फिरोया पद्धिम, M fate foe, J फिरि वायु पडा. BIM ark, PU वाय, N वायुत्तर, JKU उत्तर, K परदरोया, M फिरिदरोया, K संवद्‌, M esi weal रख रग, N सुर, P yaa, MN wo, 3 पथस, K seat, N विचरंम (for बे aca), M बेव ta (ditto) .

coc | ¢ होवे, JU sfa, KNP sag, BKN ge, JMNU <a, P 2fa, N मालय, U fearea, BIKNPU ga. M श्रम, K ataaaraa, J fan कडि, BKNP as, U an, J ore faa ae.

२९९ 1 J ysifa, MN भजति, BJNU qs, K सोग्रड, M afate, P gzz, BJKMNU Baa, NP wa, U faga, BK(M) fafa fata तन (for मलिन सुतनु), BJKU कोई (for 4), M कौ (ditto), JPU aa, K वस्ते, N aaa, J कंबल, P fafa, U जि. MN भरिया, J जग.

€o ate feat रुकमणो री

दिन +H र्णी fears दरसणि ata कमि लागा EST | atts ge आकास पोस fafa पटा करुखणा WHT २२०

AMAA तन मन आप पमे विदत सत रूकमगी वरि |

वाणि अरय faa सकति सकतिवंत Tey गन्ध गुण गुणी परि २२९

मकरध्वज वादणि wept अदिमकर ऊतर्‌ वाड avs अर |

कमल्‌ बालि विरुदगी वदन किय अम्ब पालि aati उर | २२२।

पारथिया क्रिषग वयया दिसि पवो विग अम्ब बालिया वग | लागी माधि लोग प्रति लागौ जल्‌ दाक सीतल्‌ AAT २२३

९२० i Kate, P set, N Hey रतण रद्णायर. JU दरिखण, KN दरखण, P exfafw, संकुडिणि, BIKU नौढ, BK कंडे, N wifex आया, BJU करषणि, NP कषेण, MU पंगुरणि, P °रिणि.

eet | BK उलक्ाया, P तनु मनु. 8 माहि, Kafe, (for मै), -M fafa, U विदित, B सीति, J दषसणौ, P ख्वुभिणो, «afafa, JPU वर्‌, B ofa सतिवत, J सगरति सगतवंत, K सती vada.

९१२ | Baacufa, JK areu, NP arefa, U area, 8 चड, J afsy, K qe, चडि, BJIKMPU sux, N उत्तम, U ata, K वाय ati, BJKM wax, N अवर, P विरद्िणी, U feu, M कमल (for वदन), N कियो.

vee) ALL कपण, B qaafe, JKM qaay, U पवणड, M fafa, B wafe, J da, Kaa, J ara, KU are, BJMNPU ल्लोक, KU wae, U wef.

राठौड़ राज परियोराज री wet ईर

निय नाम सीत जाले वण नीला जाले नलणी थकी जलि | पातिक तिणि द्वारिका Fa मं जिय विण मन aa मलि २२४ I

प्रतिद्धार प्रताप करे सी पाले दम्पति ऊपरि <a दिति | अर्क अगनि fate yy रती निय am वारे अह्णो निसि २२५॥

रवि वटौ कल्सि धियौ पालट रितु ठरे जु बह कियो हेम aw | ऊडग पङ्क समारि cs अलि HW AAT CH HARA २२६

वीणा डफ मडवरि वंस aT सीरी करि मुखि पञ्चम राग | तरूणी cam विरहि जग दुतरणि फागुणि घरि घरि खेले फाग २२७

ers N निज, N wae, J जासि, BKU वन, BJ नलिणौ, KN(P) नलिनी, JKN जल, B पातिभि, पातिग, J पातको, P पातक, KMU किण, N तिणद्‌, JP मंजिया, K(U) मांजौया, N मांजिथद्‌, JKN faa, N मनि, K तणो, PU तणा, KN मल्ल

rea प्रतिहडारि, JMNU सीय, ? सौ, BINPU पलै, JU fea, K दिसो, M दसो (for दस), U रकि, BKM खगनि खरक, J खमति रक, . तण, Maw, Baa, K तनु, (B)KNPU उवारद्‌

२२१ M(N) बेठे, कलस, (B)K fae, J(M) ut, P योज, B पादि, J रति पालट. BM रिति, <fa, KNP ऋतु. MNPU ae, K कैय दद (for xe कियो), MP(U) कौय, J ठरे Face ate ss, woe (for wey), M संवारि, K रद्‌, B कलिकंठ

२१७ BM fur, BMPU asafe, JKN “ax, J वेण (for वंस), (B)JKN वजावद्‌, BIKM रोरी, BKMU qe, face, B जि, JKM eace, °रिकि, IKMNU फारण

ईर्‌ वेलि fear रूकमणी री

WAS तरू TSU पल्लव PE ats sta गादरिति feat | जिम सिखगारि sats सोद्ति पी surfs जाणिये पिया २२८ |

दस मास समा पति गर्भ दीध रति मनि aaa मधुकर मुणणन्ति |

कटिण gam कोकिल fate कूजति वनस्पती प्रसवती वसन्ति २२९

पकवाने पाने फले सुपुद्धपे Gxt वसे दरब खब | पूनिये कसट गि वनसपती परति का होलिका परब २२०

लागी दलि कलि मलियानलि लागी चिगुणि पसरते अम्ब॒ fate |

eee | BM तरि, Jac, भा aa, M प्प, N gsq, BK Us डाला, J eres, BK(M) गदरिति, BJMU थया, K at, IKMNPU सिणमार, BEM सोदे, J सीदत, NP सोभति, J faa, N fay, चागम, K qrafe (for fa), JMNPU जारे, K जाणद्‌ .

are | JU g (for समा), BEN पित, BK emt, JU Shen, M दधा, N उदधि, B रित, JMNPU मन, मणि, K मण, विलत (for gw), KMN कठिन, B वेण, J वेणि, K वैण, N वेण, M वयश, PU वेयणि, P भिसि कोकिल, KN gafa, P कूजति, N awam, JKN


२३० J पकनान फल फलै, फले (for फल), KMP wa, U wea, M खब, J पजीद्‌, NPU पजय, J ag, M कसडढ, NU a@afe, K

भति (for fa), M wf (ditto), U संगि (ditto)

KX वनस्पतौ

राठौड़ राज feta रौ कष्टो dQ

रटति wa मिसि मधुप Sau मात खवति मधु दूध fafa २३२९

वनि नयरि घराघरि तरि तरि सरवरि एरूख नारि नासिका पयि |

वसंत जनमियौ देण वधाई रमै वास चटि पवन र्थि २२२

अति अम्ब मौर तोरण अजु WITT कली सु मङ्कल्‌ कलस करि | वन्द्रवाल बंधाणी वल्ली IN TAIT HHT Ft FT तरि RVs |

फुट वानरेण कच नालिकेर्‌ फल

मज्जाति किरि दधि मंगलिक। gga अखित पराग किञ्जलक

परसुदित अति गायन्ति पिक | २२४ |

--- ee

९३९ भि लागौद्‌, K ee, J ate दलि, PU कल, M कलो, KNa@ (for कलि), ALL मलयानिल, faa, U परति, N sacax, BKM owt fra (for way निषि), N fae, BK पूत, PU va, NPU मधूक (for मधप), N मानु (for सात ), ALL अवति, M निस.

eee) KU aa, J aac, M fate तरि, NP aa aa, J(M)U oeafs, KMU पथ, 8 जनमीयां, J dr, KM a, B दियण, J tae, BM रमी, B चडि पवनि.

९६६ 2 सवर्‌, JU प्रवर (for मर), K नवा (ditto), BK wa, N afe- ae, P awa, JU किरि, JU वन्नरमाल, NP aqerate, K वंद्र- माल, BKM वेलो, BJP तरुयर, K तरवर, U awaft, K Zar, NU Gai, B(K) faa, INP fe, U Ae.

९३४ | BM फटि, JP we, K पर, B वनरणि, JKU वन्नरेण, B asa, # संजातो, N मंजति, सज्जति, KMPU करि, N कोर, BJK(M) ga, P कुंकम. M waa, NP अक्तित, 8 किंजलिक, M प्रमृदति, N गावंति.

६४ afta fat waaat री

अयौ इल्‌ वसंत वधधावण आर

asta पच्च जल अणि परि | अगांदि qa area अङ्गणि

भामणि मोतिच्रे थाल भरि | २२५

कामा वरखन्ती कामदुघा किरि पएचवती थी मनि पसन |

wey करणि करि के्‌ पड्िरे वनसपती पीला वसन VBE

कणियर तरू करणि सेवन्ती AAT जाती सोवन गुलाल जच |

किरि पर्वार aaa पद्दिरायौ वर्णि वरुणि Fai वसच || २३७

विधि अणि वधाव वसंत वधाप्ये

भालिम दिनि दिनि afe भरण | ङलरावगो फाग Sart

तरू गद्धवरिया धिय तरुण २३८ |

A rere

९९४ BJKNU चाया, M are, P <fe, N कलि (for दल्लु), वधामशो, BK era, JK पोयण, MU dieu, Noam, M ea, JKMNPU wrg, M am (0 वणे), BKNPU माभिषि, J भाभिण.

२१ N कामणि (for कामा), aragu, JMNPU करि, B qa, KNP was, ALL मन, Macy, N वरण (for करणि), J wet, M Uefe, BK पौयला .

reo JMPU कणोयर, KN away, BJM तर, BK कर्णि, JMNU करण, NU gam, K कुजा, P go, N gsi, B ary, M fax, N aft, KM वरण वरण, B वरनवरन विधे, K टेटे (ईषे). N दई (ditto) .

९२८। J ww, U सहित (for अणि), M वधावो, NP वधाथ, KNU fea दिन, U ucfw, BP erat, JU इलावणे, B afa, BPU इंला-

राठौड राज fotos रौ की | ६५

aa fast मयण वसंत महीपति सिला सिंघासस we ay | माथे अम्ब EA मण्डाणा चल्‌ ate मञ्जरि cfs चमर्‌ २२९

दाडिमी बीज विसतरशिया aa fasarafe नाँखिया नग |

चरणो qfya खग फल्‌ चुम्बित ay मुंचन्ति सीचन्ति मग २४० |

राजति अति अण पदाति कुञ्च रय ea माल्‌ बन्धि wife | ठालि खजूरि पूटि saat गिरिवर सिणगारिया गय २४१

तरू ताल्‌ पच But afs तरला सरला पसरन्ता सरगि। ae पाटि वसन्ति afar जगद्थः किरि ऊपरा जगि २४२ |

य, BJKM तर, K गदहवुरि, J ate, M aay. N यथो, U fear, K arfyat (for faz: .

२३८ | BPU तदं, M तिद, J तदि (for fret), PU शिल, BJ सिंघासषि, BJM चरि, M मंड णो, BIKM चलि," मंजर, PU cag, M dae.

२४० | K निवद्ावलि, M निवद्धावरि, J aver, M लचति, U faa, BK wafa, M चचति, N चंचित. B संचित, KNP सुंचति, M सुचंत U gufa, JIM सोच॑त

२४१। 4 बध, M बंध, J लासि, BKMPU we, BP दई, JIN खया, BKN ढाल, J षज्ूर, M षिजरि, N fasx. NP swaras, KMP fax’, BP at, JN aar

eee | BIKMU तर, JMN ars (for aq), Pas, BU ge (for तडि), K तर (ditto), BKNP aca, U बेदि. J me, ALL वसंत. U afa-

` ˆ खथ, पकरि. Baga. BK aa. 5

६६ वेलि क्सन रुकमणे a

अआगलि रितुराय मण्डियौ अवसर

मण्डप वन नीभ्ररण न्िदङ्क | पञ्चबाण नाक गाडइक पिक

वसुद UF मेलगर विद्धङ् RVs

कलस जागर मोर निरतकर पवन तालघधर ताल पच | आरि तन्तिसर भमर उपङ्ी तीवट उघट चकोर तच २४४ |

विधिपाठक सुक सारस रसवज्छक कोविद्‌ खञ्जरीट गतिकार | प्रगलभ लागि दाटि पारेवा विदुरवेस चक्रवाक विद्ार | २४५ I

agsfu जल्‌ तिरय vou अलि पीयति मरूत चक्र किरि लियति मरू | रामसरी खुमरी लागोःरट FA माठा चन्द्‌ AS | २४६ |

₹४२ Mera, B रितिराउ, K(M) रितरा, J रितुराञ, NP deters, P वसरि, J dfeq, BIKNPU wea, J पांच, BINPU area गायक, K gia, J मेलिगर .

२४४ JM निरतिकर, NP wa, INP पवष, K अक, PU आर, K तंत- ax, M भंवर, BM चोवटि vafe, J तौोवढि wae, K safe gaffe, N faaety vue.

२४५ M विधः, JNU wa, BJKMU wa, BJ दार, चकवाक.

२४९ | BK eqtafa, U daw, NU रप, P उरप तरप, BKM खख, B faufa, N पीयत, M feaa (for पौयति), JKPU किर, N कडि B feaa ae, J waa दुख, K लियत सुर, M@ fade, NP लिय तिमर, U wa fags, BM रामखरा, “fea, M gaat, 8 लगौ. J <fe, B धूवा, JMPU war, N wat, K धा, N माढी, BM we.

राठौड़ राज fetes रौ की | do

निगरभर qaea सघण ate fata पुद्पित अति दीपगर पलास | मोरित अम्ब Va सोमञ्धित हरखि विकास विमल करित हास २४७ |

परगटे मधु कोक संगीत प्रगटिया सिसिर जवणिका efx सरि)

निज मंच पठे पाच रितु नाँखी पदहपञ्जलि वणराय परि २४८

प्रज अम्बज सिसिर दुरीस पीडतौ HAL ऊथापिया असन्त | पसन वाड भिसि are saat वनि वनि नयरे राज वसन्त २४९ |

qeut fafa aa aa fafa पातां खाद्या दब Hie ऊखेलि |

evo! B तरवर, KNP त्वर, U तश्यर, K waa, BKN दौपकर, BJKU aafca, BIKNPU tra, रोमांचित, B दरिष, JKN रष, M विकासि कमल, JK MNPU कत.

esc | B sue, J प्रगद्य, U प्रकटित, B मधि, 8 yea, K sade, MN भ्रगरोयो, U प्रकटोया, B शखुसिरि, JPU सिर, K geafz, M fafaft, BK(M) जमनिका, NP जवनिका, JU ex, B fafa, K fafa (! for निज), B पाजि, BKM रिति, NPU रति, J रथ, J ysgafe, K(M) पुष्पांजलि, P वशराट्‌ .

२४९ | B अखदमुज (sic!), K अदभुत, M sats शिसिरि, 8 afaf, JPU खखिर, Weal उत्तर, J ar, M वाय, U वायु, J ax, MNPU न्याय, J(M) प्रबरतद्‌, K sanz, N yafay, M वन वन, K राजा.

६८ वेलि fat रुकमणे शो

दीपक चम्पक Aa दीघा कोड wat फ्टराणी केलि २५०

मलयानिल वाजि सुराजि थया ate we निसङ्कित अङ्कः भरि | Fey गलि तरूवरोँ विलागी Tey भार ग्रहणा पद्धरि २५९१ I

वीडत हेमन्त सिसिर रितु पदिलौ दुख टाल्यौ वसन्त fea दाखि | NAN oF ara sat तणी तरुवर साखां विसतरियाँ कैसाखि २५२

दीजे fast ora te दीजै

ग्रहि मवरि तरू गानगर्‌ करग्राद्यी Valea मधुकर

कुम गन्ध मकरन्द कर || RUS

भरिया तरू TEU AS कूटा भर्‌ कामि बा ग्रह्धिया करगि |

२५० | Masa, (B)JK पानां, M पने, N पाजां, BJK(M)PU बाडिया, N गाडिया, K दरब, NU दय. BJ(M)P मंडिया, KNU ajfear, K Steer arst घज.

rutiJ मालियानिल वाज, ALL सुराज, BJ faa, K wat, BIKM तरवरां, KN faem, U can, J yea माल, P ग्रदणां, गदणा.

२५२। BKM पोडंति, N wear, M Safa, BK सुषिर, J सिर, P faex, BK रिति, M रित, J fea, BKM sretai, J(N)PU टाल्लीोयञ. M are. N faars, BJ तरवरां, BK विसतरियौ, J(M)U °सीयञ, K Bure, U fare.

ue Bfafe, K ez, BIKMU ग्रदण सवर, BIKM तर, N परिग्राही,

~ Pace, M परचरोया. JM aaa. Le.

Pus |

२४५ |


cats राज पिथोराज सी की ६९

वलि रितुराड्‌ wate वेसन्नर्‌ जण भुरुड़ीतौ रहे जगि २५४

afm जिम वरुखति चातिग afsa वञ्चि को तिम राज वसन्त | Ge पडि faa सेव wae फल gfe कोलाहल खग बोलन्त २५५

कुसुमित कुसमाउ् अटि केलि कित fate देखे fay खीण तन्‌ |

कन्त संजोगणि fan कल्या facefa कहे पलास वन २५६

तसु शङ्क वास तसु वास TE तण कर पल्लव RAT कुसम |

BJKM तर, N faz, K RET भरि, JMNU कास, KN aca, BJ fefaux, K रितिराउ, P dane, M aig, K बड़े (for रे), P जग, BK place this stanza between st. ९५५ and st. २५९, whereas JU place it between st. ea? and st. pus .

KPU वरषा, वपि? वरषत, M वरिषत, axfra, JU yraa, NP चातक, Baafa, KU dfea, BKMU वंच, N aee, B राजि, J वसंति, फलि, MP फूल, B पंष, JK पक्त, M wa, NU पक्षि, JKMNPU aa, J लब्ध, KN ofa, P लड, BKNPU arefa.

BK gefwa, BKMN genre, B eal, K उद, M उदय (for wifz), BKNU aa, NP Wt (for तिहि), U तद (ditto), BK यिय, N we. U as, षोन. N तनुः JU read the first two lines as follows: पेष Ga संष Ufa (पंत) परिफलित | Tee नारि खनि अनि ( अन खन) वचन, but U in the comment gives also the common reading, J ga (for कन्त), NP किंसुष avtey. May, N afeg .

So वेलि faa रूकमणो री

वणि वणि मालणि केसर वीति ait नख पतिविम्ब भ्रम २५७

aqa जल्‌ सभिन्न सुगन्ध भेटि सजि डिगमिग पाय वाय क्रोध डर | हालियौ मलयाचल हिमाचल RASA हर HA कर २५८ |

तरुलौ नदि नदि ऊतरतौ तरि तरि बेलि वेलि गलि गलै विलम्ग | foam ga अआवतौ wax दिसि पवन तणा तिणि te a WaT २५९ |

HAS कुसुम FE तणा केतकी

खम सीकर निर्भर खवति | ग्रहियौ wal गन्ध भार गुरू

गन्धवा तिणि मन्द्गति २६०

२४०७ | BJIKMU तस, KPU कुसुम, BKN वनि वनि, J वनं वन, एत मालिणि, BKMN केसरि, JP awa .

wel M सोभित (for सभिन्ग), BJ भेट, MU सकि. N संजि, BIKMNP waaa, fefafafa, B are ars, J we वाड्‌, K पायो वार्या, NPU ara, JU m=, KM ay, P धर (for डर), NP हाक्िया, BMU मलयाचला, BM हमाचलि, J fearafe, K fearez, P हेमाचल, K कामेत, NP दरि, JK प्रसन्न, N करि.

gue | BJKMU afe afe विलग, BN दक्तषण, JPU दक्षिण, M दषिण, K sat, M sat, (N)P हंत, J वर्ता, N ऊतरि, U उत्तर, M पवण, Ba aaz (for fafa ata), J fa waz (ditto), K तहीन वड (ditto), M नवि वद्धे (ditto), BJK wa, पि, BK place this stanza between st. 27° and ₹९९

२९० B gaa, JM कमलल (for wea), B(J)KU ai, ALL अम, JK निरभरि, U निकर, ALL खवति, B ate, K किद्‌, N tf, P vu, U aw, BM गुर, JK few

राठोड़ राज प्रिथोराज रौ कदी ७१

लीये तसु अङ्ग वास रस लोभो

रेवा जलि कित सोच रति। दखिणानिल आवतौ wax दिसि

सापराध पति जिम सरति २६९१

पद्पवतौ लता परस पमूंके देत aifa अलिङ्गन दान | मतवालौ पे aife ae पवन वमन करतौ मधरु पान्‌ | २६२॥

तोय भ्रण कंडि ऊघसति मलय तरि अति पराग रज धूसर अङ्ग |

ay मद खवति मन्द्गति मल्हपति मदोमत्त मारूत मातङ्गः २६२

गुण गन्ध Ofea fafa गरल ऊगलित पवन वाद उभे पख | खीखंड सेल संजोग संजोगणि

भणि विरही भयङ्क भ्रख २६९

eit Bay, K लोधी, J लीद, M जै, BK तख, JKNU me Wa, JK जल, JKMNPU aa, M ate, NP शोच, K fea. (MN eeu निल, PU दक्िणा०, N खावतद्‌, BKU उत्तर, M दिस.

९९२ J परसपर रक, NP परसपर मरके, U परस्पर मूके (for परख THA), B देयतौ, U 2g, BK a, M मतिवालौ, KN पग, MU पाय, P पथ, JU ore, KM aie.

२१२ | BM ate करणि (M धरणि), BJM efe, B घसति, INPU oe- wa, K wiwaa, B aa, K तर, NP aa, U fa, BKMNPU अवति, BNU मललपति, J afeafa, K agian, (M)NP मदोनमन्न .

२१४ K प्रहिति afe, JU siafea, U प्रवण, NPU उभय, N पषि, P qa, JM wise, BK सयल, M acu, NP सेल, JKU data, NP संयोगि, JKPU dafafu, K aw, KU facfewt, KMN we.

Q2 , वलि किसन रुकमणी री

रितु fate दिवस aca राति fate सरस fate रस सन्धा gata ae |

बे ura ae ति fas ara F वसन्त ate सारिखौ वदन्त २६५

निमिख पल वसंत सारिखो अह्णो fafa अकण अक ITS अन्त |

कन्त गुण वसि थाये कन्ता कन्ता गुणि वसि याये कन्त REE

fore पुय तौ तिणि पुद्पित ग्रहणो पुद्धप Alem पाथरण |

site feetfa पुमे हिण्डति सदधि सद्िचरि पपा सरेण २६७ |

पौठाडे नाद Fe परबोध fata दिनि वाग free faq |

rr -- ~~~ ae


edul BN रति, JKMU रिति, B afefa, J fafea, KMU कडि, पि awl, B दिवसि रसि, KNU रस (for Ist सरस), B कडिति, KN कदि, M fae, B <a (for 2nd axa), B किदो, K ate, M fae BJMN कति, N fas (for Ist #). JNPU qa, JU ga, Ba, K [fa], B वसंति. BMN बद्टति.

e¢¢ | BM वरुति, (B)KM सारिषा, J सरीष, BK चके Ga, IM खक Sey,

` .' ` qafa येक, U Gat येक, J वख, B यिय, J(M)U यई, K यया सु, BJMU कांता कांता, KMU गुण (for गुणि), N गुणे (ditto), वश्‌, B यिय, JU way, K wag, M ययो, N are.

२९७ | JKNPU zz, BK तशि, J ysufa, M पडपित, BKM oem, J wey, B eas, J ysu ई, K पुदपद्ो, 1 एडपडई, NP geyvq, चोदि, J sfefa, BJM पाथरणि, JK रष, IMU दीङो,

M, N ‘wx, [ etefa, U दीचति, JNPU सद, 1217 सडचरि,

N ख्दचरो, U सदचर, BJMNP सरणि, K सरणि.


wats राज fosters री कदो |

माणग मैण अणि विधि माके रकम गि कन्त वसन्त रितु २६८ |

अवसरि तिणि पीति पसरि मन अवसरि हाई भाद मोद्िया हरि |

अडः अनङ्‌ गया अपाणा जुड्या fafa वसिया जटरि २६९

वसुदेव पिता सुत धिया ara पद्मन सुत पित जगतपति | are दवकोो रामा Baz शामा सार TE रति २७० |

ललाघधग foe मानुखी लोला, जगवासग वसिया जगति |

पित पदुमन जगदीस पितामद् पोतौ अनिर उखापति २७१ |

fa कल्हिसि तासु जसु अदि थाको ate नारादूर निरगुण निरुलेप |


९२६८ N we (for are), M निस, JKMN दिन, BKNP नित, JMU fafa, N मांणिग, BJMNPU aay, KMU Su. BK परि (for विधि), BJP wafafa, U wafau, BJKM fifa.

aie | K अवसर तिण, J sex, NP पर. BKM अनुरुरि (for 2nd खव- efx), KMNPU za भाव, MU अंशि, M safa, KP खापणा, N ।पपणा, K fa.

२७० | B वसदेव, KMNU थया, BK वासदेव, JMNU वासुदेव, B yfena,

J(M)U प्रद्युमन, K प्रतिमन, N sea, K सो पिता, J जगतिः, N

saa’, NP wa सदोदर्र qafafa ore, K fifa.

२७१ एव एए ge, NPU we. N व्वासिग, KM पिता, NP ga (for पित), 8 प्रदिमन, J(M)U squa, K प्रदभिन, B(M) पौचौ, JU way, KPU अनिदड, M अनुदध.

ॐ8 वेखि किसन रूकमणी री

ate रुकमणि प्दुमन अनिर का ae ATAU नाम FAT | २७२

लकमाता सिन्धुसता खी लिखमी पदमा पदमालया पमा |

अवर ग्रिहे असथिरा इन्द्रा रामा रिवह्नभा TAT २७३

SLUR RAL काम कुसुमाडउघ् सम्बरारि रतिपति तनुसार | समर मनोज BAF पञ्चसर मनमथय मदन मकरघज मार || २७४ |

चतुरसुख चतुरवरग चतुरातमक विगत चतुरजुगविधायक | सरवजीव विसवक्रित ब्रहम नरवर SA देनायक्र २७५

gor | BKU afefa, P कडि, BJKM तास, BK [जस्त], J यस, P याकि N afear, BK कडि कडि, BKMNPU नारायण, M निगुण, निगुण, U fayu, J चिलेष, P निलेष, N gay (for 2nd afte), BJPU wafafu, प्रदिमन, J(M)U yaaa, K प्रदमन. J खनि दधि, KPU अनिरुद, M qeafy, Bawafts, J रिद्‌, M fete

Sar, Poa, U ts, K aacaz (5८)

२७९ | BIKNPU ओओ, लषमो, NP wfam, JPU पद्मा पद्मालया, BM पटमालया श्रिया पदमा, N पदमालिका परिया year, BK अपर, BJM यहे, K ae, NPU zw, JKMNP(U) अस्थिरा, K दद्रा.

९७४ | JMPU दप्येक aan, K agg, ALL कुमायथ, BK aaarc, JU समर, JPU मन्मथ, JKNPU मकरध्वज.

rou) BK(M) चतुरथ चतुरवरण चतुरा तम, U चतुवेशं चतुरष चतुरातस, J चतुरथं चतुवेष्े चतुराणण. NP चतुरातस, BK fava, J fas, U fw (for विगत), JU aqua®, KMPU सवेजोव, N सष्वजीव, BK विख- केत, JM विश्चकेत, NPU विश्कछत, BINU aera, K agew, MP aq, K देददंसनायक .

uats राज प्रिथीरान री कदी oy

Gata लल्ना पीति Axaat माया कान्ती faut ata |

fate fate सुचिता रुचि weet मरजादा कौरति महति ROE

संसार्‌ BAS करता ग्रह aye ग्यान तणी पञ्चमी जु गालि। मदिरा रीस हिंसा टिन्दामति चारे करि मूंकिया चंडालि २७७ |

eft समर रस समभग हरिणाखीं चाच खल afr खेचि चि |

बेसे सभा पारक बोलण पाणिया वच्छ ते। वेलि पटिः २७८ |

सरसती ate खी fof मुखि सोभा भावो सुगति िकरि सुगति | उवरि ग्धान हरि भगति आतमा जये वेलि ताँ जुगति २७९

roe | B पुरसती, K सरखतौ, BKM क्रति, JNPU कांति कषा, 'K can, 8 fife विधि, J विधि बुधि रिषि, K ऋडि विधि, M रिक निधि त्रिभि, NPU डि, BKM सुचि, NU afaar, JNPU अद्धा, M अधा, JPU मर्यादा, K मरयाद, M बरजादा, N aster.

poo! BKM gue. JM we, KNPU we, NPU due, J aifa, ata, NU ज्ञान, J awis, U atis, JKU [ज्‌], B atte तिणिदौज reat गालि, JU fag, M fagraz, BIM मूको.

९७८ M सुभिरण, K [रस], N जस (for रस), M fecarm, षग, KMNPU ta, B कभा, बोलणि, (BM)PU deg, BK(M) a, J fa, N as, तौ.

२७९ ALL श्री, BINPU wie, K we, ग्रहि, KMN मुष, P शोभा, NU मुक्ति, K सुकरि (for तिः), JK भगति, N उद्रि, J भगत, JU जपे, Bart, JK तो, M ताद्‌.

OE ate क्रिसन रुकमणी री

afe खट मास प्रात जलि aS आप सपरस wa जित इंद्री | प्रामे बेलि पठन्तं नित प्रति ची aaa वर्‌ aaa चौ २८०

ऊजे अद्धो निसि अप अपम anata क्सन atte रति | He वेलि वर ले कुवास परण ya Tet पति २८९

परिवार af पोचे षड्पोचे अर साद्णि भण्डार इम | जण रुक्मणि हरि बेलि जपन्तं जग पुडि ata वेलि जिम २८२ |

Te atx कति अक अक परति

विमल्‌ aga fofe अकर air यणि कवर सुभ कम आचरतां

aie ate जपन्ति जगि २८२

क्क >~ --

२८० | BK dix, N सचे, P सुद्‌, U wa, J प्राणन (! for प्रात), JKMNPU जल, N daz, NP स्पश, B [दद], M =< (for इर), M पठंति, NP stat (for get) fag, JU अपर ace जितेद्रो (ग्र) qa वेलि पडत (set) faa (नित्य) प्रति Tea died (fed at) TAT नो विचि, K om सुवर faa qax< सनी.

zoe BK wigate (for समे), B रुषमणि, JP cfafa, N दकमिणि, fau, KU हसन, M छष्ण, N fava, U सरोस, J aga, JU कुमारो, a मूच, M ga, BKP gieta, N सभाग.

ree BP पूत, IM ga, KNU qa, BJKM अर, 3 सांडिषि, J(M)PU

सादण, K afeu, N सादण वादण, JKMNPU भंडार, BK जन,

BPU «asfafa, BKU qéat (for agat), BK जगि पुड्‌.

२८३! K थोक (for iz), 8 करति, JM कदत, K ava, B Ga Ga, J ofa wa, N Ga ave Gai प्रति, Paec Ga Sai प्रति, BK ate,

wats राज पियोराज a कदी | [~ |

चतुरविघ् वेद परणीत विकितसा ससच Vay मंच तंच सुवि। काया कलि उपचार Heat a वेलि wos वे सु ata ayat चि २८४

अधिभूतिक आधिदेव अध्यातम

पिंड प्रभवति कफं वात पित | विविध ताप ag खग विविधमे

भवति बेलि saat नित २८५

मन सुद्धि जपन्तं रकम शि मङ्ल्‌ निधि सम्पति ats कुसल नित | दुरदिन दुरुग्रह caw दुरदिसा नासे दुसुपन दुरनिमित २८६

JPU we, M fae, N स्टडि, KU ण, N दणि, पि प्रमाण (for aaq), KPU qu, BEN करम arate, अचरोति, J जाणोद्‌, जांणोच ज्‌, K जपत.

९८४ | 3 fafa, JKNU चतुटिष, ALL प्रणोत, B(M)N चिकिका, तर्षा चिकित्छा, JKU शल्रोषध, J waz, K सुद्‌, N waz (for ofa), J कलि (for कजि), U उपकार. J इवि, K सो, BJKM जपंति, जपंत, Jsaz, [र ऊय, Msa.

rou | BPU Cuan, K ya, B Sata, 8 पडि, JKMNPU fue, JK fafafu, M faafa, Bo तस, N fafafe रोगमय, J fafafaac, M faafua, भवंत, BM जपंत, JKN जपंति, BK place this stanza between st. ९८९ and st. 2&8 .

vce Bate, Jay, K सुद, MU सुध, BJPU दषमिशि, M fara. NP aa निधि, K gra, U was. NP [याद], KU कुशल, M निति, 8 दुरदसा, J दशना (sic), KP दुरद्श्टण, M दुरिदसा, U दुदेशा न्हासर्‌, ? दुसुपुश, JU दुसमन (for gaya), गधा दुरतिमति .

oc वेलि faa रुकमणि री

मणि aq तन्त्र बल जन्त अमङ्ल्‌ यलि जलि नभसि कोड्‌ wate | =N stata साकणि za va डर्‌ भाजे उपद्रव बेलि भणन्ति २८७ |

सन्धासिखे जो गि तपसि तापसि

ate इवड़ा हट निग्रह किया | प्ाणिया भवसागर वेलि पि

feat पारि Hat धिया | २८८

fa जोग जाग जप तप तीरथ कि व्रत fa दानाखम वरणा | मुखि afte किसन रुकमगी मङ्गल ate रे मन कल्पसि किषणा २८६

बे रि भजे अतारू बोले ते WT भागीस्थीमतू। ६९ अक Sa areal आशां सुरसरि समसरि af दं Reo

२८७ ¦ 8 भिरि, KM afe (for मरि). U afe aa, JKN यल जल, *BMNPU डाकिणि, J डाकिण साकिण, M साकिणि, PU wifate . rec | BM faanfaa, N येता (for इवड़ा), JMPU orm, N siete, K sacs, N (सायर, JKMNP पार, B तरि पारि (for ऊतरे), K तर पार (ditto), M fat पार (ditto), J ware. २८९ N च्याग जोग, 3 च्याग, era arqa, JKNPU °9H, BJKN वरक्‌, ल्भा सुष, JMU करि (for कडि), KPU aga, M कष्य, N किसन, BJU wfam, BM कलये, JKU कलपिस, Bfwqe, KMN कपण, JPU aqua. veo| N fa इरि दरि, BM We, J बोडद्‌, K बोडे, B(K) गरबि, JU wa (for यव), NP जलं (ditto) , BK (for म), feat (for देस), M वाहनौ, NPU वाहिनी, B(K) wit, M खांणो gcgfe.

oats राज परिथीराज री wet

वल्लो तसु बोज भागवत वायौ महि mat पिधदास मुख | मूल ताल AS अर्थ मण्डहे सुथिर करणि चटि ate सुख REV I

पचर अक्र दल्‌ दाला जस परिमल

नव रस तंतु fate अद्धो fafa | मधुकर रसिक सु मगति मञ्जरी

मुगति फूल फल्‌ सुगति fate २९२

कलि कलपवेलि वलि कामघेनुका चिन्तामणि सौोमवल्ि चच | पकटित पिथमी पिथ मुख पङ्कज aerate fafa ate कच २९३ |

पिथवेलि कि पचविध प्रसिध प्रनाली अगम नगम कनि अखिल |

कमम - -- ~ =

१९९ | BK(M)N वेलो, BKM तस, JK श्यः, NU श्यो, P se”, KNPU ay, BM मांडडो, B gue, K सोथ, M que, J wef, B ककि, KM aca, BJ चडि, 8 सुषि.

९९२ , B प्रति, JKMPU wax, B va (for <q), J यश, नंति, K मातु (sic! for ततु), BM वधि, JKU विधि, N दधि, P afx, B gata (for रसिक), J fa (0 सु), K & (ditto), U तु (ditto), B चरथ (for भगति), N qafa, M wafa (for भुः) .

eee | BN °@u, P cafe, B किना (for af), B wate, JPU “am, N “वलौ, JKP चिच, N विचिच, B प्रघटित, J axfaa, KNP प्रमटित, M saga, BPU श्थिमो, J saat, KN श्यवौ, B vu, J fou, KNPU ew, M त्रिय, BMP अषरावलि, JKNU अक्तरावलि, B faa, K are, N ले (for uz), P मिले (ditto) .

वेलि किसन रूकमणी री

सुगति ते नीसरणे मण्डी `

सरगलोक सोपान इल्‌ २९४ | Aifasi विसा ofe कुण मूक

= ie iin =

सपक अक पति अक अनूप | किल aha सुख qa वयग का

सुकवि कुकवि चालणी खूप २९५

पिर्डि नख सिख लगि ग्रहणे प्हिरिच्य afte मूं वाणी वेलि ae | जगि गलि लागी < असे जिम oS ~ सदन TAM जेम AE २९६

भाखा संसक्रित पराक्रित भगत मूमः wed} मरम | रस दाहनो सुन्दरी रमतां aa अन्तरिख भोमि सम २९७

rea! B वेल, BIKMU “fata, JKNP धरसि, U “fs, J प्रणाली, N


+ +

परनाली, J fava, M विगम, N निर्गम, J अमीयत (for मण्डो), K च्यननिक (ditto), P अनिय (ditto), U अभिय fa (ditto), 8 qaqage (for सरगलोक), M नयञ्ेकश्रग (ditto), JKNPU VAM . |

NP dyna, 3 विसादइणे, M “णो, NP "ण, B कर (for कुण), 8 मूका, P मूकि, BJKMU कलि (for किल), U संभ, 3 कुण (for कण), NP fae सुषसुंक aay aaa कण, N साकवि, चालिणी, M कि (for न).

B dfs, JKM fee, N TS, PU fie, BM wa, P aeu, 28411 भूषणे, K भूषण पद्िरद्‌, Mat, J वेल, BA, JU az, U लागि रहि, Bg, JKU. az, Mae.

8 भाषा पराकत wead, M भाषा प्रात aeafaa. KN संसरङ्त, PU संसत, JKNPU प्रात, BK भरता, J भण्तां, N भणिता, M wen, BIPU दायिनी; K रमता Ss Wax, JU अतरद्‌, NP sat, 23 भोम, JK wa, PU ofa.

राटौड राज frites सी की | प्श

विवरण जौ वेलि रसिक रस वज्छौ करौ करणि तौ मूभ कथ |

पूरे इते प्रामिस्यौ पूरौ MNS ओद्धौ BET | २९८ |

जोतिखी कैद पौराणिक जोगी सङ्गती तारिक ate | चारण भाट Gata भाखा चिच ~ | करि अकठा ता BCs ACS | Ree |

afte qa सुखा गिलित Safer


मूं गुण अखर्‌ मरम मोटा तणौ पसाद ae महि Hal अतम सम अधम २०० |

हरि जस रस area करे हालिया मो पण्डिता वीनती मोख |

९९८ B वैल, M रसि, U करण, 3 aew (for करणि), K वरण (ditto), B जो (for तौ), M त. JU ga, पूरे, J इत, KNP इतो, 8 रथ (for दवे), U ताद्‌ (ditto), J qm@y, K पामीसो, N sifa- सिख, प्राभिसउ, B भ्राभिसे yt, NP tai, B अर (for <q), JK "Xt (ditto). |

eee | JKNPU च्योतिषो, KU केद, N वयद्‌, BIN gufwa, K जोसोौ (for जोगो), JKNP तारकोक, M तारक, U ताकिंक, J चच, M करे, U करद्‌, P कटा, K अकठोत, JM [तो].

३०० | N afeat (for afear), P गिलीया (ditto), BM सुषि, M गलित, BNP उगलिया (for aufear', KM बै, NP az, BN मरि (for गुण), MP fafa (ditto), K aw (ditto), M अच्तर, BKM मौर्य, NP खख yeas खतम अधम, 23 खम


प्र afta faaa रुकमणी रौ

अन्हीणा तुम्हरे STAT खवण ALF वयण सदौख Bor

रमताँ जगदीसर amt रहसि रस मिथ्या वयण तासु महे |

सरसे रकम णि तणी स्चरः कद्िया मूं मेः तेम के RoR I

तूं तणा अनैत तण तणा ची

~ A

केसव ate कुण सकं Ha | wal ATE परसाद भारती

we ताद्‌ मासौ श्रम | २० |

रूप लक्खण गुण तणा रूकमणीं areal सामरथीक FT |

ate जाणिया तिसा मै" जंपिया गोविंद राणी तणा गुण २०४ |

ece | J रसयस, U करि, BJ म्र, My. KN पंडितां ? वेनतौ, K न्दो

ura, M Car art, U Coe. RP wea. JU तुब्डोएद्‌ J erate,

B खमण, INP sau, M रावणि, KU yaa, K तोरथ, M वैष, JU aaa (for वयण्‌) .

२०२ | KU जगदोस. B तणा, N रटसि 8 रसि, J ey, B तस, J ag, K तास महि, B सरसति, BM qua a, JP ख्षमनिणि, wafaw, BINPU ax, B तिन्ह, J तिम, K कडि.

ace एतु. Mage, J केसवि, KMN कुण कडि, BJ तिको (for lst ताद्‌), K प्रसाद, BKM भंडा, JNP wey, B places this stanza between st. e¢é and st. gee, and MN place it between st. ३०१ and st, Ro®.

ses, JNPU षण, 1; लच्ण, M लषिण. B रूपमे ofa चौ तणां खषमणौ, M ङूषिनणो, PU सर्षा'णी, M afears atta ara qa B जंपि (for ae), KMNP जाण्यि। faa (for जाद्‌ जाणया), M inverts the order of stanzas 8°8 and दे ८४ .

राढौड राज परिधीराज री क्ये

वरसि चल्‌ गुण अङ ससो संवति तवियो जस करि खो भरुतार | करि खवणे दिन राति कणि करि पामे St फल्‌ भगति अपार २०५

२०५. | J वरस, M अभि, JNU ससि, सु (for ससौ), J daa, M स्मत, P ००००००न रस शशि व(छ]रि (70८... अङ ससो संवति), J जसि, M पिथ (for lst करि), JMNU 2 M करे (for 2nd करि), INU चवण, M yafa, JU कंठ. Mae afe mt फलयी, J wa, U भगत, BK omit this verse.

NOTES. 1. चार ...... मङ्गलचार, “These four (auspicious names)

form my mangalacara.”” The Sanskrit commentary of U identi- fies the four names with the four subjects which according to the rhetoricians are to be mentioned in the beginning of a work, and quotes the sloka following :—

age चाभिधेयं सम्बन्ध प्रयोजनं | चत्वारि कथनोयानि शास्रस्य घुरि धीमता

2. किरि free (Pp) ची चार चीतारा पतद्धं (7).

4. नाद्‌ is in origin a plural neuter form of the correlative pronoun (Ap. arg < Skt. तानि); which like the analogous form कट्‌, का of the interrogative, has come to do function for the singular as well. Cfr. st. 13,303 below. In st.11,12 the form is doing function for the genitive-oblique. Analogous to ताद्‌ 18 the form जाद of the relative pronoun (Ap. जाद्‌ < Skt. यानि),

which is used in a plural sense in st. 104, 304, and in a singular sense in st. 169.

5. Of the two readings पायौ (BK NS) and ert (JMPU) in the third line, the former is preferable on account of the allitera- tion of the पा? with the पाः of पार, which precedes. Alliteration 18 a very important factor in bardic poetry.

7. Notice the reading संपोखण of BNPSU for ज्‌ Tet. The latter is. the correct reading, not only because Yrew is a much better form than सं पोखण्‌, but also because the relative is required in the sentence.

iH 8. In explaining the sense of this stanza, the comments of NPU agree together, and differ from the Dhudhari comment of BKS. For the comparison of the two interpretations, I quote

below the comments of Band U: कवि ae 2 सुकदेव . व्यासदेव जट्रदेव आदिदेः अनेक सुकवि san ढे पणि रीति ars कौ Fat

<< afa fear रूकमणो रौ

के ओरीकृष्णदेव तं ufeat जु रुकमणोजी कौ aaa ath सु या ae जु VERA कोजे तौ पहिल ओरी कौ वरेन कयौ चादिजै (5).

श्कदेवो व्याससुतो व्यासो ऽप्यथ गीतगोविन्दकर्वां जयदेवः इत्यादयो sa ऽपि विष्णभक्किपरायणाः सुकवयो ऽनेके वाल््मीकिशनक- WHIT: सव SURAT इत्येकः केवलः पुरुषपधानः शीगोविन्दसतस्येव स्तुतिं mary आदौ भगवदुरूपवगेने छतोद्यमाः परं मया तावतस्री- वणनमतः क्रियते यतः ष्रटङ्गारग्रस्थो DIA यदुक्तं WETS स्त्री परधानत्वमतो we दूषणं देयम्‌ (7).

9. Ureads az ईहा for जो इदां in the 2nd line, and explains it: St दूत्यकक्मादाखर्यामन्त्रणे सुजन लं पश्य त्यध्यादारः।

10. fatex, for सिद्दर ( < Skt. शिखर), with insertion of र,

analogous to सरजल्‌ for सुजल, सरधोर for खधोर, and खर्जोत for

asita, for the last of which examples see Vacanika Ratana Singhaji 72 JAiuhesadasota ri, 244.

11. are. See note to st. 4, above. B renders the form with तोये राजा रे.

12. नाम ताद तस्या नाम (U). Here and elsewhere I have

used a vertical dash over the line to indicate a long vowel which for prosodical reasons is to be pronounced as short. It is the same sign which is used by native copyists to convert an WT into W, whenever by mistake they happen to write qt instead ofq. Ex.: प्रकार, {01 प्रकार. In Old Western Rajasthani poetry in general, and Dingala poetry in particular, a long vowel immediately followed by a short vowel is liable to be pro- nounced as short.

l 13. ताद्‌ तावन्माचम्‌ (7), तितरौ (B). शे as a feminine singular form of the demonstrative pro-

noun, is an Old Dingala form which is no longer found in Modern Dingala nor in Modern Maravari, where it has been substituted with qt. It 15; of course, identical with the general form @ of Old Western Rajasthani and Gujarati. In our Veli both wt and & are used for the feminine singular.

राठौड़ राज fotos से क्यो ८७

14. बौरज for बौज, another instance of the insertion of < in the middle of a word. Cfr. note to st. 10, above. च्म्नदरि for अम्बरि, with insertion of analogously to समद्र for

समर्‌. Cir. Vacanika Ratana Singhaji rt, 54, and also my Notes on the Grammar of the Old Western Rajasthani, etc., § 38.

15. The meaning of the two first lines is clearly explained by U: Wwe बाल्यं तल्पररीरे तनौ सुप्तं गतप्रायमिति तथा यौवनं जाग्रतं तादृशं प्रकटितमतो वयःसंधिः समुत्पन्नः कियदारंस्थायीं afem सु वरौति खघ्रप्ायो यथा afer ऊपम्ये ...(U), but in the interpretation of the fourth line most of the commentators seem to have been led astray by understanding परिथम (प्रथम) as an adjective or an adverb (“ first, at first ’’ ), instead of an ab- breviation of प्रिथोराज, the author of the Velv.

20. <a फूलि विमल्‌ वन is clearly and correctly rendered

by Bas: fea aaa qrat ai वन फूलिजे डेत्यां खरौर weit. This is no doubt the original reading, which the other commentators have failed to understand and have consequently been tempted to

alter the text into दल फूल विमल वनि.

22. नु ज्‌. Cir. st. 19, 32, 46, 94.

कमोदणि for कुमोदणि . For the weakening of into a, due to the influence of the o in the syllable following, see my note to:

st.16 of the Vacanika Ratana Singhaji ri. Cfr. also qawat, st. 189, 205.

मेन केस Fram इति राचिरूपा इत्यपि मेनश्ब्देन चारणभाषया

मुजङ्कसदृ प्राः (VU). Notice here the use of the term चारणभाषा ‘“‘the language of the Caranas’”’ to indicate the Dingala.

23. वर्ण तणा किरि डोर. वरूणस्य परचेतसः wat इव qe ° ° ~ वेदमपि णस्य we पाश wa तं दूरौकतु जगती ऽपि शक्यते तदि बन्धम AMY दृटं भावीति रदस्य यदुक्तं कुमारसंभवे - शिरौषषएष्याधिकसौकुमायौं' ate यदीयाविति मे वितकंः | पराजितेनापि कतौ हरस्य यौ करढपाश्रौ मकरध्वजेन

बेलि faaa रुकमणे 4

25. Wat. सधरौ मादात्ग्यवन्तौ (ट).

ww, a survival of the old neuter singular of the Old Western

Rajasthani, used exactly in the same adverbial function as the aw in Vacanika Ratana Singhaji ri, 92, q. v. For other in- stances of the neuter in the Veli cfr. st. 36, 64, 66, 211.

26. Gata नालि इति नाम्ना लोकप्रसिद्धं कौदृशं तस्याः कदल्या meg विेवसौकुमा्येण नोोमत्वमपि प्रकाशितम्‌ (77).

2. हरिस aan हरिहंससावकाः are लघ्वपव्यानीवाश- wat: (U).

28. fea waaay नी विद्या कड्‌ Bre वयाकरण भणी अटा- एराण sag अटार स्मृति जाद धमंअरथैनीतिमोच्त TAL इद्‌ शास्त्र Awe चारि वेद भले आचार्यस्य वयाकरण दे इन्द्‌ 8 जोतिष पदभञ्जन ¢ wey जाद wes चारि वेद 9 मीमांसा © तकंविद्या धमंशास्त्र एराण १८ सवं मिल्या ase विद्या नौ जाण चडसटि सकला नो जाण जाणो खेकोकी विद्या मादि अनेक घणा am अधिकार amas मति खं जे athe ae विचारियद््‌ छट (?)

29. रि तिणि. Here perhaps I was authorized to read इर्‌ with the majority of the MSS., thereby making the correspon- dence with the wx at the end of the line more complete, but I have preferred to retain the regular form, not only on account of the र्‌ immediately preceding, but also because it is difficult to know how far one would justified in altering, however slightly: the endings of words or syllables to produce internal rhymes or alliterations. Thus, if I had chosen to read for रि,

why should I have not read also गवर for waft to produce one more internal rhyme ?

ae गवरि र, अद्यापि होलिकानन्तरं कन्धाभिगतौरिपूजेतित्रतं वितन्यत ईपसितवरुपाभिनिित्तम्‌- (7).

32. रपाँतरिया, बुद्धया विदीनौ जातौ (77).

राटोड राज पिथीराज री wet ce

माता इ. Here the pleonastic particle < has been added by myself to complete the number of prosodical instants required for the verse (14). I might have added ¥as well. If one more syllable is not thus introduced, the verse will fall short of one matra, but one might still read it correctly by pronouncing the second syllable of माता as equivalent in duration of time to

three prosodical instants instead of two. For an analogous case see st. 183. :

30. The MSS. J(K) SU read नाम am eagle नर in the second 11116, but the explanation which the commentary of U gives of नन्द्‌ is hardly acceptable: पुरोडितो दमघोषनामा इशामानन्दकरः (U). In the Bhagavata Purana Damaghosa is the name of the father of SiSupala.

36. चन्दवरौ is my emendation of the original reading which

is given as चन्द्रौ by the consensus of all the MSS. The reason for the emendation is the same as has been adduced above for the reading of माता दू instead of माता (st. 32), namely, the

necessity of introducing one more prosodical instant to make the line complete. In the present case too, the deficiency might be made good by pronouncing the e of °° as equivalent to three prosodical instants instead of two.

37. संगि ser... 2oufa. Cir. foe सङ्ग wan केई टेसखपश्नो (Va- canika Ratana Singhaji ri, 20).


38. arm, from Ap. बन्द्महदिं < Skt. बध्यन्ते, is the regular pas- sive form of atyqt, which in the modern language has gone out of use, it being substituted with the new form qaits. For the use of gaz in Prakrit, see Pischel’s Prakr. Gramm., § 548.

39. ai, 107 कुशी, a technical term used in Indian archi-

tecture to indicate the base of a pillar (see Archaeol. Surv. of West. India, Vol. ix, Northern Gujarat, p. 24). The change of ङ्ग? into खुर was evidently made by the Poet, only in homage to the rule of the vénasagaz.

40. NX is a word whereof the exact meaning is not clear. The Dhadhari commentary seems to take it in the sense of

ate करसन रूकमणो री

“tent”: रङ्ग रङ्ग रा समिथाना ऊभा किष @ सोद art वादल Swi, whereas the commentaries of PU explain it as a synonym of न्न “woman”: Atk इतिस््रोपर्यायः ata प्यामोज्वलरक्तपोतनीलशुङ्गानि वस्त्राण्येवोग्रेच्तते जलदपटलानोव एथग्वर्णान्य्बडन्द्‌ानीव (7); जोड़ Heat स्वो ना न्द्‌ पञ्चुरुङः वस्त्र पिरया तेहिज जलदपटल्‌ Faget fast सामल किँ उज्वल्‌ इसड पञ्चवण मेघटन्द्‌ (7). To under- stand the comparison, one should think of the way the Indian

women, dressed in gorgeous colours, crowd the roofs of the houses on all festive occasions when there is a procession or any other similar tamasha to be seen.

41. WA, नवीनमेघवषेगसमयात्‌ RATATAT fafa (ट).

42. गावि करि मङ्गल . Cfr. ara सुखि awe करि गोत, st. 55, below. From a comparison of the two passages it is obvious that करि is in both cases connected with मङ्गल . The commentaries do not all agree in the interpretation of the phrase, for instance B ren- ders the present passage simply with मङ्गल at? डे, and P in the latter passage connects करि with सुखि and renders: सुखद करी मड़लरूप गोत मावद्‌ , The correct meaning of the phrase a¥@ करि is evidently that which is given by U under st. 155, namely: ageifa war... Maia ara. In other words, here a¥@ is not used to give the meaning of “auspicious song,” but only ^^ aus- picious ceremony.”

मने. for माने, the shortening of the initial syllable being re- quired by the metre.

44. गन्लिजागौ इतिविप्रः (U). The literal meaning of the word

evidently is ‘‘he who wears the brahminic thread round his: neck.”

वीर वटाऊ ब्राहमण, अदो ure wet पथिक wet ब्राद्यण अत्यन्त ऊतावली थक वार्‌ वार वचन ATE (7).

45. करदिसि, a sigmatic future form used in the function

of a prohibitive imperative. For the use of similar prohibitive


राठोड राज frit री कदी ९१

futures in Old Western Rajasthani and Prakrit, see Notes on the Gramm. of the Old West. Raj., § 121.

जच, a Sanskritism well permissible in bardic poetry. Cfr. तच, st. 174, 244.

46. ety के! ae रद्धौ रद. From the commentaries, it appears that the meaning of this phrase is that all the few travellers who were out, having reached their destination, hal- ted for the night, but the grammatical connection of the three words बड रदो रद is not clear to me. I quote below the render- ings of the three commentaries of BPU :—ATRM मार्ग थे wit अय fear कियड पत्य चालता cet (2); वटाऊ सवं aAaT रद्वा भणो ^“ रद CES” FH कता पम्य TST रदा (2) ; Tete इति यो यचोषितुमनाः तच गन्तुकामो भूत्वा चिन्तितं स्थानमाखयद तौ

मागैवद्नं लोके्निरस्तम्‌ (77). 47. भौ दरति सभयाश्ये (0).

49. The commeptary of U gives two explanations of करि कम, the second of which is evidently wrong: करे कमलानि AG मन्दं मन्दं चलन्तीति विरेषस्तथान्यार्थे कराः सौकुमार्य RATATAT इत्यपि (£).

जङ्गम तरय इति योगध्यानलीना योगीखराः (£); जोगौसर (P); अनेक तपसी (7).

51. सम्प्रति प्रत्यच्त्म्‌ (९) .

52. srereufe दरबारि (8) ; ओ्रीअन्तेडर माहि गय माद्िलो सभा मादि (2) ; एरान्तः एं VS श्रीकष्णस्यान्तःसभासमुखं गतवान्‌ (£).

53. feet, an adverbial adjective, ६.९. an adjective doing function for an adverb (पद्दिजे, or fee. cfr. the reading of N).

For the use of adverbial adjectives in Old Western Rajasthani see Notes... etc., § 78.

ER बेलि fat रूकमगी रौ

59. The verse is in corrupt Sanskrit. The reading of the first line is unsatisfactory in all the MSS. I have adopted the

reading of NPU, in which the order of the questions #@rq कस्मिन्‌ etc. is confirmed by the order of the replies contained in st. 56, but I have had to complete the line with the insertion of किलल, which is found in BJM only, as the line was falling short of two matras. The commentary of U to this stanza runs as follows: हं मित त्व कसमात्‌ पुरात्‌ समागतः कस्मिन्‌ पुरे वससि किमर्थमिद्धागमः केन सदह ae तव॒ aan कु परियासि aw mont ~ $ + भ्त >. uf ate ममाग्रं निवेदय रुतत्तव करस्थं Ws केन जनेन कंस्मं पथितभिति देवभाषा संस्वुतमेव प्रम्‌ (ए).

57. वाचत ... aa, वाचयितुं awe इति wae संभ- वति (7), FATT AST (7).

काग is rendered by the Sanskrit commentator with कङ्कलस्‌, a neologism not without interest.

58. असरणसरण is understood as a compound by the com-

mentaries of BU (wacugty तुम्हारो face & B; = अशरणशरण 17), but P more ingeniously reads the two words as separate and understands: बोज सरण कोई Hy, १.९. to translate the text liter- ally, ‘every other protection is without protection.’’ Notice that P also reads तू जि instead of तुभ.

60. सालिगराम ax ग्रहि agte, सालिग्राम yaaa नीं

मूति aR ने घरे कोड उत्तम जनम TE (P); शालिग्राम ग्लकोनद्युतयन्च ्रग्रहे (5८) संग्राहयन्ति ददते इव (UV).

62. It will be noticed that the first line in this stanza does not conform to the general rule of the vénasagat, which requires that the first and the last word in the line should begin with the same letter. But the Poet is not to be found at fault here. By studying all the lines in the Veli, which apparently do not conform to the rule of the vénasagaz, I have discovered that these, far from having no-vénasaazat at all, have two véna- sagais. In other words, the line is split in two, and each of the two parts has a vénasagat of its own. Thus in the present case

राठोड राज पिथीराज रौ wet ९३

अण forms vénasagat with शखधसुर, and नाग with af. The other examples of double vénasagat which I have found in the Veli are :

खीपति कुण सु मति Gen गुण जु तवति (6), सेसव तनि सुखपति जोवण जाग्रति (15), कोकिल HIS सुद्धाद्र AX (20), ufaretfe पटल्‌ दल्‌ वरुण चषक दल्‌ (49), quae Aa करि घौत वसत धरि (81), इभ कुंभ अन्धासे कुच सु कञ्चुक (90), गजरा TAS पोंचिया पचि (93), चोर चकव विप्र तीरथ वेल्‌ (186). म्‌ wty. Strictly grammatically speaking, the reading

a@ty of BJKASU would be more regular, as a is not a direct, but an oblique form. But the reading मू is supported by the rule of the alliteration, which carries much weight in bardic poetry, and also by the large use which both Old Western Rajasthani and Maravari, especially colloquial, make of the im- personal passive construction of the past participle (bhavi prayo- ga, see Notes ... etc., § 127). Thus in modern Maravari one would not say to-day = WwW, but ने लोधी . P renders accord- ingly: मुक नद्‌ waateg (P).

63. इ, अदं सोतारूपा (U); हं सीतारूप (P). वेलाहरग Heat समुद्र (5).

64. बादरि करि “Rescue me!”, an imperative. The Sans-

krit commentator renders: 84... बादरि गद्यमाणवस्ुनः पञ्चादालनो- पायं कुर्‌. .

खान्नोज for ati, the (च being probably changed into °s only for the sake of the rhyme.

65. Apparently, the second and third line in this stanza do not conform to the rule of the vénasagat, because the first and the last word in each of the two lines do not begin with the same letter. It is however to be observed that the bards are often satisfied with making the initial syllable of the first

8 वेलि क्रिसन रुकमणी रो

word in the line correspond to the second, third, or even fourth syllable of the last word, instead than to the initial syllable of it, as the general rule requires. Thus, in the present case, the 4

of faat has its correspondence in the त्‌ of खातुरो, and the < of राजि has its correspondence in the of विराजौ. This is not

considered to be a breach of the rule of the vénasagaz. For other examples of this case see stanzas 39, 40, 67, 107, 108 109, 118, 119, 144, 161, 171, 174, 176, 178, 179, 188, 192, 194 198, 208, 209, 216, 222, 247, 252, 264, 265, 288, 305

दरौ दति दुःखोत्पादकः (7); दुखदाई (P) ; दुसमन (B)

66. is understood by 72 in the sense of a causal conjunc- tion (तै १द्‌ कारणद्‌ ) and connected with afeet, but it is evidently connected with waa Fear. U renders : तस्य ayy वेलाया खनम्तरे चौणि दिनानि sam दूत्यवधिदशने (£).

चारात्‌, a Sanskritism which is hardly justified in bardic poetry. U renders it with निकटम्‌, B with बादरि, and P with ` समोप.

68. दूस, an instrumental used adverbially ‘‘in such (a way), with such (speed).”” The position of the qualitative demon- strative adjective tet in this construction is similar to that of the correlative adverb ‘‘so”’ in English, in phrases like: ^“ 1 likeitsomuch! They gosofast!” etc. 7. वदन्ती दसो (Vacanika Ratana Singhaji ri, 21), and qeawmr Tat (Ditio., 23). In the present case, N renders the word with wag परकारद्‌, and P with ww परद्‌ . The reading tg of NPU is not clear to me, unless it is an incorrect reading for दसं , the neuter form of इषौ used adverbially. 4

The commentary of U to this stanza is of particular in- terest inasmuch as it represents an attempt by its author, Saranga, to throw aside the authority of his guide, OCarana Lakho, and give an interpretation of hisown. But in this he fails, and his new interpretation is grossly absurd and alto-

gether unacceptable : चारणेनेवमुक्तमस्ति सुग्रीवसेनो मेचपुष्पो वेगवान्‌ बलाहक रखते छष्णस्य रथे चत्वारो sar पर मम मनसि नेवं स्फरति यतो ज्ञायते सर्वमप्येतद्गथस्य चपलगतिवशणनं तेन रथः कीदृश्यो वदति यादृ शं वानरसंन्धं समुल्धकमथ नड मेघ पदप इति नदीजलपुर-

urate राज परथीराज री कदी ey

समये यादृग्‌ वहत्यथवां बलाहकानां वर्षाभराणां यादृशं यादृशं Anata ~ ° fa | a

fata रथगतेराधिक्यं aq सारथिं st छत्वा खेच्छया feaaanfa:

खयं रथं खेटयितुं wat ऽतो जायते धरा west गिरयः पवेताः पुराणि

मागनगराणि ओीकष्णसंमुखं समागच्छन्तोव मदति जन अभ्यागतवति

संसुखमागमनं महत्वप्रदानमनयोक्तया वेगवत्तया रथस्य निगमो ऽवगन्तव्यः


69. fsa “So that, in order to.’ For the employment of

जिम as a final conjunction in Old Western Rajasthani, see Notes. ..ete., $ 11.

71. मुख धारणा, मुख नी धारणा नूर (P); मुखस्य धारणां कान्तिं anata सविशेषं पश्यति दूतस्य सुखे निमलता कार्यं सिदधिलच्तगां प्रतीतम्‌ (£).

72. बन्ति is evidently a feminine substantive, the object of कद्ध, and I identify it with Gujarati afem@, f. “Information, particular knowledge.” The commentators, however, prefer to connect the word with aqsrq and to explain it as Wewe: fay: “respectable women” (U), or मतर लोक respectable people”? (P). One need only look at the place मन्ति occupies in the sentence, to understand that the commentators’ inter- pretation is a grammatical impossibility. But the lack of common sense is often one of the most conspicuous qualities of Indian commentators, especially of those who wish to make a display of their undigested erudition.

73. aeafca को are wry. Here wy is my emendation. BKMNS read लावै which is untenable and has probably origi- nated from a misreading of @ry, whereas JPU read लाश Also, most of the MSS. read कड्‌ in the place of को. Ido not think there can be any doubt that the construction of the phrase here is identical with the को wefea wqerf< aut in st. 78, and therefore ary qxyisagenitive. But it might be understood as locative as well, the terminal 2४ of खर थि being dropped to form arhyme with कथ. If the phrase wry खरथ is understood as

वेलि fear रूकमणी रो

a genitive, the reading खाधा of JPU would be equally correct, the oblique in °é and the oblique in °a being equally permis- sible in the form of Dingala in which the Veli is written. U renders the phrase with: waway faarwaq (U).

74. aa उजाथर कलि अंवाहा, जिके उजाथर संग्रामधीर ते ares वली जे कलहे वाद्वा अग्रेसरी अगद utes खामिभक्त ते ~ SN [ © [| oF साथङ्‌ लीधा (P); BH अदितीय उजाघध[र ]इ्‌ (sic) क° ओज संग्रामं घीर ते age लोधा वलौ जिके ave संग्रामदं यवादा अग्रेसरी HX अधवा दुबाहा HR कलृष्धद्र बली (NV); TH ये ओजाथरद् (sic) ° ~ x इति संग्रामेधीराः एनर्‌ अवाद्धा इग्यग्रेसरणयोग्याः खामिभक्ताः (ट). अखाटसिध neat faa बि तीन वार संग्राम कधा ड्‌ किं "~न हार द्‌ नदो अवा [सु |भट (P).

15. Notice the reading ara रिख of BM. It is obviously to be explained as a misreading of नागरिक, unless it is, indeed, an alteration introduced by some presumptuous copyist.

76. केवी दुजेनाः (£). 77. आपपर दति परस्परम्‌ (£).

78. राजा रे, a colloquial phrase which is to be completed with a substantive in the locative like चरै ‘‘in the house.” It is, ultimately, the same idiom whichis used in English and other European languages.

79. . सीखावि सखी राखी are सुजि, ओ्ररुष्णजी अया जागी रुकमणियङ्‌ afeat सोखावि राखी EE ते सखी राणी प्रति इम AEE Be .. eee

The last line in this stanza does not violate the rule otf the vénasagat, because the-bards in particular, and Marwari writers in general, always consider postpositions as forming one word with the substantive to which they are appended,

cats राज four री ae र]

and therefore, according to their theory, the last word in the line with which we are concerned, is not तणौो but ग्निकातणो. Cfr. the similar case of मदन चो in st. 82, दाथा fa in st. 108, farga चो in st. 148, इरि @ in st. 166, and नवो परि in st. 192.

80. wrar aixfwar सिणगार. Here erat (‘the dark-com- plexioned one’’) is used by the Poet as a mere synonym or epithet of Rukmini, obviously without any particular intention, much as it is used throughout the poem, but the Sanskrit com- mentator apparently thinks that the word is here used inten- tionally and takes the opportunity to explain the meaning of it, by quoting two slokas which enumerate the characteristics of a syama woman :—

यदुक्तं श्यामालच्तणम्‌ :

WAT श्यामवर्णां स्यात्‌ श्यामा मधुरभाषिणी | अपरता भवेत्‌ श्यामा श्यामा षोडश्वाधिको ९॥ या श्रते चोष्णशरीरा उष्णे शोतश्ररीरिणी

मध्यकाले भवेन्मध्या सा श्यामा इव्यदष्हता २॥

81. The commentators do not seem to be sure aban the exact meaning of इद्ोदा, a word which some render with ऊतावला ‘“quick’’ and fifers with ढोला ‘“loose.’’” The commentary of N gives both the meanings. I quote below the different com- ments to the last two lines in the stanza: सु किसी देखिनें = aa मखतूल को डोरौ Gel B अर गुण मोती Setar कतां Basar facta facta us & इसी सोभा देखिजे FB); जाणे करि कोना wea निवल मकतूल पाट TE गुण दोर छष्टोहा टीला पोत start ते हाथ wat Het Get पड्वा लागा (2); weed जाने गुणसुक्ताः च्तीणिनिरबलेमंकतूलगुणेः श्यामपटरदवरके fester इति शिथिलं परोताज्छटिता इव पतितुं wat इव सादृश्य Waa (ट) ; जाणे करि eat क? निबला च्तीण मखतूल ना गुण दोरा wat गुणरूप मोती LAE क” ढीला VAT यका अथवा PRLS Baraat Hel पड़ता जिसा दीसड्‌ तिसा जलकण दसद GE (7). 7

<स ate क्सन रूकमणी रौ

84. कशह Weal Tae पोत कतां वीड़यड वांध्यड जागो कपोत पारेवड अथवा नीलकण्ठ aurea नौ गलौ feat अथवा जास करि हिमाचल पवेत पाखड यमुना TSE BE अथवा जागो निश्च खीप्ड्धधर same ans भागि fran कड आंगली ars WE होड (2)

85. जमुण फण पावन्न जग, उत्पतते जगत्पावन्धा गङ्गायाः फेन- यक्ता यमुना इव (77).

कुमारमग fiers आख कातो री रात्‌ श्वेतदण्ड सरीख (7); FATA खगदण्डक calles कार्तिके मासि नीरजस्के गगने तद ण्डक दृश्यते (£).

86. अणियाला der (BNP), literally pointed.”

सिली चिल वरि, literally “on the hone of the collyrium- pencil,’ the former fe@t being used in the meaning of शलाक < {16 pencil used for applying collyrium to the eyelids,”’ and the latter in the meaning of fawet ‘“‘a hone.” WN reads faa feet वरि and explains: waaeg fae ऊपरि घसो सिरो a Mast qerar (1).

am वालियो पाणी दीघड (?) ; जलं दत्तम्‌ (UV).

87. वली रूकमणियडइ आंपणडइ निलाडरूप wears सोली नड तिलक कोघधड वली कलङ्क शम TY काट कतां रातपणङ्धं करी AST टेव नड चीज ata अभि सरौखड तेह नेड घम aS वीज लोचन faa ATS BUM मुखड्‌ ललाटरूप अधचन्द्र AS नु श्यामता- रूप कलङ् RQ चन्द्रमा fanny की धड भावार्थं saws तिलक भल वखाणयड (2).

oN काट, काटश्ब्देन दोषम्‌ (£).

89. वांँकिया . Iam not sure about the exact meaning of this word. The commentators simply say that it is a term for a part of a ratha, and P adds that the vahkiyas are found at the two sides of the vehicle.

राठौड़ राज frit की | €<

ase ताडङ्कयुगलं कणकुणडले चक्राविव पेटकाविवेति (UV). Notice here the use of the word @ea@- asa Sanskritisation of the verna- cular word Wey “a wheel.” The latter word is, of course, not derived from tea- but from Apabhramia yee (Cfr. Prakrit पदं explained as रथचक्रम्‌ in Hemacandra’s Destnamamala).

90. कवच सम्भ काम fH कलद्ध, जागो महादेवजी कवच

पिर ढे काम at जुध करिवा के até (2); War हरेण कामेन ae कलिं कतुमानसा कवचः संनाह wa इव पाछलतकविसमये कुचस्य एम्भपमा प्रसिद्धा (UV)

Notice the reading मन हरि अग मण्डप AW of B, which is explained: ओीक्घष्णजी का मन R ate मण्डप ern जु मन आय बेसिसी (5).

attire, बारिगद सन्द तम्ब वस्त्र ना दीघा छट fret ae यड्‌ रजुव्रादि बन्धण द्र Bae Tet कसादि va जाणिवड qe Fata बारस्गिद्शब्देन चारुणभाषयां तम्बनाम (WN); वारुगदशब्देन पटकुटीयगलं रचितमिव (£).

91. कल्‌ क° मनोर (भ). The other commentators omit to explain the word.

93. qa वलै विधि fate वलित, बलौ aaa श्यामपाटकड विध्‌ faux आँपापणा स्थानक aha (2); तथा वलयः श्यामपट खचग्रथितो विधि विधि यथाख्यानं निवेशिताः (sic) (८).

95. किमच, a Sanskritism bolder than जच and तच which are used by the Poet in other places. U renders: केषां भूषणानां कविरच ग्रन्ये किं याष्ानं कुर्यात्‌ (U).

96. मापित करल इति सुद्यग्रिषया (U).

भावीखचक... The Sanskrit commentator gives two different interpretations of the last two lines in this stanza, of which the latter interpretation rests on a reading भावौसोचक, which is not

१०० वेलि feat रुकमणो रौ

evidenced by any MS. : waa भावौखूचका अनागतभाग्ाविभांव- कथकाः सिंहराशौ ग्रहगणः सकल इति स्वे ग्रहा अवस्थिता दव कव्याः सिंहकटोसाम्ये सिंहराशित्वमेवोक्तं यतो रुविण्यास्त॒लाराशि स्तस्याः सिंहस्थाः wa ग्रहा रकादशा ज्योतिःशास्त्रे फलदायिनो मनोवाञ्कितं ददत अतः Mamas faut भावीति मद्भाग्योदयत्व दर्ितमयमेकोर्थो दितीये ot रखकस्यां राशौ स्थिताः सर्वे ग्रहा जन्मसंज्ञका भावीशोचका इतिपाटे cements राशेः च्तीणत्वपतिषादको ऽतः कटी च्तौण जातेतीदमपि वितकंणं न्यायं ग्रह्ाणामपि विविधवगेत्व- मवगन्तव्यम्‌ (7)..

98. वली रूकमगोयद्‌ AHR लटकतड मोती दीधड ते वखा- ड्‌ दधि वीण wax मादि थी वरत wey जाणे Tey साख्यात गुणमय मोती नड दाणड ससत Bray Wey हालत नाक नड्‌ was मुक्ताफल मोती निहसत लटकतड WIE जाणे सुकदेव व्ास- Ga de नद मुखि भागवत पराण whys सुक सरीखी नासा मोती सखौ भागवत (7).

The Dhidhari commentary 16848 सु सत (for ससत) in the second line, and explains: WF सोधि अर जु मोती लियौ थौ जु वगतौ देख्यौ साख्यात गुणमे सु सव्य या वात ast (2).

99. करि इक बीड The Sanskrit commentator gives two different interpretations of the sense of the last two lines, but the second interpretation could hardly be taken seriously : उमम च्तते Peweu: कीरः खुकस्तस्य मुखकमलस्य मध्ये खजाव्या नाशा- रूपया AM सद Bist कतुसुद्यतो सि करकमलस्थः शुको मुखेस्थितना-

° इवेति ° PANG Wa Ser रन्तु yeu इवेति चिन्त्यं तथा दितीये sa वामाया करे वीटकं श्ुकरूपं तस्य मुखकमलस्य जात्या करकमलरूपया ated

इत्यपि (£). 102. भनि तम्बोल (2) ; बीड़ा रा Sat (NV); पचभाजनम्‌, (£).

108. चकडोल्‌ सुखासन (®) ; प्रसिद्ध सुखासणादि (४); नरवा- Saray (८).

राठौड़ राज frist री कलो १०१

a, the oblique singular form of the correlative pronoun (< तदू, cfr. st. 66), used in the same construction as in st. 95, above. The form is peculiar of the Vikdneri; standard Mara- vari uses fay, तिणि instead.

104. तुरी लाग ले ताकि तिम, atu ate जोग्य at घोडा ताकौ नड्‌ लीधा (2); खखयोग्धान्‌ तुरगान्‌ वेगवतो ऽन्‌ पथमं वित्य तती Weta (~). Apparently, ata is here used in the sense of “fit, suitable.” (Cfr. Gujarati लागु, “near to, close to; applic- able; suitable, agreeable,”’ Belsare’s Kiym. Dict., p. 1002).

105. डिल्वलिया कतां घणा ऊतावला ढे (®); गुणविसतरा (2) ; Teed विस्तताः (U); हिल्वलिया क° रुकमिणोजी रा चकडोल्‌. arate utes इतस्तत परिभ्रमणग्रील थया wa विस्तरा BE (7).

मद tsa मद भरता (P).: Notice the reading afwa of BKMN. The reading गुड्ता is of course preferable, not only because more difficult, but also because of the alliteration it makes with the first two syllables of ag=.

106. ate is here used in the function of a postposition of the accusative-dative to give the meaning of ^^ towards, in the direction of.”’ The form is, of course, a conjunctive participle from चादडणोौ in origin, and carries the meaning of desiring.” The Sanskrit commentator literally enough renders with “qeerag, but the commentaries of NP mistake the real mean- ing of the word and explain it as चङ *‘four,” namely ‘‘ the four directions of the compass 7" (!).

The third line in this verse does not conform to the rule of the vénasagai, and it would seem that the correct reading must be age किरि खजोध्यावासी, but as the reading is evidenced by the consensus of all the MSS., I have not ventured to alter it. Cfr. the similar case of किरि नौपायौ तदि faqete in st. 110, तिश छाप दो करायौ wee in st. 168, जिम feuafe wate di<fa in st. 228 ; and faf< परिवार सकल पद्िरायौ in st. 237. From the com-

bined evidence of all these cases it would seem that when a line begins with an adverbial, pronominal, or conjunctional

oR ata करसन waaat री

form, or in general with a word having more or less the charac- ter of a proclitical, the vénasagat may optionally be formed with the second word in the line instead than with the first, thereby leaving out of consideration the proclitical word with which the line begins. Cfr. the analogous case of lines ending with a postposition, for which see my note to st. 79, above. Cfr. also the case of गौ चाले in Vacanika Ratana Singhaji ri,

170, 183, 187, 205, 206, an anomaly which probably finds its explanation in some reason analogous to that given above.

107. पार्स is understood differently by the different com- mentators: Wee (N); fas wax (P); परितः (£) ; पारस पाखाग [को देडसे] (®).

108. हाथा aft. For the apparent violation of the rule of the vénasagat, see note to st. 79, above.

109. In the third line mv MSS. VP read मन in the place of गति, and .explain: अआआपणे खरूप मन्‌ जीडवड faa away बाण थाप्यड (N); आंपणड आंँपणड Wey जोव (P), both ex- planations concording with U’s: खतः सुदण्रानेन

लसणि अङ्ग मोडणङ्‌ (?).

सच्च पपञ्चः छतः (UV); उद्यम कियौ (5).

110. इति शक्तः (£). निकृटीमे खचधारिभिः (£).

118. साति एकार (5) ; कूकरव बब सवद (१); RASS (7) ; कूकरवम्‌ (UV).

WMG सनद्धबद्ध थया (2) ; सच्जीभूताः (८).

awe योगीन्ररूपाः (८).

114. लासोवरि लासोलारि (7), खेणिबन्धेन (UV).

नद वरता नर वरै नर्‌. Here the exact meaning of खरता a : is not quite clear, though the word could hardly be anything

cists राज पिधीराज रौ कदी ९०द्‌

but an abstract substantive derivative of खर “hard.” Fol- lowing the clue given by the commentaries, I should feel in- clined to understand something like: ‘‘ With the hardness of the (horse’s) hoofs each man vies with the others (in speed).”’ But the use of an abstract like खरता in a similar connection is at least uncommon. I quote below the paraphrases of PU: तीखड नखड़्‌ करी घोड़ो घोडा TE नर नर aE Gee EE (P); नवैः > AS > = N ~ VACA न्वते प्रेरयन्ति स्मेति खसखवेगाधिक्यद्रनम्‌ (U).

115. The third line in this stanza apparently does not conform to the rule of the vénasagai, but probably the Poet is

not at fault, as he considered सुणिजे as a single word.


116. नेडी .. It is strange that here and in all other [088 -

sages where the adjective नेडो occurs, almost all the MSS.

should read instead of a, नड्‌. The word is from Sanskrit

+्नकटकः, through Apabhramisa fawey > weey, and its correct form in Rajasthani is नदूड्उ > नेडो.

117. कालाङ्ृशि कष्णवग (४) ; छष्वगेमेघाभ्यदय- (77).

८, =a अड़ग AW अन्धकार जाणी (7) ; लोदी वरिसवड जाणी (P)- अडङ्गमिति ववेणसमयं रुधिरमयमभिव faa (Uv). बेषडो बद्धे . Here बेपुङधी evidently is only a feminine singular adjective, identical with the modern बेवड्ो “° double,’ and some substantive must be understood with it to complete the mean-

ing. The commentaries of NP understand नरो, namely “a

double river is flowing, the one of water and the other of.blood,’” but such a meaning can hardly be considered as satisfactory: The Sanskrit commentary is not very clear, but apparently

understands वर्षा, namely ‘‘a double shower is pouring”, but this explanation is also far from satisfactory. The correct ex- planation is probably that given by the Dhiudhari commentary, which understands the word फौज and explains: @Ust aeat वादल्‌ की बेएडी RS Al Sl वडा वादल्‌ अन्हो सा्हां Six तब Te जु मेघ वरससी तेस फौज पिण Fast gS सो जाणिज रगत वरससी (8).

१०४ वेलि क्सन रुकमणो री

118. कुदकनबाग दारू नी ऊखलीं ate ate (1). गगण, गय हस्ती at की Weta wea कतां भीड़ (7).

The Sanskrit commentary thus renders the meaning of the peculiar Dingala terms occurring in the first two verses:

हथनालिद्धवादकुद्कवाणाः सर्वाखप्यातसबाजीलच्तणानि तेषां ङविरि- त्यच्छलन जात वीराणां सुभटानां eA खखबलवत्ताया वाटख्खरेगा पकाणनमभूदुग्रहणमिति cafe: ख्रैपहीता

120. असुभकारियो, कायर्‌ इम कह्िवा लागा जे असुभकारियो क° अकाल असुभकारी उतपात ऊपनड (7) ; वै्वातमयं समयो ऽका- लिकसमेतमेघवदसुभकारयुत्पातिकः (77).

चोटियाली is evidently a feminine adjective connected with @tefs “the sixty-four (yoginis),”’ but the Dhadhari com- mentator ignores the real meaning of the word and most fan- tastically ascribes to it the meaning of “‘ drops of blood”: Bf4& खेत at? कटौ sat अर ऊपरा जु रुधिर की बृंद पंडे @ ate at जु Sat gz Set ze चोटीयालीं कलाव (8). The correct explanation of the word is that given by UP: कटितवेणौका विरलकेष्राः (U); Se केसे (7).

चाचरि [रण pRaga (ए) ; रणभूमिकायड्‌ (7).

Shae शस्रमोच्तविवादे (UV); माद्योमाहे हथियार aves (7) ; सर्त्र रा अउभाडड़्‌ (1).

122. ततः पडद्धे संग्रामे रणाङ्गणे रुधिराणि रलतलिया इति qsat चलितान्धतो योगिनीनां हस्तभ्यो asa: पतितानि प्राणि पानभाजनानि प्रवाहे वेगवत्तयाधोसुखानि जातान्यतस्तरीत्वा तरौीत्वा

Ro aaa ~ ~ गच्छन्ति कीदृशानि दृश्यन्ते aad जलपवाहे बुद्बुदाकाराः पम्योट- ~ ats. quay ~ =N करूपा इव ते ऽपि सम्भूता aes quata वणतो ऽपि शताः पचा- रयपि नकषलानीवेति साम्यम्‌ (£). The commentaries of NP, and so also the commentary of

U which I have quoted above, understand the second चणा in the second line in the sense of vessel,” apparently identifying

राठौड़ साज प्रथीराज रौ के | १०५

the word with wet. Though the interchange of with 13 not unprecedented in Maravari (cfr. for instance the double form रिणमल and fesaw), 1 १० not think the above interpretation is acceptable. In my opinion, the second चणा cannot be anything but a direct plural masculine from the adjective wat, connec- ted with some word to be understood like blows” or “men.” The latter interpretation is the one preferred by the Dhidhari commentator who paraphrases : घणा €Tat ये AU sty पडा दे (8).

123. इल in the fourth line is explained by NP (and apparently also by U, though this substitutes for it in the commentary) as an adverb meaning “quickly, immediately.” I wonder if the meaning of “‘ plough’’ would not be preferable, especially in view of the fact that atefagq in the third line has no object, and the only object which can be understood with it is plough.”

124. faafcat विसर is a puzzle to me, and that it was also a puzzle to the commentators is clearly indicated by the differ- ent interpretations they have given of the phrase and by their attempts to obviate the difficulty by altering the original reading. From the commentaries, as well as from the general sense of the stanza, it would seem that the meaning of the phrase must be something like: “‘after doing the ploughing,” but what the exact meaning of the two words विसरिर्या विर is, I am unable to guess. Another difficulty is in the खारौ in the second line, an adjective which, if it refers to बज as it seems,

ought to be in the masculine, and not in the feminine gender.

125. लिशा va fae सति, fret खेती पाके ast aa नीसरै at @ stn at fax Sa नीसरै सो$ arg सरा नीसरै (7). ततो ear जीवा निःसरुन्ति किमिति aa सिशोनामानि फलानीव तचापि धान्धाविभवि शिरा निःसरन्ति कथं सत्त्वेन सारवत्तया (7).

127. In all the MSS., the first line in this stanza falls short of two matras, but from the commentaries of VP as well

as from a comparison with st. 128, where the phrase खल खसा occurs, we may conclude almost with absolute certainty that

१०६ ate क्सन रूकमणी री

the word which has been omitted is खल. I quote below the commentary of U to the entire stanza : रामे सुजाभ्यां रणं डोदमाने खलानां स्थाने रणे सपरिवार चरणाः स्थिराः Hara Ta मेटीभूता यतः च्तेचगाहटनस्थाने मर्यादाथं स्तम्भो रोपितस्य (sic!) नाम मेखोति प्रसिद्धं एनः Yeas चटनेन संहारं पश्यति सति ठबषस्थानीयवाजिपादैः सुद्ुगा- we छतम्‌ (£). |

खेती <, A

128. खेती नीपजे fast कण आवे सो वडा वडा जोधा Aa सो afta कण लिया भाजि गया सो जागे aon किया पौज का समूह भागा सो ACA नाज का गाडा खाँचा भार wie set

<, DA EN

खलौ होड ast ufwat ae fast are बैठे बलभन्न रै खलै खल्‌ कतां दुरजनाँ ऊपरि wendit आद्र केटी मांस चरे went Fast Sr wa मांस दी नाज यै (5).

129. वडफरि SEAS विरूधि . Here all the commentators understand faefy in the sense of जमराण “the god Yama.” U, for instance, renders: याग्रन्यस्तखेटके Walaa परमुक्तलोहेष सत्सु विरुद्धो यमो भूत्वा लमः |

भलाभली सति. From the commentaries it appears that there is here an allusion to a proverb (okhano), whereof the entire form is भलाभली त्रियवौ. The meaning 18 clearly explained by U: रकस्मादेको sar ऽधिको भवति, namely “there is no good thing on earth than which there is not another still better.” सति is, of course, सत्य “true.” The proverb is still used in Gujarati under the form भलाभललो भिथवो ङे, but in a somewhat different sense. (See Belsare’s Hiym. Dict., p. 872).

130. Basan अकस्मात्‌ (PU).

131. विलकुलियौ रक्तत्वमाखितवान्‌ (U); cass (P); रात BAT (7).

बेलखि बलकं पद्स्थानम्‌ (7) ; fret शर धापी खाचीयङ््‌ ते Fae (1). =

अगो WTA ufé 4 (U).

राठौड़ राज पििथौराज री कटो १०७

133. सनसि लज्जया (£). अखियातः argent वात (VP); ख्यातिराछयं ... स्तुतियोग्धा वार्ता चेति (£).

134. सोनानामी रुक्मिः (£), literally : ‘‘ he whose name is gold (खक). `

fetus जीवि, an absolute locative. च्तणिके जीविते arts तच्जीविते (U); Muar writs जीवतव्य जाणी नड्‌ (N); Brest वेला जीवतव्य जाणी (P).

135. All the commentaries, except the Dhudhari com- mentary, which has altered the original reading, agree in saying that the meaning of this stanza is ironical (aaitFa).

137. The word हालिया in the third line seems to have puzzled the commentators, for they all give different and absurd interpretations of it. PU read et feat. N seems to understand हालिया in the sense of weat Stat दता, and [<]@arat in the sense of qrar fact लगाया. If हालिया could be understood in the sense of “were restored,”’ the difficulty would be eliminated, but a verb हालौ “to restore” is unknown tome. I quote below the comment of U, which contains two different interpretations of the passage: इति खेदमाकलय ये केशा अलगाया Bat दूरौीकछता असन्‌ ते तु श्यालकशिरसि हस्तं पोरयित्वा खड्स्तेन शिरः पस्य (sic) आलया दति धर्चोभाषया पञादत्ताः पुननेवीक्षता इतिभावार्थो ऽथवा छाधी लोया इति देशभाषया प्रकटिता इत्यपि (£).

139. चाहे वाट जौद्धवा लागा (7) ; विलोकितुं wat: (£). ate Gera (77); नगर बाहिर ऊँचे स्थानके (१); Bee ऊंचे ठामे (P).

The second and the fourth line in this stanza are irregular, in that they number thirteen syllabic instants, instead of four- teen. In the veliyo gita as used by Prithi Raja, the second and the fourth line always contain thirteen syllabic instants when ending in a periambus (“ ~ ), fourteen when ending in a iambus

९०८ वेलि fat रूकमणी री

(“—), and fifteen when ending in a trochee (“~—). In the present case, we have a iambus, and therefore the second and the fourth line ought to have fourteen syllabic instants each.

140. नील Sta करि देखि, « seeing green twigs in the hands

(of the messengers).”” In this connection, the Dhtdhari com- mentator remarks that it is a custom for the messengers to carry a green twig in their hands when bringing good news, so that people who see them approaching from a distance, may prepare themselves for joy, before the messengers are near enough to speak.

The Sanskrit commentator gives an absurd interpretation of the fourth line, to wit: कुशषयलो द्वारिकापुरो qgeatioar कमलोत्करैः सुगन्धता, namely: “they perfumed KuSasthali with lotus-

flowers (!),”’ a blunder which is all the more extraordinary as the sense of the stanza is quite clear.

141. wets लहरी अनन्द्लीलाः (£) ; सुखतरङ्ग कल्लोलरूप लद्छरि (र). ल्छरौरव समुद्र (All).

143. तिकरि . This same word occurs again in st. 279, where it is explained by U as @mz? “in thy hand,” and by P as करि tae “in the hand.’ I doubt if “hand” is the real

meaning of the word, though it cannot be said that such a meaning is altogether inconsistent with the sense of the two passages in which तिकरि occurs. I cannot avoid the suspicion that तिकरि is in both cases a pronominal or an adverbial form. Could it not be a curtailment from अतिकरि (< अति करि) “exceed- ingly, very much ` ?

147. Watt. Here F is probably the contracted form of पररि < ऊपरि “over, above,” but the commentary of V under- stands it as पय “water”: पयवारि arwat घूपषाणी उवार तथा ¦ कोरक लू गपाणी vaca इम पिग wee कड्‌ (2). As the mean- ing of “‘ water” is given by बारि, which immediately follows, it would seem that here चे must have another meaning, i.e. the meaning suggested above.

राठौड़ राज प्रिथीराज री wet १०९६

151. सादौ aaa (८) ; लगनदिन (7).

152. सेस संसकार, सेस याकता बीजा संसकार सवं anf कारिमादि (P).

158. अरुजुनमे Fe, वेीति मङ्लकलश्रा अर्जुनं खगं तन्मयाः (77).

155. चाड जोवद् (2) ; पश्यन्ति (ए). £. st. 139. मङ्गल करि. Cir. करि AFA in st. 42.

EN ७, 156. अगले चिया पी चौये atte, चीन्‌ वारान्‌ चवरिकापार्छं aN e ry e स्तरीमग्रेसरी' छत्वा Si wart पदच्िणीकत्य चतुथे रम्भे so पतिः =\ we स्त्रीति पिधिवदिधाय विवाहः प्रारब्धः (£).

159. करेण, a Sanskrit instrumental, which is of course quite an anomaly in Dingala. Cfr. the similar case of वानरेण in st. 234.

160. खघ मणि is explained by the Sanskrit commentary in the sense of चयुडमानस। सुभक्त्या and connected with खदसफणि. Obviously the explanation is wrong, for मणि here is not an in- strumental from मन thought,’ but from मणि “gem.”

161. मंदिरुन्तरि, खिणन्तरि . From the point of view of Sanskrit grammar, the correct spelling of these two words would be मंदिरान्तरि, खिणान्तरि, but in Dingala an resulting from

the contraction of two as in the middle of a word, is commonly shortened into a when followed by a double or compound con- sonant. The explanation of this fact is that the @ in such circumstances, even if changed into a, remains always proso- dically long, thanks to the lengthening effect of the consonants following.

विचिचे चतुर्‌ (NP).

162. facta, a feminine form for ordinary किरण “a ray of light.” The Dhidhari commentator in rendering the pass-

Ao ata frat रुकमणी री

age uses किरण, but as a feminine gender: aca रौ किरण yaa थो दु oH! (5).

163. वड. All the commentaries, except the Dhidhari commentary which does not explain the word, understand द्रवड्ति in the sense of Rfag ‘‘a thief, robber.” To make the text better suit such an interpretation, some commentators have even altered the original reading: thus U has changed xafea into द्विविङ्‌ fa. I have no doubt that gafea has nothing to do with zfag “a robber,” but is a verbal form, ४.९. a past participle perfect from क्वड्णौ, a secondary form of RtSut, FiSTt “to run, go forth.”” My interpretation is supported by the analogy of st. 162, where there is a past participle perfect aqiga corresponding to our xafga, and where there are also four sub- jects exactly as in our stanza, whereas if gafea were understood

as a substantive, our stanza would have five subjects as against four in st. 162. It is evident that the two'stanzas were formed one after the analogy of the other, and hence the above argu-

ment carries great weight.

164. अन्येषां ufgut पच्तौ बदावड़ोतुमश्रा्यौ चकवाकयगलम- संे इयमिलितं ct वियोगित्वादह्ोनिश्रमपि परदोषे दम्मतीव मिलिन कालद्यसंधित्वात्‌ कामिकामिनीनां मनसा कामास्नयो saat बहिः प्रकटिता इव केन दीपकोद्योतमिषेणायं दीपषोद्योतः परं दम्तीमनोधिः (U).

166. We, a past participial perfect form equivalent to afzat. The existence of past participial perfects in °e in Din- gala, had been ignored by me till I came across the present passage which is so explicit that the nature of az could not possibly be mistaken. In all the other cases of perfects in “e which I had come across before, I had felt inclined to consider them as incorrect readings for °é, and interpret them as his- torical presents. I regret that I have made two or three such mistakes in my edition of the Vacanika Ratana Singhajt rt. For instance in kavitta 243 in the last-mentioned work, I have re- peatedly read पड, whereas I ought to have read पड़, through- out.

राठौड़ राज पिथीराज री कचो UR

168. stets इति चरणाभरणवि गेषम्‌ (77). Cir. Hindi नेर /.

For the third line in this stanza, which apparently does not conform to the rule of the vénasagat, see note to st. 106


169. विहि, a feminine singular form of the remote de-

monstrative वौ (Hindi वद). The modern Maravari form, for the feminine, would be at.

171. AyFeverat Hetaaqt दूत्यायाति पुनर्याति गतागतं कुवती मनसोरमिलितयोमलनार्थमेकौभूतकरणाथैमथवा दयोमनसि

सूचिते ताणवाणकरूपे कटाच्तमोच्तो नलिकाक्तपणमिति वस््गुग्यनविधिः (८).

174. पति पवनि प्रारयित, वायरु करी नड कीधड कटर सुख नड उपाय HM (sic) HET Rt तल Blast वाय करिवा लागा (7) ; Wal पवनेन वातकरणेन प्राधिंता दत्तसुखोपाया (ट)

In the last line in this stanza the vénasagai is obtained by making the initial letter of the first word correspond to the last letter of the last word, but the irregularity is explainable in that the नौ 18 a suffix. Cfr. the similar case of argwat in st. 176 घष्डिका in st. 178, ङ्करित in st. 198, Rt in st. 199, गुडलुपण in st 208, and खकतिव in st. 221

176. BE, a poetical license for इद्‌, introduced only to effect a rhyme with the कुद of the fourth line.

धरि चखु लाज ...... TANI छता अतो घद्कटादिकरण- fafa चरुणयोनेपुरष्वनि निवारणं करे Feta frefafefa निःसरत्व सर्वाणखपि लच्तणानि समुत्पन्नानि (U); ...... RS Te अहव कूजित aqe सुरत Hite तड ते निवारण करे कˆ निवाराड (४).

1५. चणा घाति वल्‌, प्रचुरारथङ्कलीवलकानि निविड करट faa (7); अङ्गलीड्‌ चणा वलका ओँवुड़ा घाति Higet मांह व्यंगुली भराई निवड काटी सखी नइ TAR लागी (P)

१९१२ ata करसन रकम री

178. सा, साड इति aguas खादुना संयक्ता ... पीति- खादना (7). कस कञ्चुकबन्धनानि (77) ; कुच नी कस (2).

179. मनरकि मनोर च्तकामिश्छन्दोवतिनीभिः (८); मनमानी (7) ; मन कौ राखगद्हार ($).

az is understood by the commentaries of NPU in the sense of “‘spying or observing secretly,’’ but I am unable to see how the word wae could be capable of such a meaning. More reasonable is the explanation of the Dhtdhari com- mentator: TTS कौ (1.८. सखियां कौ) चरौ SS Tet दे (B), but probably the right explanation is “‘crowd”’ or “crowded”’ according to the Sanskrit meaning of the word. |

180. fas गण, बे सरीखा जाणवा (¢) ; fas गिण a aE ay यथायोग्य वसति गवी (ऋ); इयमपि गणयित्वा यथायोग्य

विचायेम्‌ (U). From the above renderings of the commentaries it is clear that they consider गण्‌ as an imperative form second singular, the correct form of which would be af or निषि. Cir.

fafa in st. 202. जामी यामिका यमनियमव्रतादिकतत्यसा योगीखराः (£).

181. wate fared, अत्यन्त हषं भरि करी (NP); आणन्द का समूह aife मगन (5); हषेनिभरेण (ट).

182. से इति स्याः fers: (£). नासफरिम अदाटत्वेन (ए); अदाटत्वपग Jus करी (7); सफरिम WIG (B).

183. तस्मिन्‌ समये विरु हावध्यन्ते कौकस्य मनसि साभि इति वाञ्छा मिलिता प्रादुभरूता कामिकानां मनसि रममाणानां चित्ते कोकेन Tae शास्त्रेण कीडया इच्छा feat दूरोभ्रूता यतो दिवसोदयो ऽश्ुना भावीति कथं frag oq शक्यत अथ Ge कुखमे-

राटौड़ राज प्रिथीराज रौ कदो १९द्‌

वासा सुगन्धत्वं त्यक्तं ग्लानित्वार्‌ ग्रहगेराभग्गेमुक्तामयादिकेः प्रीतलता Ta wetata (Uv).

184. प्राणायामे, an agentive-instrumental plural, प्राणायामैः श्ासपरश्चासरोधनेः (U).

187. With this stanza begins the description of the differ- ent seasons of the year. In some MSS. the new argument is

introduced by the remark: खथ ऋतु वणनम्‌.

me धरा, wat कठिना जाता (८) ; प्रिथी गाढ agit कठोर BE (7).

खर राड किय जगत सिरि. Here some commentaries read राद्ध कत्त 0 *‘road, track,’’ and some maintain tre ‘‘ the demon Rahu, calamity.” The Sanskrit commentator gives both the explanations: जगतो लोकानां शिरसि सूर्यो राड्धरिवोत्पात इव छतो मदादुःखावद्धो लगत्यन्याये सूयेण जगतशिरसि राहो मागः कतः सर्वाङ्गान्‌ मस्तके तपनं बलं भववीत्यवगन्तव्यम्‌ (VU).

iss. केवि wa safes, Han लोकाँ TE आसचयं थयड FT हा कुण अकरड ane KE अथ[वा] अजं किसो इक तपद्‌ TE (भ).

faw, in the fourth line, is used in the double meaning of zetia “the zodiacal sign Taurus,” and ee “a tree.”’

189. दलि मुगता areca दुति, ga: कान्त्या अरग अआनय- नायं पीटिकामध्ये मौक्तिकानि दलयित्वा संचूे पिण्डीक्लतानि तत्पीठिका- मदनेनाङ्गस्य तेज खिता शरोत्यमपि (८); शरीरदुतइ Wear कशिवा पटी ऊताश्विा भणी मुगता मोती दल्‌ करि आट करी ofa कान्ति अरण अगवा (7).

190. माद aut areex mie fears इड तेह खं मिलि करि अआकाग्र मिसवगै इड वरिसवा निमित्त काला वादल्‌ Fal मे वरसत्‌ ह... [अ]न्धासो wa छोड जिम sare नड GT Ba तपौ करौ जे are Here ते लोके मध्या मध्यसावि करी जाली जाखं


CB वेलि करसन रुकमणो री

ह्िवणंँ मध्यराचि कड्‌ किण कारणद््‌ नीजनपणि कतां निव्यञ्जन (sic!) TART (2).

माघमासे यन्माडटि हिमिगर्भो जातः षर्मासावधिस्तस्य संभूते- स्तन गगनं मघषीवयं wa भाषि qafaaa भिलितमाषास्स्य wat बङछतरं परितप्य ways क्तं तज्जनेनिरुन्तर मध्यराचिरधनिश्रैव वतते इति ज्ञातं कस्मान्‌ नीजनपण इति निजनत्वात्तस्यां वेलायां सवे लोका र्हं प्रविष्य स्थिता अतः कोपि बह्हिनायाति asafad परति wee Wet निणशालोप्यधिकं जातमिति भावः (ह).

191. acta vate निरयण गिरि नीभार, तच मासि निधेना गिरिनिभर प्रसरे वद्धति पानीये नैरन्तीति सुखमनुभवन्ति

कि, in the fourth line, apparently stays for fas or किय (feat), the past participle perfect of करणौ, and is connected with ददन .. Cir. ददनं छतम्‌ (U).

193. Notice the readings ययौ वैरो (BI), and छख वद्री (NP), for किया किङ्कर in the third line. Seeing that the last is the

most difficult of the three readings, it is very probable that it is also the original one. The Sanskrit commentator accepts

it and explains: Rafat खयसुक्तानच्तवेण वायुं Aa ग्टगाः किङ्कराः छता cacao fewacat इतस्ततो श्रमणग्रीलाः (ए).

194. हरि क“ इद्र तथा इरि मेघ इन्द्रधनुखादिकड करी तथा भिन्नभिन्नवणेडं करी अम्बर क° अआकास नदं सिशगारडइ (१).

195. चरुरिया इति भूमिसिञ्चनकरो ऽभूत्‌ (7); चरती सी ची (NP).

196, वर सतै दड़ड़ नड was वाजिया, प्रचुरधाराभिवेषेति मेषे अनडानां नडा पवैतानां निभरपवाद्वण्ब्दा ITS प्ादुभूताः (UV).

197. विण नोलाणौ, a curious construction of the preposi- tion faq, in. which it is doing function for a negative prefix or particle, the phrase having somehow the value of an adjective

राठौड़ राज पिथोराज री कदी | १९५

or past participle passive compounded with a negative prefix, as if it were खखनीलाणौ.

200. wart feet घराधररूपे खामिने मिलिते सति नदीनां तटा उत्पटिताः पानीेबद्िरमि्गतं तत्केशा पिरलीभ्रता इतिखरूपं दरयति aur लटिप्ाया यसुनेव कुखमे भिं खत्व' asa वेणीसमुदाय yaaa चिवेणीसंगम इव प्रतिभासते (77).

atq aet at नदी Safe वद्ी सो जारे चोटी faa डे विथसी कतां एधवी जो स्री fam नुं धाराधर मेद जब भर्तार मिलियो तब चोटी विर जाद यसुना a जल्‌ स्यामसो तो केस या गङ्ाजी सौ जल सो फ़ल या wet चिवेणी ste तिहा जागे चोटी Tat दी एथिवी at चोटी BE (5)

201. aa चे + Notice that some MSS. read aa@ . The word being not used elsewhere, so far as I know, it is difficult to determine which of the two readings is preferable. aad is at any rate confirmed by the Sanskrit commentary which renders :

धेघश्चितौ carat (U

203. Wea, in the second line, seems to be used in the sense of “other,” or “‘that.’’ I am uncertain as to whether the word could possibly be accepted as a modification of पदूल (पद्‌ उ, see Notes on the Grammar of the Old Western Rajasthani, etc., § 144), introduced just to make a rhyme with aye. The commentaries do not help to understand the nature of the word. N renders it with waz, and P with warts quate ज॒नया -

मदाराज परमेखरस्य (UV). For another instance of the employ- ment of the honorific term मडाराज्ञ to designate the Supreme Lord, ४.९. Visnu, see Vacanika Ratana Singhaii rt, 244.

204. पाचि पाचिरनमय (NU) ; पञ्चरतनमय (7).

The MSS. BK read लिखरि in the place of बिखर and under- stand “peacock”: धर ऊपरि मोर इत्य करै हे (2). The reading is evidently wrong and so is the interpretation.

are वेलि किसन रुकमणी री

205. प्रखोलित . . Ihave adopted the reading of NP, but

the fact that almost every MS. has a different reading of its own, leaves some doubt as to whether the reading I have

adopted is the original one. NV renders the term with: gare धवला कौधा .

206. वया वयणि नवा नवा वचने करी (2) ; THT भूयो ऽदं व्याख्यास्यामि (£) ; वार वार वचनडं करी वखाणीसि (४).

207. सुरति, in the last line, is not from सुरत, but from सु- <f&, hence the °.

209. The Sanskrit commentator thus renders the sense of the last two lines: fyauraty मव्यलोकः पियो वह्लभों ल्रस्तत्समये दत्तपिर्डग्रहणाय पितरः समागच्छन्तीति लोकोक्तिः (ए

212. तरणिः खूयस्तुलायां तुलराशावर्थात्तलाकछते fea: काभ्यां तुलितस्तेनस्तमोभ्यामतस्तच दिनराची समसमे भवत यथा afar कनकेन तुलति भ्रू wat तस्यामिति रीव्यदमपि तुलनं तेन कारणन सदृश तुलामासोपितौ दावपि कीदृश्यौ जातावित्याद् दिनं wana aa ततो दिने दिने ऽमषंतया लघत्वं यातीव ofS: स्तीरूपालच्तगेसतुच्चछा ततो गर्विता सती राचौ ost गौरवमभावं पोत्फाल्लभावेन tee याती- वेति यदुक्तं संपूरकुम्भो करोति शब्दम्‌ (77)

215. नवा जना अर्था्चिररूपेण देवा इव जगतां विश्रुवनानां नवान्धसुक्तान्यमि सर्वाणि सुखानि सेवन्ते स्मेति जगद्ासमिषेण वयं दारिकावासिन इतिव्याजेन यदुक्तम्‌ |

ताम्बलमन्नं यवतीकटात्तं गवां रसो बालकचेष्ितानि।

इच्तोविकारा मतयः कवीनां सप्तपकारा भवन्ति खगे

सेवां दश्रयितुं रुकिनिणोरमणस्य weal दीपमालिकानन्तरं wa राशिभिनकरेनकैः wala खगन्धदरव्यादिभिवस््ेशच निशिदिनं fear भक्तिं कुवते BTA: (7).

राठौड़ राज frites कद | ११०

216. ओीङव्णस्येषेव रीतिर्जांता यदा सुयोधनं दुर्योधनसुददिश्य युद्धाथं धनज्ञयस्यार्जनस्य सद्ायत्वे समागतास्तदापि सुप्र wa जाग्रतो stat उमूत्तदिधिना मासेष मागशीर्षो भव्यं समागतो मिलितो यच जनादेनो निद्रां विदहायोल्थितवां स्तर देवऊटिणी इति stata

भीरि ware

मोटि atfe ऊघाड़ ara (प).

217. 88H is an instrumental-locative plural form from as “all, everybody,’ ` apparently used in the agentive meaning it. connection with a verb like enfwgt, which is to be under- stood. The commentaries of NU take the form in the sense of a genitive or dative, and explain: सङ्गमे A? सवं परुषे az | सवं सधव Brawl Gt ना उर कण हृदयस्थल सरग कण | देवलोक तुल्य थया (NV); सवेषां नराणां सघधवस्तरियासुरांसि हद यानि खगतुल्यानि जातानीति क्त्वा पीमालिद् स्तीनराः सुखं शेरते (UV).

219. जणं . The commentaries of NPU read जिणि in the

place of जण and explain: &fq कारणि, यैन area. But the causal is absolutely out of place here.

221. AQAA तन मन आप AMA... etc. wis वरेग [च] ate मनः परस्परम्‌ अलुभ्ाया इत्येवं ग्रस्थरीत्या निविडं बद्धे यथा vita विदितं दूरीकतम्‌ (£) ; fers रुखमग eas ae aint आप ae मादहोमाहि तनु शरीर मन स्यु अलुभ्काया काठी atfs att इषि wes fatea शोत गमायड तन मन THST करी TE (7).

222. ASE, TAT (P). Notice the reading wgt of BJ KM. Ii the reading q@s< is the original one, as I believe it is, we have here a proof that at the time when the Vels was com- posed, the vocal compounds छद्‌, were still capable of retain- ing the hiatus in poetry, if not in the spoken language. It is obvious to everybody that if in the present passage WET were pronounced as चर्‌, the line would become faulty and the rhyme would be destroyed.

WS ate किंसन स्कमणी रौ

223. पारयिया किपण वयण दिसि पवये, प्रार्थितक्नपषणस्य किं वाक्यसुत्तरमेव नास्तिकथनं ततः weeds agra दिगुत्तरदिक्‌ तस्याः पवनेन (१7). For the peculiar sense of wat (“refusal ’’) in the passage, see st. 249.

224. The general meaning of the stanza, according to the commentators, is that in Dvarika the cold of winter is hardly

felt: द्ारिकामध्ये शोतः aia दति लोके प्रसिदमेवः (U).

225. उदूच्छमरेवार्को ऽभिरूपं wert दिवाराचो संध्यादये दम्पत्योः शी छष्णरुकिबिण्योरूपरि प्रथमं wi विधायाराचिकामिषेण निजं शरीर- मुवारयति करद्येन भ्नामयित्वा तदधीनं करोतीव कथं cae दिच्छारा- चिकाभ्नामणं किं कत्वा खं प्रतापं परतिहारीरृत्य शौीतागमं निवाय प्ातखयं सेवितुमना ud विदघातोवेव्येक sat दितीयाथे लोका सूर्याय प्रद्यषकारछत आराचिकामिषेण निजतनूस्तद धोनान्‌ कुवन्ती वेत्यपि ` (८)



226. कल्सि कुम्भे (U).

ठरे जु ब्रह कियौ हेम aw, fea ठरितमिति किंचिदृनीभूतं बरहा दाः ठरीकछता अकम््रनपराः छता यतः कुम्भ प्रीतं जजेरम्‌ (7) ; हेम fam soe पाणी का ae निवाण ठण्ड कतां जामी नद्‌ पाल्ड FAT (P).

227. wet इति बाख्खरेण (U); तनन (2). Notice the read- ing रोरौ of BIKM.

298, UtS. Notice the reading wg (for wg), which is found in the MSS. BK, and is also supported by the commen- taries of NP where the word is explained as an equivalent of शाखा or प्रतिशाखा. Of all the commentaries, only U accepts the reading योड़ and explains it as @rag “‘a little.”

oo the anomalous vénasagat in the third line, cfr. note to St.

राठौड़ राज प्रिथीराज री की WE

229. ‘The first line in this stanza does not conform to the rule of the vénasagat, रति is for रिति, the 2 in the first syllable being dropped to produce an alliteration with पति.

230. कसटि भंगि कट्छनिवतनसमयादनु (?).

231. Notice the reading मधूक, for मधप, in the third line

U adopts the former, but at the end of the commentary gives also the latter reading. I quote below the commentaries of

UB: अथ मधकटच्तमिषेण गलत्यष्पतया वसन्तपएुचः FEET रोदितीव कथं यतो दलेष मलयानिले aq सति कल इति रोगविशेषः समुत्यन्च कीदृश मलयानिले विगुणे प्रसरति पानीयदटषेव लमा यथा दषितो बालः कलितो qersafw मुञ्चति तथायमपि ततो मातेव वनस्पती दुग्धमिव मकरन्द मधु खवति सप्रसवं च्तगति रूदनरच्तणाथं स्तनदान- मिवान्याथ पाठान्तरे मधुपो भ्रमरो रिषरिषाटसवमङ्गीछत्य शोदतीवेति WaT व्याख्या सेव (7) ; दल कतां सरीर थी जे बालक जब ऊपजे तब कलिरौ जु वाड लागी तबो उदि बालक नूं भूख चिस लागै छे 5a विगुण कतां सीत मन्द्‌ सुगन्ध मलयानिल लागो सोर atest वसन्त जनमतद्यी भूख fat ant a जु भमर ate BY ज्यों बालक रोपे eat वसन्त रोवे छे अरु वनस्प्रती जु रस Wa BE जाणेमाता Ta aq दे (5)

233. SY, as I explain it, is only a poetical amplification ` of the relative pronominal form जु. The commentary of V renders it with अद लै .

वन्द्रवालल्‌ (< Skt. arataret 2) seems to be a term designa-

ting some floral ornamentation with which the house in which a male child was born. was decorated.

236. पौला वसन . _ Up to this day, in Rajputana, the woman who has given birth to a male child and whose child is living, wears a yellow scarf (पोलो Steut).

237. कणवीरुपुष्पाणि रक्तानि करणिपुष्याणि श्ेतानि सेवन्त्री- एष्याणि छतवर्णानि कूजा इति एष्पजातिविशेषः सुवणनाम्नी जाती पीत-

९२० वेलि fear रूकमणे रौ

एष्या गुलाल इषत्पाटलवर्णां यच वसन्त आसन्रत्पेच्तते सर्वोपि परिक विविधवगवस्ल्ेयथायोग्धं परिधापित इव (?) किरि परिवार ... See note to st. 106.

238. अनेन विधिना विधिवदर्धापनैः छत्वा वसन्तो वर्धापितः सन्‌ भालिम इति भाषया भव्यतया दिने दिने भरणेन बलेन चटितो वर्धित- ea weafta इति गर्वितेः पुष्पादिसम्टद्धिम द्विस्तरूभिस्तरूीरिव फागं दत्वोह्लापितो यथा बालद्धारा (sic) गानादि Heat बालं रञ्जयति (ए).

241. wetfa, atest नी ल्हासि घोटकणश्ाला ware (\); लासि- रिति मन्द्रा (ए).

24. तडि तरला. Here the commentaries understand सहि as a locative (az ब्रूलादारभ्य U), meaning “the stem or trunk (of the palm-tree),”’ and तरला as an adjective meaning “broad (चछर). The sense deriving from such an explanation is, no doubt, satisfactory, but an adjective ae ^^ broad” is unknown - to me.

बन्धिया जगद्धय किरि, वसन्ते us स्थिते ofa जगत उपरि जगदय इति जगद्धस्ताः पचावलम्बनानीव बद्धा इवाम्माकं यो जयतु तेनागन्तव्यमिति खगवपूवकं रिपुणा भयोत्पादनम्‌ (ट).

243. अवसर नाटारम्भः (PU). ATR रङ्गाचायंः (PU). ~ कैतुकपरच्तको wane नाटिक ना जोवणद्धार लोक (NP) ; मेलगराः SAGE EAE GI जनसमुदाय इव (77).

244. कलक्नसा Bart भव्यभव्येति भाषका अथवा यानं गति तत्करा नानागतिकारिण इत्यपि मयरा त्यकरा इव पवना वायस्तालघधर sq vata ताडढक्तादिपर्णान्येव तालाः कांस्यमया इवाथारिश्रब्दन काचिच्वटिकाजातिविशेषस्तस्या -जल्यनं तन्लीखर इव वीणेव भ्रमरा wots शरौर्चालनचेषटाकारिण इव तच चकोराः पच्तिगस्‌ तीवटडघ्रट इति wea तालविग्ेषस्तस्योटवाटकाः कर्तारः (U

cats राज fotos री ast | १२१

245. तच विधिपाठक tgu च्त्यन्व्येति शास्ता 3H wate रसवञ्छकः सारस इव कोविदौ विचक्तणे लीलया [गतिकारक गानपरुः खञ्जरीटः खञ्जन पत्ती वेति पारापतस्य दाटिर्गटककथनं प्रगलभ- Timea मूद्नाविःकरुणं चक्रवाकस्य feet गतागतं विदुरशिच्ितस्य वेषपरावतनमिव (£)

परगलभ लागि दाटि पारेवा, प्रगलम कतां विस्तरो amet पारेवा स्ये छे भांति भांति at Aa’ नटवा सं गीत कौ लागदाट fate fafe भांति की arti otal | छे लाग दाट रमर Sat अड्वार तिरुप उर सुलप वाली FS उलथा पलथा संगीत का भव ® (8).

246. The first line in this verse does not conform with the rule of the vénasagat.

This is one of the most difficult verses in the Velz, on account of the musical terms used in it, which are not generally known and some of which are quite unheard of. In the second

line, it is doubtful whether the reading 18 लिखति ae or लिय faa

The commentaries of NPU adopt the latter reading, whereas the Dhudhari commentary adopts the former. I have followed the Dhudhari commentary, which seems to be right, not only

on account of the vénasagat, but also because feafa is a more satisfactory reading than fwa anyhow. Besides, the word मकः

( सु रह) is found amongst the technical terms of the sangriasastra enumerated in the Dhudhari comment to st. 245, which has been quoted above. ‘I give below both the explanation of the Sanskrit commentary—which mainly agrees with the commen-

taries of NP—and that of the Dhudhari commentary : AFA get जलं fea तच भ्रमराः पिबन्तिते कीदृशास्‌ तिरप उर्प तालखरभेदकारका इव चक्राकारो मरुदर्थाद्ातूलकस्‌ frre मूद्छनावि- ेषो ऽथवा तालभेदस्तं weatfa संभावना रामश्री खूमरी दे ऽपि चटिकाविष्रषस्ते रटितुं जल्पितं wa yaad धयामाठा चन्द्राख्लाल- SURAT धरत इवाङ्गोकुर्वात (?) इवेति (£) : stam माहे जल्‌ SO पवन कौ प्रेखौ चाले हे इडे तिरं vay Et मरुत चक्र कतां वाड कौ चक्र वंतूलियौ इहे मरू wat रामसरा (sic) MA इडे मानौ Bal माठा ङा Wart बोले 2 इडं मानें चन्दधुरू (sic) संगीत का सवद Wat (2).

इ. ata fear रूकमणी री

= oS . 248. पाच, WAM नतक्यव (U). The Sanskrit commentary, which reads रति in the place of रितु, understands the above as.

referring to Ratt, the personification of the pleasure of love instead than to the Spring-season. The commentary of P adds the following remark which helps to understand the simile contained in the last two lines: s@waace मन्त्र पडि देवता ce सिरि

पुफांजलि areas (P).

249. ऊतर (< Skt. gut) is understeod by the commen-

taries of NPU in the double sense of ‘‘ North,” and refusal.”’ The latter meaning is obviously a development of the meaning of “reply, answer,’ of which the word उन्तर्‌ is capable in Sans- krit. In st. 223 above, we have seen that the Author of our Veli alludes to the word sat as meaning both North” and

refusal.” Therefore the meaning of “refusal’’ is legitimate, but in the present case it hardly seems to be necessary. The Dhudhari commentary ignores such a meaning, and simply

renders: BAC वाड असन्त Heat ce सु तौ उथापियौ दरि fan (8). I give below the renderings of the other commentaries :

उत्तरेगानङ्गीकारेणासद्‌जन इवोत्थापितो दृरीकतः (U); ऊतरदिशि वायरूप BAL नाकारडइ करी असन्त दुजन नी पर्‌ ऊथापियड see RAS (7); ऊतरदिसिद्धं वायरूपट्‌ नड्‌ HATE अङ्गेकार कौधड fam वास्तिद्ं ऊतर नाकारड करी असन्त दजन नी परि ऊथा- frat कण दरि कीधड (४)

AS, न्धायो दण्डकः (UV); न्धाय नौ SABES (\).

250. The sense of the last two lines is very explicitly rendered by the commentary of NV: चम्पक क° चम्पा AF च्रं फूल fear लाखे लाखध्रखूचक लखेखरी We जण दीपक कीधा a दीवा ATA प्राड्‌ लखेखरी ने घरे ara ay ऊपरि va नड दीपक करद छट इति लोकोक्तिं वली केक केलिषच्त केलिपच fees कोडिद्र- pera कोड्धिजा क° कोडद्रिद्य ऊपरि wat फडराणो ऊंची लहलती seit Haas कोड व्य ना walt घर ऊपरि धजाबांँध् कड्‌ अतस्रेव AST (7).

253. तच राज्ये तरूसमूहे मञ्जर्यादिव ग्रहणे sya स्तोक खादु- मातरं दीयते दण्डः सर्व थालुराटनरूपो दीयते केरित्यादह गानगरैः कलूसं-

wets राज frites से कदली ARR

लितेलिपिलेखिकेरिति भ्रमरैरिव पुनस्त खव भ्रमरा गरनामाकलय्य कर- ग्राहिणः सन्तः परिता यच तचागता राजदेयभागग्राह्िण इव समा- गतास्तेषां तरवः कछषिक्लत इव कुसुमानां गन्धो मकरन्दास्तद्वय(१)रूपं कर्‌ खामिदेय भागंददते (£); इहि वनस्पतीन कोड्‌ sera देये दे जसं प्रजा ने सुराज माहे sw ast दे waka Ka दे aH तौ लेखागर BAM भमर दः BY उगादा व्रा अर भला भला wat कौ

वासस्येष्े खु अही हासिल कर लीजं = (2)

254. वद्धं वददित्वा (८) ; वद्ध (7). वेसद्भर, a poetical form for वेसानर < Skt. वैञ्चानर “fire.” The

commentary of P gives the following amusing etymological explanation of the word: द्वेषनर ates wafa (P).

ुरुडीतो रदे निवार्यमाण xa... तिति (८) ; निवासीतौ रदे (५).

255. P contains no comment to this stanza.

पङ्क. खग are synonyms, but the commentaries distinguish between the one and the other by attributing to the former the meaning of big birds ’’ and to the latter the meaning of “small birds.” J think the distinction is merely artificial.

ate वन्दिभिभट्रचारणादिभिरिवि (८) ; बन्दीजन भाटचारणादि (7),

256. Notice the reading wz, vet (for if) found in BK which the Dhtdhari commentator explains: कुसु ताध कड्टतां कामदेव कं ve करि केलि विलास Ge (B). The wording of the first two

lines does not seem to have met with the approval of all the commentators. The Sanskrit commentator at least has substi- tuted it with another reading, much simpler, to wit :—

Tea aa <a tfa ufcatea वदे नारि अनि अनि वचन |

The same reading is found in J. There can be no doubt that the reading of the majority of the MSS. is the original one, and the reading of JU is merely a later manipulation intended to make the text more intelligible. I quote below the Sanskrit comment which explains both the readings, and also the comment of P

to the first two lines: नारीदयमेकां Tate पुष्पितां समकाल दृष्टा न्धयदचनं नामग्राहं वक्ति स्म fH afeare कान्तसंयोभगिन्धाः सिया नाम्ना

१२४ ate करसन रूकमणी 4

किंशुकः कथितः किमिति वितके दृद्धमाचो ऽपि खु सुखं करती ति किंखुकः ... अथ विरुह्िण्योक्तमिदं पलाशवनं पलं मांसमन्रातीति पलाशो साच्तसरूपो erage ददातीति दयोरुपि भिन्नं fed वाक्वं कुसुमित कुसुमायदध ... इत्यपि पाटस्तच Fan कामस्येयम्‌ wafer अआखयवि शेषो थतः कुसुमितं eet सविशेषं कामक्रोडा समुत्यद्यत sata किखुकस्तथा तं दृष्ट्रा वियोगिनीतनुः slat सदुःखा जायत अतः पलाश्र

); कुसुमायध कामि नी otfe कतां आखयविषटेष ठाँमङ्‌ अकं was Ta देखी दौड Alas अक स्त्री कीड़ा करड बोजी स्री Ata WE UE A कार REE... (7).

258. सभिन्न faa (£), मोनड NP) ^ एला, moist.’

260. केतकिएष्पाणि कुखमानि विविघ्ानि कुन्दः मचकुन्दाः केतक्यो रङ्ेण किंचित्मीताः सवधां Tape परिमलभारं गहीत्वा स्कन्धो- इनेन आन्तः सन्‌ अवतां वदनशशीवानां fata शीकारान्‌ |S Ta पएनश्वलितस्तथापि बड्धभारभारश्तो गन्धवाहो वायस्तेन कारणेन मन्दगतिरासोत्‌ )

261. रेवा जलि faa सोच रति, रेवाया जले रत्याः सुरतक्रीडायाः we छत अतः प्रत्तालितकामलत खुवेषन्मज्जनं AAT (UV).

262. In the first line I have adopted the reading of BK J (न परस WF) which is undoubtedly the original and the only correct one. The reading चरखपर मूके of JNPU is unsatisfactory

not only because it does not give a good sense, but also be- cause it is not compatible with the rule of the vénasaga1 which is almost unexceptionally observed throughout the poem. The Sanskrit commentary, which adopts the latter reading, explains

पुष्पवती लतानां परस्परमित्यकां qarat vay sy आलिङ्गनं टदत्ताः पस्परश्य प्रस्पश्ये ...... (U).

264. भख Wee (८). For the insertion of euphonic +

after initial consonants, see Notes on the Grammar of the Old Western Rajasthani, § 31.

राठौड़ राज परिथीराज री wet १२५

265. The wording of the last two lines in this stanza is not very explicit. The Sanskrit commentator renders: वसन्तः . waea ऽपि ae: agufzquarfSaaraa दयोरपि carat: साम्यं मा- सदये ऽपि सरसवत्तया ऽहनिशं सदृशो वदति दिवसे ऽपि सुखकारी राच्रावपि सुखकारीति यथा सुप्तो नरो ऽपि सवकालं सुखदातेति भावः (7). The chief difficulty is in the two forms fa and az, the exact meaning and function of which is not clear. The verse could perhaps be improved by reading in the last line वसन्ति att खारिखा वदन्ति, namely: “in the spring both (day and night) pass away equally (pleasant).”’

267. ग्रहौ ग्रहणान्याभरणानि (ट)

सरण, in the last line, is a word whereof the meaning 15 not quite clear. It is noteworthy that almost all the MSS. read सरणि . Possibly, we have here the same word as the Sanskrit सरणि ‘a road, path, a line, etc.’’ But the commentators do not seem to understand it so: U for instance renders with सरस्‌, and V with erecfa avaa है.

268. मेण ( < 9६. मदन) is understood by the Dhidhari com- mentator as an apposition of रुकम्णि am, 2.९. of Krsna: कामदेव at Mt acfa दसौ जु Messi, (5). 1 think the explanation is wrong. The other commentators omit to explain the word iltogether. I would explain @y as an objective genitive con- nected with arya, and translate the phrase: ‘‘the enjoyer of the pleasures of love

मारे माणयति सुनक्ति (£) ; भोगवड़्‌ (NP)

269. तस्मिद्नवसरे वसन्तसमये मनसोदैयोरपि परस्परं प्रीतिप्रस- रेख लेद्ाधिक्येनावसरेण लोकोक्तयाश्चयेण नाद्याद्यपायेन पना रुक्मिण्या ावैमुखमोटनकटा्तम्रभङरूपेभविराभरणरचनादिभिः स्वरपि कट aaefe wat मोहितो वशीक्कतो ऽतो जातं इर करोधजञ्वालावलीठानि निजान्यङ्ानि गतानि खयमनङ्न योजितान्येकोक्तानि तानि सवांणि पूर्वोक्तानि मोहनिमित्तानि कामाङ्गान्यवगम्यानीति यतो मदनः प्रदयुन्नत्व-

१२६ वेलि किंसन रुकमणे री

agra रुकिमिरा उदर उधित इति निवासं क्तवान्‌ ततः आनन्दन दति ख्यातः (U).

272. सहचरि सहचरीभिः खखपत्नीभिः (Uv).

274. The first line in this stanza does not conform with the rule of the vénasagat, but the defect is compensated by the repetition of the letter क्‌ four times in the line.

276. महति महत्वम्‌ (VU).

The commentaries of NPU do not seem to have realized that the terms enumerated in this stanza are the names of the sahacarts alluded to in st. 272 above. The Sanskrit com- mentator introduces the argument of the stanza with the ex-

planation : रते चुद्टपदाथौः, and closes his comment thereon with the remark : रते पदाथा दार्कायामवशिता :.

277, संसारसुपरमुणा परमेखरेण ग्र दसंग्ट दमर्थाददारकां Faat रचितवता Tat: पञ्चापि ज्ञानस्य विदत्तायाखचण्डाल्य इवास्पश्या इव AAT मुक्ता saat अतो यच ज्ञानं तकरैतासां दूशौभाव रव “at ता आह मदिरापानं 2 रीस इत्यस्या fear जीववधो निन्दामतिः परापवा- दजल्यनम्‌ Tareas: पञ्चमी गालिविंरुढशंसनम्‌ (VU).

278, चाया खण्डनं निर्वापणम्‌ (ए) ; खण्ड करिव (7) ; हार्‌ मनावणी (7).

279. तिकि. See note to st. 143, above. उवरि अभ्यन्तरे (U); उदर्‌ feat ve विखडइ्‌ (†) ; हीय (P).

282. सादणि सादगेगेना श्रय रूपैः (77).

283. The commentators give different explanations of this stanza, amongst which the most probable, I think, is that of B:

aS Aa ~ ९९ o AX कवि ae ढे Risa ate wae अप aes वाताँ करै छे aS के घरि

राठौड़ राज प्रिथीराज री कदय | १२७

अनेक मङ्गलचार अनेक सुख कठा देखि as F इतरा सुख कटा लाधा षे सु कुण ww कियौ यौ cad कड छे जाणिजै जु वेलि पटे & fafS एर Bal इतरा पदारथ पावे के (®)

285. अआधिभूतिकं स्यादाधिर्मानसीव्यथा शोकादितो जातम्‌ अधिदेव भूतोन्मादादिकम्‌ अध्यात्मकं पूवेकर्माजितं ताप्यं तथा पिण्ड mt Sess परभवति जायते fa aaa कपफवातपित्तलच्तणं सर्वे रोगा भवन्ति ये पुरुषा frst ae स्मरन्ति तेषां न्नी सोगतेति भाव्यं खीभगवत्कपातः (£)

286. स्कम गि aga रुक्मिणीमङ्लमर्था दल्ली सं लिकां स्तुतिम्‌ (£). दुरुदिन दुःखदिवसम्‌ (7).

287. The second line in this stanza does not conform with the rule of the vénasagat.

288. Of the two fwar in the last line, the former one is understood by the commentary of N in the sense of an ablative postposition, like यो, and connected with भवसागर :—yqarax

धिया कˆ संसारसमुद्र थौ Hace पार धिया WaHE पार थया (7).

989. atx रे मन कलपसि किपणा, रे मम मनस्तव छपगान्‌ वाञ्कितवस्तुदातुमसमर्थान्‌ किं कलपसि किं याचसे (77).

290. The general sense of this stanza is satisfactorily ex- plained by the commentary of P: TFIID AM PEt TE सेव्‌ वेलि अक AM नइ Bae WHT अतारू नट्‌ Tae वेलि भगत aE AIT ve fam ace गङ्गा भगत नड्‌ पिर बोल्‌ ते भागीरथी गङ्गा TS जल्‌ aq संसार AG AME कट तड पण गङ्गा अक पूर्वादि [व्र] वेलि aq fas दिस विसतरडइ fam कारणि गङ्गा वेलि बराबरि कदे UTE THT यी ata अधिक (P), but the interpretation here given of the second line is hardly acceptable. J have adopted the read- ing of BKM, and accordingly I would explain the line : हे मागी-

१२८ बेलि क्रिसन रूकमणी री

cat हे गङ्गा ते as कतां तिसौ ग्वं वूं करि. The [एतवत commentator scrupulously refrains from commenting on this stanza and amusingly remarks : गङ्ाजी At जिन्दा करौ ता के ferat या दुवाला कौ अथै नै" नदी लिगद्यौ B (7).

201. अथ अस्य ग्रस्यस्य वह्लीखरूपमुदिश्य वणेयति sa atte वक्लोति तच भागवतोक्तलच्तणं सुबीजं वापितं wet एथिव्यामालवालः एथ्वीराजसुखं गानसमये तालो मूलरूपो ऽर्थाज्नटाः waar सुस्थिरे कणरूपे AIT चटिता ऋछायारूपं श्रतिख॒खम्‌ (£).

292. पच and aq are, of course, synonyms, but the com-

inentaries distinguish between them, and attribute to the for- mer the meaning of ^“ small or fresh leaves,’ and to the latter the meaning of “large or old leaves.”’ Cfr. the analogous case of arg and खग in st. 225.

293, चच चत्वारः पदार्थाः (ट).

294. The sense of the first two lines is thus rendered by the commentary of 9 : HE faa वेलि ax किना wafer पाँच प्रकार ना अगम शास्त्र नड रस निर्गम नीकलवा afer भणी प्रसिद्ध क? प्रगट अखिल क° अखण्ड परनाली प्रणालि ट्‌ जद कारगर रसादि परनलियद््‌ TET चालद्ध (7).

Notice that the fourth line does not conform with the rule of the vénasagar.

095. मोती तणड faareas व्यापार करतां aa अक थक अनूपम war ग्रही लेड करी कुण मूकङ् किल frag तिसा माहरा मुख रा वयश वचन रूपीया कण शोधिवा मादर मुखज भल परं भला बुरा पण्डित चालिनी काज सरीखा भला नदी जे भणी मादरः वत्तन कण माहि अवगुण नदी (2).

207. BAL. Thesame phrase occurs again in st. 300.

aa अन्तरिख, शव्यान्तरे सुखश्ग्योपरि (UV); सेज Gale (WP).

राठांड राज पिथीराज रौ कदी | १२९.

208. पूरे इते... . FH MS. The real meaning of the passage has been misunderstood by some commentators, but it is evident that the pronominals इते, <¥w refer to the persons

enumerated in the stanza following. I should translate: “if all these (persons, whom I am going to mention) are in com- plete number, you shall obtain (a sense) complete, (but) if these are in deficient number (you shall obtain) a sense defi- cient.”’

299. भाखा विचर भाषाचतुर (NPU).

300. ममात्तराणां गुणस्येति ममेदं cee यतो ऽयं गुणो मुखमु- खान्नवनवजनमुखाच्छतमाचौ Wea गिलित्वा एनग्रन्यय्रथन रीव्यो दूललितः पञ्ाच्धिःक्घाशितो ऽतो महतो महतां पूज्यानां प्रसादो अक्तशेषो भक्ति परायणानां ग्राह्य परमात्मनो सुक्तगेषं wales मत्वा को ऽप्यघधमो मूर्खो ग्राह्यमिति कथयति तेनाचविषये wet कायेति बोडव्यम्‌ (77).

301. मो पण्डिता वीनती ata, हे पण्डिता ममैषा वि्ञाप्षिरेका तस्या ate इति भाषया विधिरिति तथा ate: कथनमवद्ायं मित्यध्या- हारः (77) ; मासी वीनती कथन Ala R अवधार अङ्गोकार ACT (N).

305. अथ [अ |चल्‌ क° पवेत HAE गुण क? सत्व रज र्‌ तम 3a चणि गुण अङ्ग षटङ्ग ससि क” चन्द्रमा इणि data ACHE HINT संवत १६३७ TH... (7).

खी फल्‌, लच्छीरूप अविचल फल्‌ (7).

LO OO OO > का + LOL! OO


afeara, f., “A wonderful feat”, पटयातिराख्य म्‌, अाखयेकारो वात, 133.

agate (< Skt. अङ्कपालि, cfr. Hindi qwarc<), f., “An embrace’’, च्यालिङ्गन, 143, 169.

अज्‌, a poetical amplification of जनु (१ see Notes), 233.

aafca (< Skt. खन्तरोच्च), ind., “Behind, at a distance’’, 106 ; “Upon ”’, 297.

ward, f., “A blinder for elephants”, woteeafaraacua, aifeetaqs, 90.

अम्ब हर, for अम्नर, m., “The sky’’, 14, 194.

म्ह, Ist pers. pron., oblique plur., 60.

रमा, ditto., genitive-oblique plur., 31.

अम्दौणो, poss. adj., ‘‘Our’”’, 69, 301. ;

अलल, adj., “Much, many’’, 113.

अवसर, m., “A theatrical performance ’’, alerca:, 243.

gua (< असम्भव), adj., ‘Marvellous, incomparable’’, 39.

अ, dem. pron., fem. sing., 51, 66, 123.

अाखाड़ सिदध, adj., “A veteran, a warrior who has fought in many battles’, fare fe तौन वार संग्राम कोधा इट्‌ किद्दां wire नदी Gwar, 74.

खाडो डि, ind., “ˆ (11088186, transversely’, तियेक , तिर क्ख, 130.

श्धाडु ङ, m., “Cloudiness and darkness foreboding rain (?)”’, अन्ध- कार, वषणसमयं इधिरमयम्‌, 117.

अापपर, ind., “One another, reciprocally’, परस्पर, 77.

अारात (Skt. खारात्‌), ind., ^^ Near, in the neighbourhood ’’, 66.

चारि, £. (१), ““N. of some kind of small 1714 7, atfaafeatsarfafaia: कोदकं जाति Et, 244.

अालदो, adj., “Ready, armed ˆ, सब्नोभूत, सनङबड, 113.

satseut, v., “To turn back, shrink (from fear)’’, 165.

<, ind., emphatic, 39, 182; pleonastic, 32, 183.

1 This Glossary is only a small selection of words occurring in the Veli, compiled on about the same principle as the Glossary to my edition of the Vacantka Ratana Stighajiri. Like the latter, it contains a selection of the most difficult, peculiar, and interesting Dingala terms, with their meanings, and a complete register of all the pronominal, postpositional, adverbial, and conjunctional forms occurring in the poem. Dingala terms already explained in the Glossary to the Vacanika, have been omitted in the present Glossary, and so also proper names, which, as they all belong to mythology, are of no interest in the present case.

१३२ चलि faa रुकमणी री

<u, dem. pron., plur. instrum. (cfr. $4), 298.

दूषि, dem. pron., sing. oblique, 56, 103, 156.

तरो, dem. quantitative adj.; इतरे, loc. sing., “Then, in the meanwhile `, 83.

दूतौ, dem. quantitative adj., “So much, so many”; fat, direct plur. m., 32; इते, instr.-loc. plur., 298

दम, dem. qualitative adv., “Thus’’, 31, 51, 69, 70, 76, 103, 135 164, 181, 213, 282.

zaet, dem. qualitative adj., “Such”; वड, 70; caer, 288.

zat, dem. qualitative adj., “Such”; इसी, 31: <u, instrum. sing., 68.

दूरा, dem. locative adv., ^“ Here’’, 9.

दू, ind., emphatic (cfr. दू ), 149, 160, 267.

<q (cfr. <4), dem. pron., plur. instrum. m., 237.

उजाथर, m., “A gallant warrior”, सग्रामेधोरः, 74.

sera, m., “Splendour ”’, प्रकाश, 22.

ऊकसणौ, v., “To fight, to struggle’’, 121.

way, f., “Grain, corn’, धान्यानि, 207.

saat, v., “To vomit’, 264.

प्रणो, v., “To vomit, to eject’, 300.

ऊद्ज णो, v., “To lift up”, 129

जजास, for mara, m., Light, brilliancy”’, 211

ऊद्मणौ, v., “To run”, 116.

ऊफणणौ, v., “To swell up (in anger)’, 34.

ऊवड्णो, v., “To begin to rain, to rain ”’, 120.

अ, dem. pron., m. sing., 264 (?), 297; f. sing., 13, 51 (?), 72, 133. 279; n. sing., 51, 135; m. plur., 144; fest, obl. f.. em- phatic, 216; अदी, m. sing., emphatic, 1 (१) ; f., 189.

अणि, dem. pron., obl: sing. m., 238, 268; obl. sing. f., 235; instrum. sing. m., 283.

अम, dem. qualitative adv., “Thus”, 56, 144, 145, 152.

Gael, dem. quantitative adj., “This much”; Set, gen. plur.. m., 185, 186.

अरिसौ, dem. qualitative adj., “Such” ; अरिसा, dir. plur. m.. 30.

अवादौ, m., ^ leader’, खग्रेखरो, 74.

अद, dem. pron. adj., 18, 19. -

Heat, dem. qualitative adj., “Such”; अवी f., 15, 205, 207

Ws (see WE), dem. pron. adj., dir. m., 180.

aats राज पिथीराज री कदी | UBB

खटति, f., ‘The remnants or refuse of food. left after eating’’, उचष्टि, wasy, 60.

wiz (or wet 2), m. (१), “A raised platform erected in front of a house (१) ; any raised spot’, उचकस्यान, जटलौ, 139, 155.

Siwieut (Skt. श्योलण्डयति), v., “To reject. refuse’’, 32.

य. dem. pron., m. sing., 69, 71, 77. (121.

ara, m., “‘ An encounter, a clashing of swords’’, waatafaate,

az (cfr. तई), indef. pron. adv., ^^ Ever, at some time’’, aerfa, 70.

कटकबन्ध, m., “An arrayed army, an armed force’, सेनासमुद्‌ाय, 74.

कटठणौ, v., “To prepare oneself (for a fight), to get ready”. थावणौ, 117.

कदि, interr. temporal adv., ‘When ?”’, 149.

axa, m., “The hand’’. 23, 102, 254.

ate, m., “The hand, span”, सुद्धि, 96.

करि, ind., A pleonastic particle used after instrumentals, 30, 64.

करि, ind., for किरि 4.४., 233.

कल्‌कलणौ, v., To {लाः "7, 119.

कवण्‌, interr. pron. adj., m. sing., 283.

az (< Skt. कथा), f., “Voices of people, confused uproar of a

multitude ’’, 48.

कटका, m., “A prolonged echo of laughter’’, 179.

कड, indef. adv., ‘Somewhere, in some part”’, 48, 84.

ats, interr. pron. n., 288, 289.

कठिलि, f., “A line or mass of clouds’, Jwaet, 195.

कालादणि, f., “A dark mass of assembled clouds’’, 117.

fa, ind., interr. particle, 4; disjunctive “‘ 01 °, 27, 41, 51, 84, 107 (2) ; comparative “^ Like, as if’’, 16, 21, 27, 88, 89, 90, 96, 98. 113, 114, 125, 294; temporal ‘‘ When, before (?)”’, 111.

किणि, interr. pron., agentive sing., 61.

fat, ditto, 62

किन, ind., interr. disjunctive particle (cfr. कि), 41

किना, ditto, 51

faa, interr. adv. ‘“‘How”’, 4, 150, 173.

किरणि, f. (52८), ^“ A ray of light’, 162.

किरि, ind., comparative particle ^^ Like, as if”, 2, 12, 16, 23, 24 40, 6Q, 84, 85, 86, 89, 92, 106, 110, 144, 156, 197, 200, 234 236, 237, 242, 246

१२४ वेलि किसन श्कमणी री

किरोटो, m., “A cock’’, 181.

किसी, interr. qualitative. pron. ^“ Which ?”’, 5; किसी, f., 31, 47, 63; fad, n., ““What?”, 64, 211.

fafe, indef. pron., obl. sing., 102, 173, 265.

कुण, interr. pron., direct, 37, 295, 303, 304; oblique, 6

कुडदकबाण . m., (2) “N. of some kind of fire-arm `, ere नो Hee वासे बाधो, 118

केद्‌, indef. pron., m., plur., 219.

केतलो, interr. quantitative adj. ‘‘ How much or many” ; केतला, dir. plur. m., 37.

केस, interr. adv. “How ?”’, 7.

केवि, indef. pron., m. plur., 188.

केवी, m., “An enemy’, दुजेन, 76.

को, interr. pron., m. sing., 73, 78.

को, indef. pron., 10. sing., 168; को ^^ Nobody’’, 34, 255.

aiz, indef. pron., 32, 46, 112, 219, 283, 287.

कोरण, m., “A cyclone of dust preceding rain’, नवीनमेघवषे समयात्‌ प्राक सरजो वाय श्युनाञ्रद्‌ शेनमिति, 41, 195.

कौ, adjectival genitive postpos. :—@t, f. obl. sing., 92; का, m. dir. plur., 272; af, m. obl.-gen. plur., 124.

खन्ति, f., Impatience ; खन्ति लागौ, adj. “Grown impatient ’’, 68.

awl, (for gant), f., “The base of a pillar”’, 39.

resut, v., “To thunder”, 120.

मरकाब, adj., “Sunk, immersed in’’, मगन, 104.

aferarat, (liter. “‘He who wears a string round his neck ”?), ies ° ^ brahmin’’, विप्र, 44.

गद्दमद्द, f., ^“ Brilliancy, splendour (of lamps or {478} `, गमदा, च्योतिप्रकाश, व्योति, 46

गद वरणो, v., “To become bold, proud, elated”, 238

गाद्रणो, v., ‘To sprout, bud, germinate ”’, 228.

गादटणौ, v., ‘To thrash 7, 127.

गृडल्लपण, m., ^“ Turbidness (of water) ”’, 208.

afga, adj. (१), used in मद्‌ गुडति, “Streaming ichor from the temples (said of an elephant in rut)’, मद्‌ भारता, 105.

गेगद्दण, m. (१), “A battle of elephants”, गय दसो त्यां को गणि, 118.

गोघोख, m., ^“ ^ cow-house or 8187100 ˆ, गोकुल, 185.

ura, f., ““A stratagem, opportunity, the right time for acting”, 66.

राठौड राज पिथौराज री क्ट | १२५

छर क्छ, v., “To thunder 77, 40

घेधं चणो , v., “To unite oneself with another, to become one `°, 201

qaeig, m. (१), “A vehicle with cushions for women’’, सुखासन नरवाद्ययान, 103.

चन्द्रवौ, m., “An awning, canopy’, Jara: चन्द्रोद्‌ यः, GAIT, 160.

चाचर, m., “A field, battle-field’’, gayru, cuafaar, 121.

चाचणौ, v., “To destroy, defeat’, खण्ड करिव, SIT HATA, 278

चादि, a conj. participial form from atzut ‘to wish’, used in the function of a postpos. meaning towards’”’, 106.

चवणो, v., ‘To drop, fall in drops”, faza feea पड़णो, चोटितुम्‌. चरितुम्‌, 81.

चोखियालौ, f., “Having dishevelled hair”’, टि तवेणोका, विर खलकेश्ा, 121.

चौ, adjectival genitive postposition, m. sing., 12, 37, 58, 67, 87, 133, 148, 173, 215; चो, f., 82, 148: चे, loc.-instrum. m., 82.

Beet, adj.. Loose (१) °, tat, शिथिल ; or ^“ Quick (१) `", ऊतावलौ, 81.

fese, f., “A drop”, ater, frat, 125.

fafat, adj., <“ Ephemeral’’, fia, 134.

wz (cfr. तई), rel pron. adv., ^“ एला `, यदा, 62, 151, 172.

जच, rel. loc. adv., ^“ Where’, 45, 237.

sega, (Skt. जलवालिका), f., “Lightning ’’, 196.

sg, rel. pron., gen. sing., 33, 272.

जा, for जाद्‌ rel. pron., m. plur., 137.

sit, rel. locative adv., ^“ Where ``, 50.

siz, rel. pron., sing. f., 169 ; plur. m. (or n.), 104, 304.

जासु (cir. जसु), rel. pron., gen. sing., 135.

जि, ind., emphatic enclitic, 15, 79, 133, 173

जिका, compound rel. pron., f. sing., 29

faifq,rel. pron., obl. sing. m., 5, 214; £., 269 ; agentive sing. m., 7.

जिम, rel. qualitative adv., “‘As”’, 71, 104, 181, 208, 218, 221, 228, 255, 261, 282, 296 ; final “So that, in order to . .”, 69.

fast, rel. qualitative adj., “Such”; fara&, f., 9.

ज्‌, rel. pron., m. sing., 7, 88, 215 (१), 216; f. sing., 277; n. sing., 3; m. plur., 41, 226 (2) ; explicative “That’’, 155, 134; final “That’’. 6; conditional ‘“If’’, 123.

HIV (mod. wat), f., “A yoke’’, 89

नेदि, rel. pron., agentive sing., 2,8; obl. sing., 36, 37

२३६ वेलि क्रिसन रुकमणी री

लैप्, rel. qualitative adv., “In which way’’, 131, 207, 296.

aefs (cfr. Hindi जेर), f., ““A female ornament of the feet’, | -चरणाभरणविशेष. 168.

जे दवै, rel. qualitative adj.; Hea, f., 26.

जै डो, rel. comparative adv., Like. .”’, 166, 170, 220.

जी, for जु q.v., f. sing. (2), 9.

siz, f., aS woman, female’’, 40.

sit, ind., conditional ‘‘If’’, 59, 298.

wet (Pkt. wR weyat, Hem., Dest’) m., ˆ` A dried-up tree, a tree without leaves ’’, 191.

we (for wre), f., “A flame’’, 140.

ararut, p.p., ^“ Withered’”’, fawatya, 140.

area, f., “A fringe’’, 144.

wea, m., “A small tribute payed to a sovereign (2)”, सोकं aie- साचम्‌, 253.

डफ, 1.; A kind of large flat drum’’, चङ्ग, 227.

ढलकरावणौ, v., 10 11८ 0

ढलुणौ, v., “To break off and drop to the ground ”’, 121.

ate, f., ^“ Delay’’, 45, 70.

ढेर बौ, v., “To loosen, make loose’’, 116.

az (cfr. wf जई), correl. temporal adv., ^ पाला, at that time” तदा, तिवारद्, 61, 62.

aw, for amt q.v., 132.

aut, adjectival genitive postpos., dir. sng. m., 7, 19, 21, 23, 92, 77, 78, 11}, 142, 163, 166, 190, 202, 267, 300, 302; नशा, obl. sing. m., 97, 100; aw, instrum. sing. m., 133, 160; loc. sing. m., 57, 59, 175, 224; ag, dir. sing. f., 3, 25, 79, 164, 210, 277, 294, 302, 303 ; ०01. sing. f., 190 ; dir. plur. f., 252; तणा, dir. plur. m., 23, 97, 122, 208, 215, 259, 260, 303, 304.

तच, ind., tatsama, “‘There’’, 174, 244.

तडि, correl. temporal adv., “‘Then’’. 80, 110, 123, 134, 187.

तपन, m., “The sun”, 190. |

ace, adj., “^ Broad, thick (१) ``, we, 242. [291].

ag, correl. pron., gen. sing., 26, 38, 43, 99, 159, 257, 261, 283,

az, f.. “Strength, firmness’, wf, 110.

at, correl. pron., gen. plur., 279.

ताद्‌ (cfr. जादू), correl. pron., 11, 265 (2); n. sing., 13, 303; gen. sing., 12; n. plur., 4.

राठौड़ साज प्रिथीराज री कदी १३७

als, m., “An ear-ring’”’, कण कुण्डल, 89

ताल, m., ‘Time (musical)”’; fafa atfe “At that time, that moment”, afea wa, 177.

avg (cfr. तस्नु), correl. pron., gen. sing., 52, 126, 272, 302.

alga, possess. adj., ““Thy’’, 45.

तिकरि (for अतिकरि 2), ind., ‘“Exceedingly, very much (१) 7", 143, 279.

तिशि, correl. pron., obl. sing. m., 7, 57, 177, 192, 201, 267, 269 ; f., 19 (2), 29, 111, 161 (2); agent.-instrum. sing. m., 5, 8, 51, 168; instrum. sing. n. used in the function of a causal, “Therefore ’’, 94, 212, 224, 259, 260.

faaci, correl. quantitative adj.; तितरे, loc. sing. used adverbi- ally, ^“ At that time ’’, 44

तिम, correl. qualitative adv., ““So’’, 70, 71, 104, 170, 255.

faai, correl. qualitative adj.; fam, f. sing., 210; तिसा, m. plur., 304. _—_

तिददं, correl. loc. adv., ‘‘ There’’, 239, 253.

fate, ९016]. pron., accus. sing. (१), 256.

तौवट उट, a musical technical term, 244.

म्द, 2nd pers. pron., obl. plur., 60.

gi, ditto., 61; accus. plur., 62.

तुम्दोणौ, possess. adj., Your’’, 301.

as 2nd pers. pron., dir. sing., 4, 290; obl.-gen. sing., 303.

ai, 2nd pers. pron., gen. sing., 6, 58.

ते, correl. pron., dir. sing. m., 173, 290; f., 210 (2); dir. plur. m., 8.

तशि, correl. pron., instrum. sing., 54; obl. sing., 122; loc. sing., 160.

तेम, correl. qualitative adv., ‘“Thus’’, 302.

वेदौ (cir. Rt), correl. comparative adv., 177.

त, correl. pron., 001. sing., 66, 95, 103

तो (for तु or तौ, cfr. ज, जौ), correl. ind., 78, 79, 278, 299; तोजि ind., ^" Nevertheless (१) 7, 129

तौ, correl. ind., conditional, ‘‘ Then’’, 298 ; ‘‘ Certainly (2) ’’, 95.

<ss, ind. onomat. expressive of the noise of falling water, 196.

दुरो, adj., Hostile, harmful, painful”, eCifa दुःखोत्पाद्‌ कः, 65. `

eat, m./“ Command, permission”, 58, 80.

दैेठालौ, m., “Sight, the coming in sight’, 116.

९३८ वेलि fear रुकमणी सी

ugaut; v., “To flash’’, 119.

धरदरणौ, v., Lo pour (0) 1)

धसणौ, v., ‘To pass through ’’, 168.

yresiag, m., ˆ ^ downpour of rain’’, 119.

ai, f. (sic), ““ Firmness, courage, confidence ’’, 70.

ugica, m., “A dust-storm”’, वालि, arsfe कोरण तेद नो रज, 193.

भरगन्रमो, f., “Throbbing, pulsation, palpitation of the heart, 176.

y,m., “The head, skull’’, 121; भूमाल्‌ा, f., “4 garland of skulls”’,. 107.

नड, m., “A water-fall (१) ’, पवेतानां निभेर प्रवाद शब्द, 196.

नदशो, v., “To 120८ "°, थापणौ, 62.

नासफरिम, m., ^“ Avarice, parsimony, sparingness’’, 182.

निकुर, m., ^“ ^ mason, a stone-cutter”’, Hawt, 110.

निगरभर, adj., ^“ Fullof...’’, 181 ; Crowded, dense, crammed ”’, 247.

fas, for नोडि q.v., 163.

निद, f.. ^“ Noise (of drums) `”, faats, 38.

निदसणौ, v., “To hang, swing ’’, 98; “To rage, to be strong or violent ’’, 197.

wax, adj., ^“ 1171191, clear’’, निमेल, 206.

नोटि, ind., With difficulty’, कथमपि, mez, 220.

नौरोवर, m., ^“ {116 sea, ocean ’’, 145.

wai, (for नेतरौ), m., ““Churning-rope ’’, 62.

ने, accus.-dat. postpos., “To’’, 69.

acti, v., To enjoy, find pleasure 111 7", सुख अनुभवणौ, 191.

पकवान, m. (2), “Cooked food 7, 230.

पङ्करण, m., “A garment”, FTE वस्त्रम्‌, 220.

परठणौ, v., “To put, place a 40, 154; “To shoot (an arrow)’’, 109.

परवरणौ, v., ‘To spread about (intr ), to go everywhere ”’, विस- तरणौ, 253.

परि, instrum. used as a postpos., “‘ Like, after the manner of”, 14, 25, 42, 174, 216, 221; अणि परि, 235 : Sem परि, 15; नवो परि, 20, 126, 192.

पटल, dem. adj. (2), “That, yonder’, 203.

पाँतरणौ, v., ‘To aberrate, become imbecile `", 32, 33.

पारस, adv., ^“ All around, on all sides”’, परितः, चज wax, 107.

gut, v.. “To say, talk’’, 77.

राठौड़ राज परिधीराज रौ की १३९.

पुणि, ind. copulative, 1.

प्रख।लित (cfr. Skt. warfed), p.p., ^“ Washed, whitened ’’, 205.

परति, postpos. of the accus.-dat., ““To’’, 223; “to, towards’’, (with verbs of speaking to, addressing, etc.), 31, 288 ; com- parative, ‘‘Than’’, 9, 190, 295; distributive, 39.

प्रारथित (Skt. प्राथित), p.p., ‘Revived’, दन्नसुखोपाय, 174.

प्रासणौ, v., “To eat up’’, 59.

प्रोञ्चणौ, ¥., To tie, bined, clasp”, 93.

फरदरणौ, v., “To break loose, to get loose (said of the wind) 77, 217.

फदर वणौ, v., “To cause to fly or पल्ला , 250.

बाभणौ (Ap. ganz < Skt. बध्यते), ए. pass., “To be bound’, 38.

बापकारणौ, v., ‘To stimulate, rouse, excite to fight, praise ”’,

` पचारणौ, STC करणौ, 123.

बारिग, f., ^“ ^ tent, canopy”’, wa, qeqet, 90.

बोरज, for बौजञ, “The second day of the moon”’, 14.

बेपुडो, for ast, adj. f., “Double, twofold”, 117.

बेलख, m. (१), “The shaft of an arrow”, gyarag, जिदं शएर यापो aimiaz ते aq, 131.

बेली, m., ^“ A companion, mate, helper ’’, 123.

भालियल्‌, m., “The forehead `, q~@z, 88.

भौरि, f.. ‘‘ Help, succour ’’, 216.

भुरड्णौ, v.. ("0 subdue, restrain, curb, coerce’’, 254.

wage, 111. (7), “A black ribbon or string’, सकतूूलगण श्छामपटद्‌- वरक, 81.

weaia, m. (१), ^^ Marrow, pith, core (of a fruit)’, wear, मो जो, 234.

मधि, loc. postpos., ‘In, in the middle, inside ’’, 28.

watwi, adj. f., ‘Capricious, independent”, मनमानो, मनोरक्तका, कन्दो वतिनी, 179.

wey, m., “The sea, ocean’’, 1 18.

मन्ति (cfr. Guj. माहिती) , f., “Information, news’’, 72.

मदर्‌, m., “A milkman, herdsman ”’, गजर, 114.

afearai, f. from the preceding, ^^ Milkmaid ”’, qact, 114.

मह्छवरि, f., “A kind of flute, a snake-charmer’s flute’, Ww aa वाजित, 227.

साणग, m., “Enjoyer”’, wa, भोमवणडार, 268.

माणएणौ, v., “To enjoy’, माणएयति भुनक्ति, wnat, 268.

मारङ्क्‌, m., “ˆ ^ 10116 ', 116.

१४० ate किसन रुकमणी री

मावीच, m. plur., The parents, father and mother ’”’, 34.

HET, possess. adj., “My `°, 45, 303.

रणौ, v., “To open the eyes (on awaking) ’’, 216. { 62.

म्‌, Ist pers. pron., gen. sing., 103, 296, 300, 302; accus. sing.,

मूक, lst pers. pron., gen. sing., 295, 297, 298; accus. sing., 59.

मेदि, f., ^“ ^ thrashing-stake, the stake round which the thrashing is made with a couple of bullocks”’, 127.

मे ल॒गर, m., A spectator”, कौतुक ग्रत्त क, 243.

a, Ist pers. pron., agentive sing., 2, 302, 304.

मो, Ist pers. pron., gen. sing., 301.

रदं, f., A churning staff, bran ’’, 62, 185.

रटणौ, v., “To weep, whine’”’, रोदितुम्‌, 231. .

रलतलणौ, v., “To flow in abundance ’”’, 122.

र्‌ रद्ध, ind. onomat., ^“ "°, 46. ॑।

रानि (Skt. cfg), f., ^^ rein’’, 89.

रिणाद, m., ^“ A money-lender, creditor’, wefwara, 220.

VS, ind. (2), Loudly ?”’, बाडदख्वरेण, 227.

aw, see «fe, 42.

“fe, instrum., used in the function of a postpos., ^“ Like, after the manner of . . .”’, 22. 26, 205.

रेसि, f. (१), ^ Wish, desire’, वाञ्छा, इच्छा ; often used as a post- position, ‘In order to, with the object, or for the purpose 0. ~ आ.

रौ, adjectival genitive postpos.; रे, loc. sing. m., 78; रे loc. plur., 20; रा, dir. plur. m., 23.

wfa, loc. postpos., “Up to, till”, 108, 123, 296.

wi, ditto, ‘To’, 56; “As far as”, 103.

wat, ditto, 44.

लङ्ग्‌, m., A chain or shackle for elephants ’’, 167.

waa, i., ^. ^ creeper’”, 191.

way, m., “Flexuous gait, graceful movements of the body m walking’, अनङ्गं मोड़णख, 109.

लसणौ, v., “To shine, appear beautiful or conspicuous ”’, 197.

wetica, m., “The sea, ocean”’, 141.

लाग, adj., Worthy, suitable’, योग्य, 104.

लारोवरि, ind., “In a row”, ललारोवरौति णिवन्धेन, 114.

weifa, f., ^“ ^ stable (of horses)’, लासिरिति मन्दुरा, णेटकं शाला, NIA, 241.

राठौड़ राज प्रिथीराज री कदी | २४१.

वड फरि, f., “A 5116] `, खरक, 129.

वणतौ, adj., ^“ Beautiful, comely’, कूड, चारू, 98.

वन्दर्‌वाल्‌ (Skt.* व।नरमाल्ला), f., “Some kind of floral ornamentation, wherewith the house in which a male child was born, was decorated, 233.

afc,ind , Like, as if”, 15, 34, 182; “Over, upon”’, 86.

asa, m., “A prattler”’, वाचाल, 4.

वाउलौ, adj., “‘ Mad, crazy’’, 4.

वाकारणौ, v., [0 stimulate, excite’, सरोषं प्ररितुम्‌, | 3

वांकिया, plur., see Notes, 89.

वागणौ, v., ‘To speak, talk’’, 130.

वारणौ, for उवारणौ, v., “To wave something over somebody’s head as a prevention against the evil eye’’, 147."

वाराह, m., “A lotus”, वारिज, 177.

वावरणौ, v., “To handle, wave (a sword)”, acare वादौ, 138.

aretz, f., “Rescue (of property stolen by armed robbers or enemies)”; arefe करणौ, v., “To rescue, recover (stolen property)”, वारि कतुम्‌, 64, 112.

aree, m., “A rescuer (of stolen property) ”’, 116.

विल कुलणो, v., “To become flushed in the face (from anger, etc.) ’’, 131.

विखादण्‌, m., “Commerce, trade’, विसाद णड, art, यवसाय. 295.

tafe, for वेडि, remote dem. pron., fem. sing., 169.

<x, m., “A brother ’’, 44, 75, 130.

aiceay, f., “A boast, a challenge”, वौराणां सुभटानां क्ताः खषबलल- aaral बाढखरण प्रकाशनम्‌, 118.

deat, v., “To mow, cut’, 126.

वेला दरण, m., “The sea, ocean”’, 63.

वेद, m. (2), ‘““An auspicious vessel used on festive occasions ”’, मङ्लकलगए, 153.

सङ्खार, m., ^` Harrowing, destruction” ; सङ्कार फरणौ, v., “To carry destruction 7, 127.

सञ्चोवणौ, v., “To place’’, 101.

gut, adj., “Firm, stout, compact ’’. 25, 239.

सनस, f., “Concern, anxiety, consideration’, wear, 133.

gata, m., Lightning’, वौजलौ, faqar, 119.

समा, postpos. (2), occurring in the phrase: दस मास खमा for quite ten months ’’, 229.

VBR वेलि किंसन रुकमणी री

समुदणौ, -४., ` ^^ 0 prepare one’s self to fight, to go against the enemy”, सच्जोथा वणौ, 117.

सम्प्रति, ind. used as a subst., “Reality (as opposed to खन्न “a dream ` `)“, yaa, 51.

सरि, (for सरिसं 2), adj., or postpos. (१), ‘‘ Like, equal to ”’, 34.

सरिस, postpos., ˆ With, together with’, 32, 150. 201.

ससत, adj., Unstable, oscillating (2) ’, खस तस्ततखलदष्टम्‌, 98.

सा, (< खा < Skt. ate), m., “Taste, €11] 01617 *, खाद्‌, 178.

साजजम, adj., ‘‘ Eager, full of zeal, passion, or excitement ”’, सोद्यम, 141.

साभि, f., ‘‘Desire’’, 183.

aity, m., “A bow ”, धनुष, 67.

सादण्‌, m., ^ vehicle, conveyance, draught-animal, horse, ele- phant, etc.”’, @TSU गजाश्चरथयदख्प, दाथो घोड़ा रथ wife, 282

arsfe, f. (2), ^“ ^ ery for help, invocation, call”, Raca, पुकार, aq, 113

सादौ. m., 4411 astrological moment’, 151.

facec (< सिर < Skt. शिखर), m., “A diadem, crest (fig.)’’, 10.

fad, m., ‘An ear of corn’, axet, 125, 126.

सिला, m. (१), “^ The flash of the lightning”, विस्फरणम्‌, 119.

सिलोसु ख, m., An 8110 , बाण, 67.

faex, (cfr. Skt. सहर, a mountain, L.), m., “A cloud °, सदर, qa, 119.

सु, correl. pron., m. sing., 47, 73, 173, 194, 204; m. plur., 23, 41, 95, 104, 127, 173, 284, 292; f. sing., 6; f. plur., 26, 79, 233 ; eat, 51; सुखदो, 1; oui, 19, 22, 32, 46, 94; pleonastic, 15, 39, 90, 99, 174.

que, adj., “Thrashed, ground, pounded”, 127

a, ablative postpos., 53, 61, 64, 103, 129, 152, 156, 166, 190, 290

quer, m., “A sleeping-room’”’, शएयनग्ट र, 158

सध), m., Scent, fragrance’’, सुगन्ध, 166.

va, †., ^“ ^ wife whose husband is living’, qwa@i, 217.

सोह, emphatic form of @, q.v., 40.

dita, ditto, 133.

हथनालि, f., “A match-lock ”’, 118.

रि, f., “‘ Desire, wish’, <=g1, 29, 77.

दरिदस, ‘The gun’, 27

खलल, ind., “Quickly, at once (?)”’, 123


cats राज faites री कदी १४

waz, f., “A kind of gun”, 118.

दिल वलणौ, v., “To be scattered all around, to swarm’, 105.

sami, v., “To blow, go off, explode °, विरित्यच्छलनम्‌, 118.

डचल्लरावणौ, v., “To rock (a baby) in the arms”’, 238.

द्‌, Ist pers. pron., dir. sing., 2, 51, 53, 61, 63, 65, 130.

र्‌ः ablative postpos. (cfr. सू), “From `. 01, 122.

त, ablative postpos., "^ From”’, 259. .

Sat, adjectival ablative postpos.; तौ, f. sing., 63, 91 ; Sar, m., plur., 45, 56, 72.

रेका ... Fat, adv., “‘On the one sidé . . . on the other side, here ... there’’, 48.

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